Trump Promised to Bring the Coal Industry Back

@Soaring Eagle 74 trying to explain his advanced knowledge of the coal industry
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What do you think anti-Capitalist Leftists posting in this thread hate more...the words or who's saying them?
@Soaring Eagle 74 ...upset over the evolutionary advancement of modern fossil fuel conveniences powered by coal in his native habitat
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@Soaring Eagle 74 's last girlfriend told him what to do after he tried to convince her to switch to renewable energy
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LOL..... So, you're disputing the main source of information on energy in the US. The EIA is a government agency that IS the bible on energy facts. You might as well go back to watching CNN ..... or get back out in the streets and protest some more... You're nothing but a dumbass.....

LMAO! That is where just about all of the info I have posted has come from and you have been arguing against it but now admit it is the Bible. That is where the cost info came from. That is where the percentage of electricity generation came from.
So you do concede less than 50% of electricity is now produced from coal, coal is not the most economical or lowest total cost form of electricity production and more than 2% of electricity is produced from renewables?

You are incredibly stupid. LMAO!
LMAO! That is where just about all of the info I have posted has come from and you have been arguing against it but now admit it is the Bible. That is where the cost info came from. That is where the percentage of electricity generation came from.
So you do concede less than 50% of electricity is now produced from coal, coal is not the most economical or lowest total cost form of electricity production and more than 2% of electricity is produced from renewables?

You are incredibly stupid. LMAO!

You are calling him stupid yet arguing that something which is cheaper than coal (renewables) provides only 2% of our energy needs? Just like earlier in the thread you insisted the cost of electricity went down from increased uses of natural gas just as Obama promised it would have to increase in order to follow his arcane "cap and trade" energy policies, which included restrictions on the uses of low cost coal.

That argument is so illogically stupid, it's stupid to even argue it as simple logic. Yet here you are.

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LMAO! That is where just about all of the info I have posted has come from and you have been arguing against it but now admit it is the Bible. That is where the cost info came from. That is where the percentage of electricity generation came from.
So you do concede less than 50% of electricity is now produced from coal, coal is not the most economical or lowest total cost form of electricity production and more than 2% of electricity is produced from renewables?

You are incredibly stupid. LMAO!
I know the numbers. But you've missed all my main points... every one of them. Here's my top 10:

1) Fossil Fuels still supply over 80% of the US and the world's energy requirements.
2) Renewables supply 11% of the total US energy requirement. This includes hydro, geothermal and biomass, which are not expected to grow much.
3) Solar and wind, supply only 3.7% of the US energy requirement.
4) Solar supplies LESS than 1% of the US energy requirement.
5) Even though wind and solar represent only 3.7% of the US total energy needs, they saw significant growth over the past 10 years, in large part because Obama issued tax incentives and other subsidies.
6) The total cost of solar and wind (capital, financing, operating, etc.) has come down a lot over the past 10 years which makes them much more competitive with fossil fuels.
7) Fossil fuels offer a major advantage against wind and solar because they are not intermittent. Current (battery) storage capacity won't allow too much concentration of wind and solar because of blackouts when there is no wind or sun.
8) Ongoing energy cost to produce BTU's show that coal is slightly cheaper than natural gas, but new coal plants have higher capital costs and produce twice the CO2 as natural gas. That's why the total cost of gas is cheaper than coal for new plants. This is not the case in most parts of the world, where low-cost natural gas is not available. That is why coal is the number 1 fuel for power generation in the world.
9) Obama's regulations prematurely closed 100's of coal-fired power plants which harmed a large part of WV's population. Everyone knows this but you. Both Clinton and Biden have stated that they will continue the assault on all fossil fuels. The people in WV know that the Democrats couldn't care less about our energy state, so Trump destroyed Clinton and will destroy Biden in the election. You've stated that the reason is that the people in WV are stupid. This is totally not true, you're a moron and shouldn't even attend our sporting events with the rest of the fans that love WV and the people of our state.
10) Our country needs WV metallurgical coal to send to US steel companies to manufacture steel. Thank a coal miner if you use anything made of steel.
I know the numbers. But you've missed all my main points... every one of them. Here's my top 10:

