Americans Must Watch This ! Also pay attention how Anti-American Neo-Marxist try to interrupt and hijack the thread.

It's not white privilege. It's the New Democrat Party of Socialist privilege.

How much the CCP is donating to these groups below needs brought to light.

Because the Narcos are proxies of the CCP. The drugs they are dumping into the United States is chemical warfare and narco terrorism. When you buy their drugs you are funding their military and our future destruction. Not only that we have to pay taxes to fight it in a half ass manner, treatment for those addicted, and when you add up the deaths yearly. It's like dropping a bomb on a large population area. No worries though. They are replacing that population with their people.

If Trump wins his supporters will be too busy celebrating. She must be talking about Antifa, BLM, and the Jihadist supporters. Or the foreign operators that have been coming across the border.

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The Communist, Islamic Jihadist, and Nazis are working together to destroy and conquer Nations.

The Communist, Islamic Jihadist, aNazis are working together to destroy and conquer Nations.

This is why they don't want Patriots joining the military and learning skills to fight. They want your sons neutered and soft.


This why you you should bomb the weapons making factories and why I don't lose sleep when it happens.

Sounds like the shit they have been chanting on our streets the last several years. This why attempting to win hearts and minds by Bush was a huge failure. They only understood and respect one thing. You destroying them.

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