I'm not a proponent of the death penalty because we know that innocent people gets executed. However.....in this clear cut heinous case.....I would be even be ok with torturing the asshole. Maybe they could turn him loose into an area and let some of our gun nut hunters have a crack at him.
This post makes no sense. It’s just partisan hate filled vomit.How many Leftists who already shout down political speech or attack those who disagree with them would be ready to shoot those in opposition to their Leftist orthodoxy if Government Leftists were the only ones allowed to have guns?
Isn't it interesting how all of the calls for gun bans never involve banning them from the Government?
This post makes no sense. It’s just partisan hate filled vomit.
I’m just sayin.....that post made no fvcking sense man. It was Bullsh1tYou are the board's designated expert posting partisan hate filled vomit that makes no sense right boomer?
I’m just sayin.....that post made no fvcking sense man. It was Bullsh1t
1) you’re going to your old go to again: all “leftists” are the same. There are “rightists” that shut down free speech too, Advocate for gay conversion therapy, Want minority races shipped off to other nations, and seek to dissolve our federal government completely. Do I simply lump them all together for argument sake? No. Because it’s partisan vomit.alright then boomer...free country...free speech..let's examine what was wrong or "hate filled" in post # 46 shall we?
do Leftist agitators "shut down" political opposition speech?
Do gun bans keeping them away from law abiding citizens only work?
Do you trust Government as the only ones who would have guns after a "ban" on ownership of them?
I think 82 gave us the answer to that in post #44 of this thread
So now go ahead boomer my "un" hate filled friend. What in my post #46 was "hate filled" or "BS" or made "no sense"?
The floor is yours.
1) you’re going to your old go to again: all “leftists” are the same. There are “rightists” that shut down free speech too, Advocate for gay conversion therapy, Want minority races shipped off to other nations, and seek to dissolve our federal government completely. Do I simply lump them all together for argument sake? No. Because it’s partisan vomit.
2) the Bullsh1t about not wanting guns removed from government thing. First off, only a minority of “leftists” actually want all guns taken away from people outside of government. Maybe some do, but most realize this is unconstitutional and really just a fantasy. And even if “leftists” do want most types of guns banned, what would make sense about banning them from our government. LE protects my family and arrests criminals with hugs? The US Army goes after terrorists with stern finger shaking? Maybe you think all “leftists” are that silly and stupid, but it just isn’t reality. It’s just.......what?......partisan vomit.
You just keep trying to widen the divide. You’re not trying to discuss a topic. You don’t seek political discourse. Not with posts like that.....you just seek to puke up hatred of Americans. That’s it.
OK boomer...you didn't address my specific comment or any of my specific responses as answers to your specific charge of the post being hate filled and bs and making no sense.
Leftists do want guns all banned, they never involve keeping them away from Government and the reason we have the right to keep and bear arms is to protect ourselves not only from gun toting crazy people but gun toting Government crazy people who will shoot you if you disagree with them!
Just like those Leftist Socialists in China shot 20 million folks who disagreed with them and had no guns to shoot back after they were all "banned" except for the Government!
The only one spewing hate in this exchange is YOU boom, accusing me of what you are doing but that is typical "MO" on the Left. Thanks for sharing.
You’re blind. I made a comment about your post.....you whined that my comment wasn’t justified.....I explained why my comment was justified.....you said I never addressed your SECOND post in my explaination.....I say, you blind, you no know what’s a going on, I post meme to make the fun.....big laugh.....happyIs that a "hate filled" meme that makes no sense boomer?
You’re blind. I made a comment about your post.....you whined that my comment wasn’t justified.....I explained why my comment was justified.....you said I never addressed your SECOND post in my explaination.....I say, you blind, you no know what’s a going on, I post meme to make the fun.....big laugh.....happy
You mean the second post I DIDNT comment about?OK what was your exact response to my comment that it's the Government who shoots those who politically oppose it when they are unarmed?
I'm sure you addressed that central part of my post but somehow I just glossed over it. You can repost it here for me boom.
You’re blind. I made a comment about your post.....you whined that my comment wasn’t justified.....I explained why my comment was justified.....you said I never addressed your SECOND post in my explaination.....I say, you blind, you no know what’s a going on, I post meme to make the fun.....big laugh.....happy
do Leftist agitators "shut down" political opposition speech?
Do gun bans keeping them away from law abiding citizens only work?
Do you trust Government as the only ones who would have guns after a "ban" on ownership of them?
You mean the second post I DIDNT comment about?
You mean the second post I DIDNT comment about?
All right then boomer. Tell me what was your "specific" answer to each of the questions I asked below in direct response to your charge that my post made "no sense"?
I will direct you, sir, to my original post on this Tom foolery.I mean the answer you posted as a direct rebuttal to my assertion.
I will direct you, sir, to my original post on this Tom foolery.
I mean a direct rebuttal to this statement:
"it's the Government who shoots those who politically oppose it when they are unarmed?"
True or False?
I will direct you, sir, to my original post on this Tom foolery.
Oh geez, you’ve never pulled that one before have you. The you won’t (or can’t) answer my questions thang.That's why I missed your answer, because you didn't answer me. But I understand why you won't (or can't). No problem boomer...but your difficulty in directly answering me certainly betrays your assertion that my post was "nonsense" or "bs" or didn't make any sense doesn't it?
As upset as......what exactly? See your silly little ego laden excercise really makes no sense. Did I say I was upset with something on the subject of guns? Or are we simply lumping everyone left of center together again?Hey boomer here's another one you can not answer.