1) Fossil Fuels still supply over 80% of the US and the world's energy requirements.
2) Renewables supply 11% of the total US energy requirement. This includes hydro, geothermal and biomass, which are not expected to grow much.
3) Solar and wind, supply only 3.7% of the US energy requirement.
4) Solar supplies LESS than 1% of the US energy requirement.
5) Even though wind and solar represent only 3.7% of the US total energy needs, they saw significant growth over the past 10 years, in large part because Obama issued tax incentives and other subsidies.
6) The total cost of solar and wind (capital, financing, operating, etc.) has come down a lot over the past 10 years which makes them much more competitive with fossil fuels.
7) Fossil fuels offer a major advantage against wind and solar because they are not intermittent. Current (battery) storage capacity won't allow too much concentration of wind and solar because of blackouts when there is no wind or sun.
8) Ongoing energy cost to produce BTU's show that coal is slightly cheaper than natural gas, but new coal plants have higher capital costs and produce twice the CO2 as natural gas. That's why the total cost of gas is cheaper than coal for new plants. This is not the case in most parts of the world, where low-cost natural gas is not available. That is why coal is the number 1 fuel for power generation in the world.
9) Obama's regulations prematurely closed 100's of coal-fired power plants which harmed a large part of WV's population. Everyone knows this but you. Both Clinton and Biden have stated that they will continue the assault on all fossil fuels. The people in WV know that the Democrats couldn't care less about our energy state, so Trump destroyed Clinton and will destroy Biden in the election. You've stated that the reason is that the people in WV are stupid. This is totally not true, you're a moron and shouldn't even attend our sporting events with the rest of the fans that love WV and the people of our state.
10) Our country needs WV metallurgical coal to send to US steel companies to manufacture steel. Thank a coal miner if you use anything made of steel.

As I said earlier ITT, you have been refreshingly informative on this topic, and it is beyond me how anyone could dismiss the future of coal in our immediate energy future both as a low cost alternative to more expensive sources and an effective basis for domestic manufacturing of steel or other by products which is a national domestic manufacturing strategy of the Trump administration.

There are no economically viable substitutes for fossil fuels to fly our Commercial Jet aircraft, power our locomotives, run our heavy haulers and equipment, or supply our U.S. armed forces. In short, the very lifeblood of our way of life and free enterprise economic system depends on the uninterruptible supply of domestically produced fossil fuels. Also as you have accurately pointed out, significant portions the world's economy also depend on them and the Unites States is strategically positioned to provide the vast majority of that low cost energy to the world thanks in part to coal.

So to sum up, fossil fuels protect our Freedom, and guarantee we can rely on it being protected. Anyone who doesn't realize fossil fuels will be a basic energy fact for us for at least the next half century until technology moves us to its low cost replacement is anti-American, anti-Capitalism and anti Freedom.

Appreciate your posts in this thread.
Didn’t bother reading. You’re obviously wrong on percentage of total electricity generation from coal, percentage of total electricity generation from renewables and total cost to produce electricity from various sources. With all of this discussion, you haven’t even cited once, “the Bible” for anyone in the coal industry. Yeah, you are a very poorly informed person in the industry, if you actually are in the industry.
If he’s actually ever been in the coal business, he won’t be for much longer, not with his level of denial and ignorance.
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If he’s actually ever been in the coal business, he won’t be for much longer, not with his level of denial and ignorance.

Coal will be around a lot longer than you will be. Want you of course to live a healthy and productive Life, but coal will assure that a lot longer for a lot more people alive today Globally and yet to come.

Sorry to paint such a limited future for you, but coal's future remains a lot brighter and will last far longer on this planet than yours will.
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If he’s actually ever been in the coal business, he won’t be for much longer, not with his level of denial and ignorance.
Coal gets debated here at length about once a year and I used to show all sorts of our Mercury impact data every time. Not worth it anymore with these clowns. Coal is dying and it’s still dirty. If they want to argue otherwise, let em.
As I said earlier ITT, you have been refreshingly informative on this topic, and it is beyond me how anyone could dismiss the future of coal in our immediate energy future both as a low cost alternative to more expensive sources and an effective basis for domestic manufacturing of steel or other by products which is a national domestic manufacturing strategy of the Trump administration.

