The news network you idiot watch

Are there any statistics to back that up? I have never heard that; not saying you are right or wrong, I have never heard that before and wonder if there are backup data.

The Fox News viewership actually consists of more than just Trump devotees — that, in fact, there are more Democrats on a regular basis watching Fox than you might expect. Along these lines, according to the Pew report:

More Democrats tuned in to Fox News (11%) to get their fix of 2020 election news, compared to Republicans who decided to “switch teams” during the election to check out CNN (9%) or MSNBC (3%).

A related point also revealed in the Pew report is that “only about a third of Democrats who consistently used news outlets with politically mixed or right-leaning audiences (39%) call their political views liberal; about half in this group say they are moderates (49%).”
make sure to watch Tucker this evening...

He's just doubling down now for the sake of the network at this point. The whole world knows it was all a lie and when the Fox brass admit it was a lie under oath you know any further support of the lie from within the Fox talking heads is all about keeping the bifftards onboard.
I think it's comical how folks on the Left are so upset over what we're seeing now that we weren't shown when that Jan 6 committee was conducting it's "investigation". Seems to me since they had all the footage we're now getting a chance to see, Leftists should be mad at them for keeping all of this away from us! Why would any of this be news if they had shown it to us all in the first place?

Why didn't they show it? For the same reason they never showed Trump telling the protesters to "march peacefully, and make their voices heard". They had a pre-arranged narrative they wanted to promote, and they "cherry picked" the video that fit that narrative and simply ignored the rest. Now that we're seeing what they refused to show, we're seeing now why they lied about what actually happened that day, and the Left is upset because the lies are being exposed.

That is the Truth. Since Leftists can't stand the Truth, they're going berserk over who's telling it. :rolleyes:

I'm just doing my job as a reporter, and showing the whole story
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He's just doubling down now for the sake of the network at this point. The whole world knows it was all a lie and when the Fox brass admit it was a lie under oath you know any further support of the lie from within the Fox talking heads is all about keeping the bifftards onboard.

Hey dumbass. Just push play and watch the video for yourself. It's not hard to figure out some didn't get equal justice and some that destroyed property got what they deserved. One is definitely clear though. Pelosi and McConnell failed at security protocols.

He's just doubling down now for the sake of the network at this point. The whole world knows it was all a lie and when the Fox brass admit it was a lie under oath you know any further support of the lie from within the Fox talking heads is all about keeping the bifftards onboard.
What "lie" is Fox telling about what actually happened that day? You all keep saying that, but not one of you can point out what part of those videos being shown are false?

Why not?
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I think it's comical how folks on the Left are so upset over what we're seeing now that we weren't shown when that Jan 6 committee was conducting it's "investigation". Seems to me since they had all the footage we're now getting a chance to see, Leftists should be mad at them for keeping all of this away from us! Why would any of this be news if they had shown it to us all in the first place?

Why didn't they show it? For the same reason they never showed Trump telling the protesters to "march peacefully, and make their voices heard". They had a pre-arranged narrative they wanted to promote, and they "cherry picked" the video that fit that narrative and simply ignored the rest. Now that we're seeing what they refused to show, we're seeing now why they lied about what actually happened that day, and the Left is upset because the lies are being exposed.

That is the Truth. Since Leftists can't stand the Truth, they're going berserk over who's telling it. :rolleyes:

I'm just doing my job as a reporter, and showing the whole story
Hell Democrats still believe Adam Schiff has to
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Tucker also said "I hate him passionately".........and you know who "him" is.......

You got video of that? Either way I don't need to agree with him on everything to respect the fact he has the balls to do a show that allows a lot of different opinions on it that his boss probably doesn't even agree with.
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You got video of that? Either way I don't need to agree with him on everything to respect the fact he has the balls to do a show that allows a lot of different opinions on it that his boss probably doesn't even agree with.
Messages to other FoxNews personnel. Probably fake though, right?
Who is him ?
“We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights,” prime-time host Tucker Carlson texted a colleague on Jan. 4, 2021. “I truly can’t wait.” Carlson, who had shared private meetings with the president and defended him on-air, added in a text: “I hate him passionately. … What he’s good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.”
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“We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights,” prime-time host Tucker Carlson texted a colleague on Jan. 4, 2021. “I truly can’t wait.” Carlson, who had shared private meetings with the president and defended him on-air, added in a text: “I hate him passionately. … What he’s good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.”
So he hates him . I don't agree with no person on everything. I agree with Carlson on several issues. I'm not a Trump fan I'm a Trump policies fan well about 80% of them.
Messages to other FoxNews personnel. Probably fake though, right?
Trump. Who is going to win the nomination. So the choice will be Trump or Biden or worse. Feelings about it doesn't matter. It's the reality we will most likely have to deal with.

Who knows. Maybe he does hate him. Who gives a shit. There's things I didn't like about Trump but I will vote for him over Biden or any other far left nutjob the Democrats nominate. At least Trump would work with Moderate Democrats that are left in your party. All 12 of you.
Why don't Repubs sue CNN over the "Russia Hoax"? From what I read on this board it should be a slam dunk. 🤣 🤣
Why did dems vote for a senile old tool Biden who is clueless as to what day it is?
You're not going to like how this ends for Biff and Fox.

Go feed the fish. Keep the trout streams stocked. Let the adults worry about the CCP, Cartels, and bringing our manufacturing home.
Whatever that is, it isn't the end. You commies havent figured out that you've went too far.
Funny I think my man is right you will like what happens less than the Mid terms and when Donny lost. What comes out of this will make you guys even go down that rabbit hole even further and create move WVU82 morons. But hey it's a free country to be stupid in I guess
He's just doubling down now for the sake of the network at this point. The whole world knows it was all a lie and when the Fox brass admit it was a lie under oath you know any further support of the lie from within the Fox talking heads is all about keeping the bifftards onboard.
Tard lmao!! Again, can any of you tards provide evidence it was a lie?
Tard lmao!! Again, can any of you tards provide evidence it was a lie?
No they cannot! They just also know if you keep repeating a lie long enough, pretty soon folks will believe it. They've been told this insurrection lie for so long now, they actually believe it. They just have no evidence to prove it to the rest of us.