Will Joe Biden survive this?

Wouldn't it be racist to suggest a black guy can't be one? Internalized racism is a pretty widespread.

Now how can I be racist? I'm Black and @countryroads89 says I don't even vote in my own best interests! (which means I don't vote Democrat)

Is that what makes me "racist"?

Say 'lil man I'm Black and voted for Trump...what you think?
Clinton was impeached, Edwards was forced out of the race, Menendez faced the music, Gary Hart had to drop out, Kennedy kept it hidden until afterward and Ted was forever tarnished by the scandal, meanwhile you rubes elected Trump and still exalt him as Gods chosen one, we don't do that for anyone, let alone for anyone who likes to grab pussies and pay off porn stars. Don't equate us with your imbecilic tribe, AOC sucks!, hell we don't even chant Trump sucks, lmfao. It ain't a look on me, it's a look on you, I hope all your daughters get to be a Trump types first wife! lmfao.

Oh sh*t @Keyser76 I almost forgot...Democrat party Co chair Keith Ellison's girlfriend called him out as a sexual abuser and the Left yawned...remember this chick?
Karen Monahan??????

...and most recently the Lt. Governor of Virginia was given a pass by the Left for his alleged sexual abuse.

This chick says he was brutal...the Left hasn't so much as even reprimanded him!
Vanessa Tyson

So tell me @Keyser76 , is there similar "outrage" from your side over these allegations as there is for Trump "grabbing Pussies"?

Why not?
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I’m not the arbiter of racism. That seems a position solely reserved for liberals.

If you're Black and don't agree with them that you should be happy on the Democrat plantation, you're a racist.
did you racists forget about this picture already ?

the one that was hidden so Barry could win....

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Know what I think? I think it's the George Soros/Bernie Sanders kook fringe Left. They don't want an old "white guy" for Prez....they want a full fledged radical carrying the party's banner in 2020, and they sort of went away quietly after Hillary rigged Bernie's run in '16. Pay back is:
"a real Mutha for 'ya!"

Sing it Johnny Guitar Watson!

did you racists forget about this picture already ?

the one that was hidden so Barry could win....


Notice how much support today's Democrats have for Israel? Just like Minister Louis and his friend "Barack"
Now how can I be racist? I'm Black and @countryroads89 says I don't even vote in my own best interests! (which means I don't vote Democrat)

Is that what makes me "racist"?

Say 'lil man I'm Black and voted for Trump...what you think?

Let me be clear about this. I didn't call you a racist, but you were absolutely helping to further a racial stereotype. You guys can like or hate Abrams, that's fine. You shouldn't center an entire, or any part, of the conversation about how she is greasy and eats too much fried chicken. Be better than that.

I can give you 10,000 reasons that you shouldn't vote for Trump, but being black isn't one of them.
So, you think it wasn't?
No. The conversation about chicken involved her sweaty neck being greasy like a chicken leg. You are the one who assumed because she was black and there was fried chicken involved it was racist. You are a race baiting shit for brains who fukd up. Take the L.
ITT, dvldog and dumb dave prove again they are racists. You guys can stop now. We got the picture long ago.
ITT, dvldog and dumb dave prove again they are racists. You guys can stop now. We got the picture long ago.

April Fools was yesterday. It’s back to the other 364 days a year where your posts just highlight your ignorance.
Let me be clear about this. I didn't call you a racist, but you were absolutely helping to further a racial stereotype. You guys can like or hate Abrams, that's fine. You shouldn't center an entire, or any part, of the conversation about how she is greasy and eats too much fried chicken. Be better than that.

Hey my friend..I live here in Georgia. I see lots of "greasy" Negroes here everyday. They're my people, and some of 'em are beautiful but use a little too much pomade in their hair. That's not "racist"...that's reality!

Stacy is a fine lady. I don't know her personally. But I sure can look at her, and she looks exactly like a lot of the "greasy" Negroes I see here everyday. That's a common relaxer she uses in her hair and it "shines" like grease, as well as on her skin which she probably also uses a glossy cocoa butter to keep from being 'ashy' since our Black skin tends to dry out down here.

As for how much fried chicken she eats...I'm sure she eats her fair share but that's not all she eats.... I mean look at her! :scream:

Shut up.
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I can give you 10,000 reasons that you shouldn't vote for Trump, but being black isn't one of them.

10,000 Leftists call anyone who supports Trump a "racist". I'm Black, and I support Trump's policies. Am I a "racist" too?
10,000 Leftists call anyone who supports Trump a "racist". I'm Black, and I support Trump's policies. Am I a "racist" too?
Lol, who cares? can I call the Nazis and KKK dudes who support Trump racists? all Republicans who support Trump ain't racist, some of them are just rich, lol, but I'll tell ya one thing skippy, all racists support Trump, they ain't jumping on my diverse bandwagon, ya play on a team with them on your bench you might get a bit of racist by association.
Lol, who cares? can I call the Nazis and KKK dudes who support Trump racists? all Republicans who support Trump ain't racist, some of them are just rich, lol, but I'll tell ya one thing skippy, all racists support Trump, they ain't jumping on my diverse bandwagon, ya play on a team with them on your bench you might get a bit of racist by association.
Well that is false. David Duke supports Omar.
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Lol, who cares? can I call the Nazis and KKK dudes who support Trump racists? all Republicans who support Trump ain't racist, some of them are just rich, lol, but I'll tell ya one thing skippy, all racists support Trump, they ain't jumping on my diverse bandwagon, ya play on a team with them on your bench you might get a bit of racist by association.

Does that apply to your side and Socialists...who most of you deny you are? What about Pro Abortion Baby killers who don't want any restrictions on the sanctity of Life...even after the little tykes are born! Most of those folks are Democrat...can I call you a "Baby killer" along with the rest of them?
Hey @Keyser76 I'm still looking for your "outrage" posts over Democrat party co chair Keith Ellison and Virginia Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax. Where's your "outrage" over their "pussy bashing"...not just "pussy grabbing" like Trump?o_O
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How cute. The racist calling people racist. The only people bringing up race here were boomer and you.

Is that the same poster who ignores me and sent me a picture of Stephen from "Django" because it wasn't racist? Now that OP is calling folks "racist"