There are no economically viable substitutes for fossil fuels to fly our Commercial Jet aircraft, power our locomotives, run our heavy haulers and equipment, or supply our U.S. armed forces. In short, the very lifeblood of our way of life and free enterprise economic system depends on the uninterruptible supply of domestically produced fossil fuels. Also as you have accurately pointed out, significant portions the world's economy also depend on them and the Unites States is strategically positioned to provide the vast majority of that low cost energy to the world thanks in part to coal.

So to sum up, fossil fuels protect our Freedom, and guarantee we can rely on it being protected. Anyone who doesn't realize fossil fuels will be a basic energy fact for us for at least the next half century until technology moves us to its low cost replacement is anti-American, anti-Capitalism and anti Freedom.

Appreciate your posts in this thread.

Very good points Atl.... very good...

What disappoints me the most about the haters on this thread and their disdain for anyone who doesn't think exactly like they do. They implore us to be open-minded to their vision of how things must be and are so passionate about them that they want to stuff everything down people's throats. Of course, I agree that we should be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains fall out. From what I've observed, I am convinced that they are much more narrow-minded than open-minded. And even worse, they don't have any problem throwing the baby out with the bathwater. They claim to be compassionate, but everything that they're pushing shows how uncompassionate they are. All you have to turn on the TV to witness the rioting, the hate, the filthy language, the burning and looting. They preach inclusion, but only if you believe exactly the way they believe. They twist and contort facts to fit their agenda and if it's not on CNN or MSNBC, it's not real. Unfortunately for them, they're killing their own cause with this madness. Any reasonable approach would have surely guaranteed a win in November for Trump's opponent. The pandemic and its effect on the economy should have finished Trump off, but their crazy behavior is sending shock waves through our country, state by state. Now, Biden is facing a real dog fight to beat an unpopular incumbent.

Frankly, I've been sickened and offended by the behavior of some on this board. Coal miners, like the greatest generation of our servicemen, should be admired and appreciated for what they've done for our country. Instead, they're being ridiculed and dismissed by the Left. Without our coal miners, there would have not been an industrial revolution in the US. And that's a fact. And contrary to one asshole on this board, these coal miners make up the fabric of the state I love and are tough, talented and extremely smart. I've stated over and over on this thread that no one in their right mind should be opposed to renewable energy. I'm certainly not. We need as much of it as we can put online, as long as it's more economical and reliable than the fossil fuels that get replaced. And if done properly, this would be phased in over time in accordance with the lifecycle of in-service plants. But the smart people of WV knew exactly what Obama and his sidekick Bloomberg had in mind when they slammed the door on coal miners. Obama raised taxes on businesses and then used that money to subsidize renewables and overregulate coal to tilt the table. It put scores of people out of work and its impact riffled through the coalfields. When these power plants were abruptly shuttered, scores of people in the coal industry were laid off. And the state felt the impact from the increased unemployment and loss of payroll taxes and severance taxes. Teachers were not given raises that they deserved and many small towns in WV were devastated. And I know one thing. Neither Obama or any of his lemmings give a damn about any of that.

I'll finish with this and sign off this thread. I'm not a big fan of Donald Trump because I believe he's a narcissist. But when you look at the platform he's supporting and compare it to Biden's platform (and his progressive supporters that are trying to destroy our country), there is no way on earth that I could not vote for the Republican.
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I know the numbers. But you've missed all my main points... every one of them. Here's my top 10:

1) Fossil Fuels still supply over 80% of the US.
2) Renewables supply 11% of the total US energy requirement.
3) Solar and wind, supply only 3.7% of the US energy requirement.
4) Solar supplies LESS than 1% of the US energy requirement.
5) Even though wind and solar represent only 3.7% of the US total energy needs, they saw significant growth over the past 10 years, in large part because Obama issued tax incentives and other subsidies.
6) The total cost of solar and wind (capital, financing, operating, etc.) has come down a lot over the past 10 years which makes them much more competitive with fossil fuels.
7) Fossil fuels offer a major advantage against wind and solar because they are not intermittent. Current (battery) storage capacity won't allow too much concentration of wind and solar because of blackouts when there is no wind or sun.
8) Ongoing energy cost to produce BTU's show that coal is slightly cheaper than natural gas, but new coal plants have higher capital costs and produce twice the CO2 as natural gas. That's why the total cost of gas is cheaper than coal for new plants. This is not the case in most parts of the world, where low-cost natural gas is not available. That is why coal is the number 1 fuel for power generation in the world.
9) Obama's regulations prematurely closed 100's of coal-fired power plants which harmed a large part of WV's population. Everyone knows this but you. Both Clinton and Biden have stated that they will continue the assault on all fossil fuels. The people in WV know that the Democrats couldn't care less about our energy state, so Trump destroyed Clinton and will destroy Biden in the election. You've stated that the reason is that the people in WV are stupid. This is totally not true, you're a moron and shouldn't even attend our sporting events with the rest of the fans that love WV and the people of our state.
10) Our country needs WV metallurgical coal to send to US steel companies to manufacture steel. Thank a coal miner if you use anything made of steel.

