118th Congress Vote on Speaker of the House: 3-6JAN2023... McCarthy was ONE VOTE SHY... They're voting again... it took 15 tries

I liked this analysis, lays out a good roadmap for what's next and what really was at stake or important in this fight.

A few excerpts:

Last night, a group of reporters asked Chip Roy what he was after, and he said it was all about “empowering us to stop the machine in this town from doing what it does.” That machine won’t do much in the next two years, for good or bad, and if that’s what these members are after, then you’d have to say they will succeed — whether McCarthy survives or not.


If the members opposing McCarthy end up with seats on the Rules Committee, they will have shown that applying pressure in vulnerable moments can create opportunities for structural change in the House. They don’t seem to agree on a broad vision of what such change should look like. But a faction of members who did share such a vision could really advance some significant and much-needed reforms — of the budget process, the committee system, the role of the leadership, and more.


as a practical matter, the added power to stop the machine will be most significant when it comes to a debt-ceiling fight — which was also always going to be a huge challenge in this Congress. If they want to see the debt ceiling raised, the administration and congressional Democrats need to think now about how to avoid making it the subject of a pointed confrontation that would leave Republicans without any room to give ground. That’s not at all how the Democrats seem to be thinking about it at the moment, though, so a breach of the debt ceiling is an all-too-real possibility. That’s the most significant predictable systemic risk of the coming year, and if either party thinks it can just blame it on the other and win the day, it is dreaming.

Again this was an insightful analysis of the games these folks were playing, but there was a significant and possibly swamp changing battle underway during this skirmish. Was it worth it? We shall see? I think it was a worthwile fight.

Read the full article here. Very entertaining as well as informative

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We were never going to get so many swamp creatures to vote non-establishment.

An agreement was the goal because that was feasible.

It was also something the establishment REFUSED to consider giving up until now.

It's a small win, but I bet it really hurts McCarthy and the swamp (Remember, the Squad were told they couldn't do this at all and HAD to vote for Pelosi) - this smashes that lie out of the park.
Amid the late-night effort to elect a speaker for the 118th Congress, Montana Republican and McCarthy holdout Matt Rosendale waves off Marjorie Taylor Greene as she tries to hand him her cell phone, which has former President Trump on the line.


Tell me the system isn't rigged.

Then, in the same breath, try telling me the best that the greatest country in the entire world has to offer is Kevin McCarthy and Hakeem Jeffries.
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Mike Davis


Everyone assumed Kevin McCarthy would have an easy path to the speakership.

But conservative grassroots said otherwise.

We held his feet to the fire and got historic concessions.

We’re not done yet.

McCarthy better keep his promises.

Or we’ll have another vote for speaker.

Representative Mike Rodgers tried to attack Matt Gaetz and had to be physically restrained.

The uniparty hates the American people, Congress won't be paid until a house speaker is chosen and they want your money !

Christian Nationalists of USA

Doesn't matter what "deals" were made, they will be a pittance or not kept at all.

No one likes congress, keeping it shut down for the whole year would have been better than this.

Realize, the only way forward is grass roots.

Stop supporting politicians, support your neighbors.
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Amid the late-night effort to elect a speaker for the 118th Congress, Montana Republican and McCarthy holdout Matt Rosendale waves off Marjorie Taylor Greene as she tries to hand him her cell phone, which has former President Trump on the line.

I actually think Trump could have and should have done more to insert himself into this battle to try and broker an agreement. He could be considered a "de-facto" President shaping the Congress for his next term, and I think he could have actually brokered an agreement that would make all sides look like winners. Missed opportunity for him. Maybe he'll step in or at least offer to forge a governing coalition?
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Calling it now.

MTG is sleeping with McCarthy.

It's the only explanation for her sudden and inexplicable heel-turn.
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" oh daddy do what you want "
Mtg to McCarthy.....

Does that mean these guys are sleeping with him? I don't really care for McCarthy but all that is a little silly. Everyone take a lap.

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I absolutely love what they was holding out for . History will be on there side .
The real question should be why did there need to be 2 votes. If these things were common before Pelosi and Kevin wanted to do the right thing it shouldn't have taken 6 people to hold out to push him to do the right thing.
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The real question should be why did there need to be 2 votes. If these things were common before Pelosi and Kevin wanted to do the right thing it shouldn't have taken 6 people to hold out to push him to do the right thing.
Shows just how bad it is in D.C from both sides and just how important term limits should be to all Americans.

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