The news network you idiot watch

Wrong foxtard you too are like the GOP network full of lies. Just like your savior Benedict Donald.
You do realize (probably not) that the broadcast network you're pimping as 'Pro Trump' and concurrently criticizing as telling nothing but lies on his behalf draws more audience than all of its competitors combined?

Now unless the viewing audience is more dense than you are, I'd suggest most folks can decide for themselves who's giving them accurate information and which media outlets subsequently aren't worth their time? So you're not only mindlessly criticizing a news source a large audience of viewers have decided that they trust more vs their other choices, but you can't even suggest an alternative media service offering more factual information than what Fox viewers obviously are deciding for themselves to watch!

That is the epitome of a wimp.

I'll gladly tell you Tuesday what mind numbed propaganda I watch in exchange for a tasty hamburger today?

Even if you weren't lying through your teeth wimpy, we know what you watch makes you what you are!

I assure you being a wimp has his advantages

Bon apetit then wimpy!!!!
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Well he is still better than liar trump. And that says a lot that the people of America will take Pedo-Joe over Benedict Donald. Hahahahahah.

He was chosen because of the lies and hoaxes fabricated by your overlords and the non-stop help from the leftists media, the FBI...etc. Election interference. Coker Biden's laptop cover-up, for instance. The wool pulled over your eyes from the partisan swamp in Washington.

You're just a bleater who can't think for himself and depends on your lying leftist overlords. You're a fool.

A mere bleater you are.
He was chosen because of the lies and hoaxes fabricated by your overlords and the non-stop help from the leftists media, the FBI...etc. Election interference. Coker Biden's laptop cover-up, for instance. The wool pulled over your eyes from the partisan swamp in Washington.

You're just a bleater who can't think for himself and depends on your lying leftist overlords. You're a fool.

A mere bleater you are.
Don't confuse him're telling him he's nothing but a "bleater" which of course is 100% true, but he's also a certified wimp and telling him he can simultaneously be both might cause him to be a confused bleating wimp! 🤪
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Well he is still better than liar trump. And that says a lot that the people of America will take Biden over Benedict Donald. Hahahahahah.
Now the people of America are pissed because they voted for a Marxist who is doing his best to destroy America and has no idea what his name is half the time.

Majority of Americans believe Biden to be the worst President ever. This was after 6 months being President.
...and Hannity admitted that Fox's backing Donald's lies was simply to keep them from losing viewers.
...and legacy media's cooperating with Big Tech and the Obama DOJ to hide details of Hunter's laptop was to make sure American voters didn't find out what a crook creepy Joe was/is.

It was "Russian disinformation" don't 'ya know? :rolleyes:


Television news is now considered the second least-trusted institution in America, after Congress, with just 11 percent of respondents telling Gallup they have “quite a lot” of trust in television news. Newspapers aren’t much better at 16 percent. On Twitter, Glenn Greenwald noted Democrats trust the media far more than the Republicans and independents because “everyone knows what side they’re on.”


Oh look here...our resident board "wimp" starring in his own feature length film (as himself) :joy:

I have been known as "super wimp" in my wimpier days...enjoy!

(@ the 3:45 mark watch "wimpy" whine as "super wimp")
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Again.... you voted for a known habitual lier..... do yourself a favor and look up the news around the 1988 elections. You look very foolish bitching about lier
So did you and you follow a network that lies lies lies. So shut up you sheep
So did you and you follow a network that lies lies lies. So shut up you sheep
AHahaha....these idiots calling Biden a liar are a joke. No cred. Biff continues his election fraud charade today, even after all his cronies fessed up under oath. The world has biffnation on ignore at this point.
AHahaha....these idiots calling Biden a liar are a joke. No cred. Biff continues his election fraud charade today, even after all his cronies fessed up under oath. The world has biffnation on ignore at this point.