1) wrong - for 2019, coal was 23% and nat gas was 38% of all electricity generation in the US. Nuclear was 20% and all renewable was 17.5%
2) wrong - see 1 above.
3) wrong - wind alone is 7.3%.
4) wrong - solar is 1.8%
5) wrong - see 3 and 4 above.

there is no need to go anyfurther. You are not John Schroder. Anyone who has an MBA is not this stupid.

Fossil Fuels Still Supply 84 Percent Of World Energy — And Other Eye Openers From BP’s Annual Review

This is the kid of information Global warming "climate change" Leftists hate to face. All the while they sit in their comfortably air conditioning homes, watch T-V on their 65 inch 4HDTV's and drive their 70K Luxury Sport SUVs....all powered by fossil fuels.
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This is the kid of information Global warming "climate change" Leftists hate to face. All the while they sit in their comfortably air conditioning homes, watch T-V on their 65 inch 4HDTV's and drive their 70K Luxury Sport SUVs....all powered by fossil fuels.

People should get a quote for a solar system to run their homes. EXPENSIVE to buy. EXPENSIVE to buy replacement batteries.
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1) wrong - for 2019, coal was 23% and nat gas was 38% of all electricity generation in the US. Nuclear was 20% and all renewable was 17.5%
2) wrong - see 1 above.
3) wrong - wind alone is 7.3%.
4) wrong - solar is 1.8%
5) wrong - see 3 and 4 above.

there is no need to go anyfurther. You are not John Schroder. Anyone who has an MBA is not this stupid.
My god, I know your mother must have dropped you on your head when you were young. And you had to be a pathetic student. You don't read... you just like to run your big mouth. I've repeated over and over that there are two different subjects being discussed in this post: I'm talking about total energy used in the United States and the world which includes:

1) Power generation from utility plants (gas, coal nuclear, solar, wind, etc.) and put out on the electrical grid
2) Petroleum burned by automobiles, airplanes, trains, etc.
3) Gas, coal, solar, etc. direct burned in large industrial plants
4) Natural gas, solar, etc. plumbed directly into homes and used along with power off the utility grid
5) Coal used in the steel making process (in coke batteries, furnaces, coal injection)
6) etc.

In other words, ALL energy burned for every application in the US. The percentages that you keep throwing out are for my number 1) only - Power generated for the grid.

I swear, dirt road, you're a real dumbass. A hateful, stupid dumbass.

And BTW, I've got an engineering degree and MBA from WVU. Schroder worked for me before I left to start up another company. Now piss off asshole.
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People should get a quote for a solar system to run their homes. EXPENSIVE to buy. EXPENSIVE to buy replacement batteries.

That's why it's heating or cooling less than 2% of all homes and businesses.
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My god, I know your mother must have dropped you on your head when you were young. And you had to be a pathetic student. You don't read... you just like to run your big mouth. I've repeated over and over that there are two different subjects being discussed in this post: I'm talking about total energy used in the United States and the world which includes:

1) Power generation from utility plants (gas, coal nuclear, solar, wind, etc.) and put out on the electrical grid
2) Petroleum burned by automobiles, airplanes, trains, etc.
3) Gas, coal, solar, etc. direct burned in large industrial plants
4) Natural gas, solar, etc. plumbed directly into homes and used along with power off the utility grid
5) Coal used in the steel making process (in coke batteries, furnaces, coal injection)
6) etc.

In other words, ALL energy burned for every application in the US. The percentages that you keep throwing out are for my number 1) only - Power generated for the grid.