Were you as upset with the gun running the Obama administration was doing under fast and furious as you are that this current Congress won't pass a restriction on American citizen's gun ownership?
Post another silly, hate filled, senseless bs meme to answer that one boom.
Oh geez, you’ve never pulled that one before have you. The you won’t (or can’t) answer my questions thang.
Ok - just once today I play your silly little game.
The question my cowardice refuses (or my ignorance can’t) answer is:
“It’s the government that shoots those that politically oppose it, when they are unarmed?”
Right? That’s the glorious question I’m duckin, right?
Gee....let’s see....cause this is such a well formed, specific, and legitimate question, it’s a toughy. I guess I’ll have to assume that “the government” would mean a fully “leftist” government born of solely leftwing radicals that stand in opposition to everything you believe? Right, the government that EVERYONE that doesn’t agree with your political positions wants. I guess I’ll have to further assume that this “leftist” government will be obviously totalitarian or communist in nature and vicious and aggressive. And those that oppose it will be stripped of their arms by that government?
So then I guess your answer would be yes, unarmed dissenters would probably be shot by government like that, assuming all of the above is true of your fantasy government and hypothetical opposition and conditions of political conflict.
But I think I already addressed that by saying, 1) not all “leftists” think alike 2) not all “leftists” want all guns banned
Further more, my original comment claiming your post was partisan hate filled vomit - indicates that that question was Bullsh1t too, but since you want to call me a coward and ignorant for not answering it......there you go. Waste everybody’s time.
As upset as......what exactly? See your silly little ego laden excercise really makes no sense. Did I say I was upset with something on the subject of guns? Or are we simply lumping everyone left of center together again?
Personally, I have been UPSET with our nation’s relationship with guns for my entire life. I believe in gun rights. I think a person should be able to own a weapon if they choose. I even think people should be able to own crazy nasty weapons if they choose. I think the process to be able to own a weapon should be much more extensive and difficult though. I think the ability to own automatic weapons (assault weapons?) should be very difficult. I think the process to be able to conceal and carry should be extremely difficult.
By difficult I mean: One should be licensed to own or carry any firearm, and getting that license should be a difficult process that requires showing knowledge of gun safety and adequate ability to operate the weapon. Gun safety laws should be passed that outline how weapons should be handled and stored...any violations of gun safety laws (which should be specific, extensive and directly on the books) would warrant a suspension or banning of the right to own a weapon. Any violent crime convictions should nullify that person’s rights to own a weapon. Any gun accident should be investigated and if violations of safety laws were found, the guilty would suspend or give up their rights to ownership.
But mostly, imo, the amount of guns produced should be substantially limited. If we have to subsidize production, fine. Make less guns, much less guns.
I haven’t been happy with anything our government has done along these lines for a long time. Left- right....Clinton, Bush, Congress or Obama.....no one has done right by our people in this area.
But you don’t want to know my personal beliefs on the subject. You just want to create the “leftist” monster everyday to pin all your rage onto. By making this fictional character of political opposition, your world makes so much more sense.
That’s why I called your post what I did. And you keep coming with the same bs. You want to discuss policy? You want political discourse? Respect opposition views from individuals, speak to the person - not the other side, and stop with the “my team- your team” rhetoric.
You’re gone man. Just gone.That Government I asked about was China boomer, and in fact most Totalitarian Governments like them are Leftist and don't want any political opposition and that's why they confiscate the guns.
Our own IRS scandal, the FBI scandal, the DNC and Obama/DOJ scandal trying to silence their political opposition should also have you concerned about what would happen to us if you Leftists manage to convince Americans to surrender their weapons.
News flash boomer; my sincere Leftist believer in all things Government, you will never get them (our guns) because that will never happen (a gun ban).
I know how much that little factoid rankles you true believers in the Socialist cause because you know without those Guns it's a lot harder to pull off as easy as you did in China and Cuba, and North Korea, but it's the Wisdom of our Founders who were a whole lot smarter than most of you Godless Atheists who would also just assume our Constitution be turned into but your butt ribbon too.
It may not be true all Governments shoot their unarmed political opposition but all Leftist Totalitarian Governments do.
As upset as......what exactly
Your post was pure partisan Bullsh1t. I called it out, I should do more of it. I’m liberal, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love Democracy.Sure boom I'll do all of that when you lead the way.
But when you start off calling people names, derisively dismissing or characterizing their opinions that are simply in opposition, posting silly memes to questions you can't or won't answer, or generally just positioning your opinions above all others, you can't demand the respect you refuse to offer first.
You make some good points boom, (this post is an example) but you're not always right and people will disagree with you or post their own opinions not asking for your permission to do so. Respect that too.
You’re gone man. Just gone.
Did my response not indicate it? I didn’t vote for Obama in ‘12 for many reasons.I gave you a specific reference point, you went off on that whole rant but STILL never directly my question.
What was your level of anger, frustration, disgust, calls for Justice, outrage, or general apoplexy over the Obama Administration's illegal gun running operation to the Mexican Drug cartels under Fast & furious?
Your post was pure partisan Bullsh1t. I called it out, I should do more of it. I’m liberal, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love Democracy.
Did my response not indicate it? I didn’t vote for Obama in ‘12 for many reasons.
You’re gone man. Just gone.
Shimmy shimmy shake and flutter flutter fakeThat's a nice respectful reply to my post that considers my position on our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms and my unwillingness to trust Government or politicians or a political party that demands we surrender our weapons.