Imagine still trying to defend Biden. I wouldn't want that job. Good luck slugger.
AHahaha....these idiots calling Biden a liar are a joke. No cred. Biff continues his election fraud charade today, even after all his cronies fessed up under oath. The world has biffnation on ignore at this point.
You'll have to take him "off" ignore if he wins re-election. Right now his chances are measurably better than creepy Joe's. So folks must believe his lies more than than the guy YOU voted for promising to bring everyone together? :rolleyes:

Look at the re-election polls in this latest survey, and see if you can find Biden's name in any of the voter preferences?

@bamaEER despondent over these latest polls for his creepy hero

There...there @bamaEER's'll get another chance in '28! 🤪
AHahaha....these idiots calling Biden a liar are a joke. No cred. Biff continues his election fraud charade today, even after all his cronies fessed up under oath. The world has biffnation on ignore at this point.
Agreed Donny has been shown to be a habitual liar by PolitiFact. Trump was known to be a liar in the 1990's. Trump pushed the biggest lie on America since the Red scare(which was also a Republican culture war tactic), the stolen election. I mean even Fox news who pushed what Donny was saying calls it the BIG LIE now. And now will pay for their collusion effort to push message that with Donny anf others were pushing . Republicans just can't see what is in front of them. They were duped by Donny, duped by Ted Cruz, duped by Fox news, and now Taylor Green. They call Democrats gullible when they have been fooled by numerous people over the same thing. But hey talk about some laptop, talk about if the Covid 19 came from some lab or a chicken. Talk about that stuff when your party and party members tried to overthrow an election. Talk about Biden having dementia, or his speech , or his whatever but fail to point out the sharp as a tack Donny lied about our democracy. Fools just fools.
Agreed Donny has been shown to be a habitual liar by PolitiFact. Trump was known to be a liar in the 1990's. Trump pushed the biggest lie on America since the Red scare(which was also a Republican culture war tactic), the stolen election. I mean even Fox news who pushed what Donny was saying calls it the BIG LIE now. And now will pay for their collusion effort to push message that with Donny anf others were pushing . Republicans just can't see what is in front of them. They were duped by Donny, duped by Ted Cruz, duped by Fox news, and now Taylor Green. They call Democrats gullible when they have been fooled by numerous people over the same thing. But hey talk about some laptop, talk about if the Covid 19 came from some lab or a chicken. Talk about that stuff when your party and party members tried to overthrow an election. Talk about Biden having dementia, or his speech , or his whatever but fail to point out the sharp as a tack Donny lied about our democracy. Fools just fools.
Just giving you your warped revisionist view of history and assuming just for the sake of argument for a brief moment that everything you've said here about Trump is true, what sort of mental gymnastics must you perform to explain everything else that's happened since?

In fact it is Biden not Trump who is viewed more unfavorably among most eligible voters, in fact it is Biden not Trump who's administration is embroiled in numerous scandals, in fact it's Trump who's been cleared of all charges brought against him for "collusion", in fact it's the previous administration evidence shows was illegally spying on him, and in fact it's the current administration evidence suggests has been selling out to Foreign enemies and peddling influence among our adversaries like China!

So given all of those indisputable facts, how do you explain that in fact it is Trump who today stands as the one voters prefer to occupy the WH in '24? Most folks in even your own party don't want Biden anywhere near the WH again in'24. How is it that he's managed to squander all of that negative publicity for Trump, a record number of voters who allegedly voted for him out of disfavor over Trump...and now just three years later he's THE most unpopular President we've ever measured at this point in his term?

There are lies and there are facts. It's easy to exchange one for the other, but you have to perform a lot of tricks to convince yourself of the lies you're substituting for Truth. You cannot explain how you do that.

I bitterly resent you taxing my wimp brian with these questions, but I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today if you will stop?

Keep feeding yourself lies are about as worthless as your promises.
Just giving you your warped revisionist view of history and assuming just for the sake of argument for a brief moment that everything you've said here about Trump is true, what sort of mental gymnastics must you perform to explain everything else that's happened since?