I swear, dirt road, you're a real dumbass. A hateful, stupid dumbass.

And BTW, I've got an engineering degree and MBA from WVU. Schroder worked for me before I left to start up another company. Now piss off asshole.

I can't understand why you'd even attempt to talk verified facts with that near comatose poster?
My god, I know your mother must have dropped you on your head when you were young. And you had to be a pathetic student. You don't read... you just like to run your big mouth. I've repeated over and over that there are two different subjects being discussed in this post: I'm talking about total energy used in the United States and the world which includes:

1) Power generation from utility plants (gas, coal nuclear, solar, wind, etc.) and put out on the electrical grid
2) Petroleum burned by automobiles, airplanes, trains, etc.
3) Gas, coal, solar, etc. direct burned in large industrial plants
4) Natural gas, solar, etc. plumbed directly into homes and used along with power off the utility grid
5) Coal used in the steel making process (in coke batteries, furnaces, coal injection)
6) etc.

In other words, ALL energy burned for every application in the US. The percentages that you keep throwing out are for my number 1) only - Power generated for the grid.

I swear, dirt road, you're a real dumbass. A hateful, stupid dumbass.

And BTW, I've got an engineering degree and MBA from WVU. Schroder worked for me before I left to start up another company. Now piss off asshole.

KKKcunty likes using the well known propaganda technique of misuse of statistics. She's a dumbass.
I can't understand why you'd even attempt to talk verified facts with that near comatose poster?
Well, his/her/its profile pic does say it all. This was fun, but I'm finished here. Thanks for your support for coal and WV ATL. I appreciate it. I'll catch you over in the blue lot where we can all agree (most of the time);) Cheers!
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Well, his profile pic does say it all. This was fun, but I'm finished here. Thanks for your support for coal and WV ATL. I appreciate it. I'll catch you over in the blue lot where we can all agree (most of the time);) Cheers!

Coal is West Virginia! You represent both well.
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My god, I know your mother must have dropped you on your head when you were young. And you had to be a pathetic student. You don't read... you just like to run your big mouth. I've repeated over and over that there are two different subjects being discussed in this post: I'm talking about total energy used in the United States and the world which includes:

1) Power generation from utility plants (gas, coal nuclear, solar, wind, etc.) and put out on the electrical grid
2) Petroleum burned by automobiles, airplanes, trains, etc.
3) Gas, coal, solar, etc. direct burned in large industrial plants
4) Natural gas, solar, etc. plumbed directly into homes and used along with power off the utility grid
5) Coal used in the steel making process (in coke batteries, furnaces, coal injection)
6) etc.

In other words, ALL energy burned for every application in the US. The percentages that you keep throwing out are for my number 1) only - Power generated for the grid.

I swear, dirt road, you're a real dumbass. A hateful, stupid dumbass.

And BTW, I've got an engineering degree and MBA from WVU. Schroder worked for me before I left to start up another company. Now piss off asshole.

Hahahahahaha. Idiot is mad.. Come back again for another ass kicking. It’s been fun showing the board just how big of a dumbass you are.
1) wrong - for 2019, coal was 23% and nat gas was 38% of all electricity generation in the US. Nuclear was 20% and all renewable was 17.5%

You keep talking as if coal and fossil fuels have been replaced or are irrelevant to supplying our current energy needs. Even using your own numbers renewables combined don't even supply 20% of our energy needs. You completely left off oil in your "rebuttal" to @mzman 's post, but you're so mind numbingly uninformed you can't even correctly cite your own numbers to make your verifiably specious arguments!

2) wrong - see 1 above.

Irrelevant because including oil, natural gas, & coal, those fossil fuels do indeed constitute the largest percentage of our current energy production. Coal by itself is more than renewables using your own numbers!

3) wrong - wind alone is 7.3%.
So what, it's still not even close to coal, which YOU claim is dying. If that's so, then wind is already dead.

4) wrong - solar is 1.8%

Who cares, coal still beats it by more than 5-to-1.

5) wrong - see 3 and 4 above.

3 and 4 above are irrelevant to your argument.

there is no need to go any further. You are not John Schroder. Anyone who has an MBA is not this stupid

So you're admitting your degree is worthless?
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