19JAN2021... real news for real Americans.... President Trump won reelection on 3NOV2020 !


In a new financial slap at China, Pres Trump issues Executive Order barring US investment in companies with ties to China's military. The order is intended to cut off access to US capital that would help China expand and modernize its military, intelligence & other security ops.
“Gen. Chi warned audience, “United States stands in China’s way of our need for new living space...Only US, Canada & Australia have the vast land we need for mass colonization”

Many of the court cases being filed all over the Country are not ours, but rather those of people that have seen horrible abuses. Our big cases showing the unconstitutionality of the 2020 Election, & the outrage of things that were done to change the outcome, will soon be filed!

Why does the Fake News Media continuously assume that Joe Biden will ascend to the Presidency, not even allowing our side to show, which we are just getting ready to do, how badly shattered and violated our great Constitution has been in the 2020 Election.

It was attacked, perhaps like never before! From large numbers of Poll Watchers that were thrown out of vote counting rooms in many of our States, to millions of ballots that have been altered by Democrats, only for Democrats, to voting after the Election was over, to using Radical Left owned Dominion Voting Systems, turned down by Texas and many others because it was not good or secure, those responsible for the safeguarding of our Constitution cannot allow the Fake results of the 2020 Mail-In Election to stand.

The World is watching!

I have reversed the ridiculous decision to cancel Wreaths Across America at Arlington National Cemetery.

It will now go on!
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The only thing secure about our 2020 Election was that it was virtually impenetrable by foreign powers.

On that, the Trump Administration takes great credit.

Unfortunately, the Radical Left Democrats, Dominion, and others, were perhaps more successful!
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Donald Trump
· Jul 20, 2012

I am impressed with the scam Barack Obama pulled, but the truth will come out.

When Donald Trump took office, 12,966 military members were serving in Afghanistan & 7,538 were in Iraq.

By Jan. 15, American troop presence will be reduced to 2,500 in Afghanistan & 2,500 in Iraq.

President Trump is ending the endless foreign wars.

God Bless our troops!
USAF B-52Hs #WARBRD1 & 2 departed Minot AFB, North Dakota on a 24+ hour round-trip Global Power Mission to the Middle East region.

They are ....and I can personally attest as I have spent the last 3 days looking at indisputable evidence from a great tech and legal team... no words can describe the depravity of the orchestrators of this plot .... it’s mind blowing ...

God help us