In fact it is Biden not Trump who is viewed more unfavorably among most eligible voters, in fact it is Biden not Trump who's administration is embroiled in numerous scandals, in fact it's Trump who's been cleared of all charges brought against him for "collusion", in fact it's the previous administration evidence shows was illegally spying on him, and in fact it's the current administration evidence suggests has been selling out to Foreign enemies and peddling influence among our adversaries like China!

So given all of those indisputable facts, how do you explain that in fact it is Trump who today stands as the one voters prefer to occupy the WH in '24? Most folks in even your own party don't want Biden anywhere near the WH again in'24. How is it that he's managed to squander all of that negative publicity for Trump, a record number of voters who allegedly voted for him out of disfavor over Trump...and now just three years later he's THE most unpopular President we've ever measured at this point in his term?

There are lies and there are facts. It's easy to exchange one for the other, but you have to perform a lot of tricks to convince yourself of the lies you're substituting for Truth. You cannot explain how you do that.

I bitterly resent you taxing my wimp brian with these questions, but I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today if you will stop?

Keep feeding yourself lies are about as worthless as your promises.
Shut up foxtard and get back to your lying network. Boy.
Agreed Donny has been shown to be a habitual liar by PolitiFact. Trump was known to be a liar in the 1990's. Trump pushed the biggest lie on America since the Red scare(which was also a Republican culture war tactic), the stolen election. I mean even Fox news who pushed what Donny was saying calls it the BIG LIE now. And now will pay for their collusion effort to push message that with Donny anf others were pushing . Republicans just can't see what is in front of them. They were duped by Donny, duped by Ted Cruz, duped by Fox news, and now Taylor Green. They call Democrats gullible when they have been fooled by numerous people over the same thing. But hey talk about some laptop, talk about if the Covid 19 came from some lab or a chicken. Talk about that stuff when your party and party members tried to overthrow an election. Talk about Biden having dementia, or his speech , or his whatever but fail to point out the sharp as a tack Donny lied about our democracy. Fools just fools.
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Shut up foxtard and get back to your lying network. Boy.
It would be refreshing...surprising... yet nevertheless refreshing... if you could just for once intelligently back up what you post on here. Sadly, because you cannot and as a result turn viscerally venomous once your specious arguments are laid bare and you're left exposed as the classic wimp you are reduced into infantile name calling by your impotent attempts to buttress your indefensible positions.

Nothing in my previous post to you can be factually disputed, and you obviously have no factual explanation for the conclusions I offered and politely asked you to defend? Your response:
Shut up foxtard and get back to your lying network. Boy.
THAT is precisely why you have proudly earned the moniker on here as the board's "wimp"

@sammyk (aka "wimpy")
Thank you atl for once again brilliantly illustrating my wimpy nature and unassailably wimpy credentials

No problem actually make my job easy! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
OK how about that the Republicans went along with an insurrection and so did the GOP network FOX. Damn you guys are dumb

Fact check false, once again, not an insurrection.

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Lomao tell me trumps lies when I voted for him
Yahoo don't lie ... haha CNN holy hell .... I'm betting you graduated on a curve with that kind of thinking
Are they being sued for 1.6 billion $$$$$$ for supporting not just lies but "the big lie". Shut up sheep
Fact check false, once again, not an insurrection.

Sorry it was.
an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

They tried to overturn an election. Jesus you guys cant even see you are being led by traitors
Almost as many as Fox just not as many times. Dude the GOP network went along with the "Big Lie"
You voted for the big lier... so you Maka big deal out of them lying is priceless.
CNN lied about the Russian collusion story . Or was they just reporting the news ...
You voted for the big lier... so you Maka big deal out of them lying is priceless.
CNN lied about the Russian collusion story . Or was they just reporting the news ...
Dude you not only voted for a liar you backed his play. You sheepishly followed the liar network. Say what you want but the GOP followed "The Big Lie"