Never said that. Just that your op was partisan vomit bs that made no sense. Your “leftist”, everybody left of center wants a communist government, can’t be Christian and left at the same time, socialist solutions mean you want a communist government generalizations are just ridiculous and getting fvcking old.
Socialist/Leftist checklist: Do Leftists & Socialists agree on any of the below?
Income redistribution in favor of Government run Social programs? "yes"
Limits on accumulation of wealth, private ownership of business? "Yes"
Government run or paid for or subsidized Health care? "Yes"
Government control over the economy in terms of resources, freedom of or terms of the means of production, movement, etc? "Yes"
Limits on individual rights in favor of "group" or "collective" rights? "Yes"
Restrictions on private gun ownership or elimination of ownership of them by private citizens? "Yes"
Government Supremacy over all affairs human, including subservience of Religious beliefs to the State or up to and including elimination of Faith or the free practice of it in either the Public square or in the Government? "Yes"
Strict Government controls over and direction of private resources in the economy in favor of stopping environmental pollution or fixing damage to "the climate"? "Yes"
Pro Abortion, or against a "pre born" protection of all Human Life? "Yes"
General Atheism or lack of belief if not outright dismissal of Godly authority or the authority of the God named in the Bible? "Yes"
Again, go up or down any checklist of Socialists and/or Leftists and you will find very few fundamental disagreements between them about Big Government or how to run it.