Amazing info from Dana's press conference

Cuyahoga Falls Eers

May 29, 2001
10 WVU players have TD passes this season after only 5 games.

Only 5 had TD passes all of the 2017 season.

Opponents can't zero in on a few receivers. It gives opposing defenses nightmares trying to contain Grier and every receiver who comes onto the field to replace the guy who just burned you for a TD.

I love it!

Now, do NOT go to sleep on Iowa State in Ames at night. It's when those rascals are at their most upset-conscious selves.

M agnificent Grier passes shredded Tennessee, 40-14
O verhelmed drenched Youngstown, 52-17
U nable to play North Carolina State because of Hurricane Florence
N asty defense against Kansas State, 35-6
T errific, then timid on offense against Texas Tech, 42-34
A ntsy time for fans, vs. Kansas!, 38-22
I n 6th place nationally heading to Ames and Iowa State
N ail Baylor
E rectile dysfunction Texas
E lectrify TCU
R eam Oklahoma State
S laughter Oklahoma
Are you sure some of the Kansas players weren't accidentally counted as WVU players?
:smiley: Good line, but no Kansas player scored on a Will Grier pass, thanks to Will's tackle at midfield. Poor Kansas defender; tackled by a QB. Big wuss!

M agnificent Grier passes shredded Tennessee, 40-14

O verhelmed drenched Youngstown, 52-17

U nable to play North Carolina State because of Hurricane Florence

N asty defense against Kansas State, 35-6

T errific, then timid on offense against Texas Tech, 42-34

A ntsy time for fans, vs. Kansas!, 38-22

I n 6th place nationally heading to Ames and Iowa State

N ail Baylor

E rectile dysfunction Texas

E lectrify TCU

R eam Oklahoma State

S laughter Oklahoma
:smiley: Good line, but no Kansas player scored on a Will Grier pass, thanks to Will's tackle at midfield. Poor Kansas defender; tackled by a QB. Big wuss!

M agnificent Grier passes shredded Tennessee, 40-14

O verhelmed drenched Youngstown, 52-17

U nable to play North Carolina State because of Hurricane Florence

N asty defense against Kansas State, 35-6

T errific, then timid on offense against Texas Tech, 42-34

A ntsy time for fans, vs. Kansas!, 38-22

I n 6th place nationally heading to Ames and Iowa State

N ail Baylor

E rectile dysfunction Texas

E lectrify TCU

R eam Oklahoma State

S laughter Oklahoma
Very true, and Kansas had returned three interceptions for TDs this season. They are #1 in turnover margin and turnovers gained.
I didn't know our receivers could throw passes. Unless you're saying Grier has thrown TD passes to 10 different receivers.

He frequently makes those mistakes. I mean pass and reception are practically the same thing. Just be prepared to be called a poor loser that lives in his/her mother's basement while hearing about an 85 year old man's 401K.
10 WVU players have TD passes this season after only 5 games.

Opponents can't zero in on a few receivers. It gives opposing defenses nightmares trying to contain Grier and every receiver who comes onto the field to replace the guy who just burned you for a TD.

He must be zeroing on one guy in the end zone considering the interceptions he threw. You would think he would use his other 9 receivers.
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Warez was the only player I ever saw to throw passes to himself.

MikeRafone...............thanks for the compliment. I was also famous for the 'juke' move. I could juke a defender out of his shoes! A few folks have also seen my 'phantom' move. it was difficult to pick up for the untrained eye. Warez
I know. The Phantom was how you caught all those passes you threw to yourself. It must be a gift, I've never seen anyone pull it off?

The few QB's I've seen catch their own passes had to have them knocked back at them by the defense. That ain't a good thing.

There was some ancient Greek god who was fixated with his own reflection, Euell. Toronto isn't Greek is he? It may be the same fella.
I know. The Phantom was how you caught all those passes you threw to yourself. It must be a gift, I've never seen anyone pull it off?

The few QB's I've seen catch their own passes had to have them knocked back at them by the defense. That ain't a good thing.

There was some ancient Greek god who was fixated with his own reflection, Euell. Toronto isn't Greek is he? It may be the same fella.
Mike, He may be Greek. He definitely likes his own reflection which, quite frankly, is a little difficult to understand if you get my drift. He CLAIMS to be Canadian, but has never heard of Gordon Lightfoot, Anne Murray, or Leonard Cohen. Also, how does one from the "Great White North" become such an avid WVU Mountaineer and Pittsburgh Penguin fan? Pretty suspicious, eh? I hope to see him and his cronies before the Baylor game and after they have consumed a few Yuenglings, use my interrogative skills to get a few answers.
Mike, He may be Greek. He definitely likes his own reflection which, quite frankly, is a little difficult to understand if you get my drift. He CLAIMS to be Canadian, but has never heard of Gordon Lightfoot, Anne Murray, or Leonard Cohen. Also, how does one from the "Great White North" become such an avid WVU Mountaineer and Pittsburgh Penguin fan? Pretty suspicious, eh? I hope to see him and his cronies before the Baylor game and after they have consumed a few Yuenglings, use my interrogative skills to get a few answers.

Well, let's find out if TorontoEERs has heard of Fred Eaglesmith. TorontoEERs works for me and I trust that he is true in every respect. What about it a Fred Head? Warez
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Well, let's find out if TorontoEERs has heard of Fred Eaglesmith. TorontoEERs works for me and I trust that he is true in every respect. What about it a Fred Head? Warez
Torontoeers having a rough time currently. He lost his beloved Newfie yesterday. Hopefully, a big Mountaineer victory tonight may assauge his pain just a tad. Let's Go Mountaineers!

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