Please tell me that Republicans are embarrassed by Greene, Perry, etc….

Get a job in the private sector and get in touch with the American people. Your biggest problem imo, is you are brainwashed by liberal academia. You seem like an ok guy, just ignorant in your beliefs.

This is the perception that boomboom tried so hard for others on this board to receive of him. Don't let him fool you. He tried to come across as a good ole guy who leans left politically but is willing to listen and potentially have his views changed on certain issues. In reality, he is a far left whacko like a lot of today's democrats.

He took a long hiatus not long after Biden was elected. Since then he has only dropped in a few times to troll about January 6th and a congresswoman. At the same time he has once again showed his true colors with his silence on all of the Biden **** ups along with his endorsement of teachers (which he is) having the authority to talk to elementary students about sex.
Keep believing the lies. Im fine with where I am at. Every point posted on here about Russia, the stolen election, I have tried to wait for legitimate supporting evidence, and there isnt any. Court filings, “data anomalies”, questionable sources, and debunked lies.
Want to see the proof? Pay for this three day seminar.
Want to see proof? Pay for a ticket to this movie.

I am more comfortable with what I believe about Russia, Trump, and the election than I was months ago. As I see opportunities for proof fade into the whispers of “soon” over and over again, I fine with believing you guys will do anything to make what you want to be true in your minds.

I’m still waiting to see if the full on Deepstate (both parties) conspiracy is at play, although I highly doubt it, but the rest is just partisan bs.

Bannon and co do a really good job of disseminating information and misinformation in a way that distorts the truth, and I think you guys are under their spell.

And you guys think I am under the spell of the liberal criminals — so, Im just going leave it there and say

Peace out people! My unicorn beauty and liberal sparkle is lost on you - i will take my pussy ass, lying ass, ignorant ass, non morals havin, communist lovin, chump self on down the digital road.
Jerk on

You never admit when you are wrong. NEVER!

There are so many threads proving this which have been reposted and YOU have been tagged in. You avoid every one.

Wonder why? 😏
The idea of “grooming children” is as ridiculous as the bathroom danger bullshit — you guys are exhausting. It is just surprising that Republicans turn to more legislation, more regulations, more spending to fix another nonproblem. Those reps sure know how to play to the conservative and their frightened, fragile, and bitter frame of mind.
Trump has proven you guys will allow anything as long as they attack those mean liberals.

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Show me where “grooming” is an issue

Good lord, man. What rock have you been hiding under? Many articles have been posted on here about it. I posted one this week of a teacher bragging about teaching sex, gender identity and adult sex to toddlers.

Turn off MSNBC for a few and open your eyes.
Good lord, man. What rock have you been hiding under? Many articles have been posted on here about it. I posted one this week of a teacher bragging about teaching sex, gender identity and adult sex to toddlers.

Turn off MSNBC for a few and open your eyes.
Not where I am teaching or wherever I have taught. I am in the most"Woke" district in NC and they are not teaching that. And my sources in PA say they are not teaching that there either. You guys and this grooming crap you are falling for BS. Not one teacher i know is bragging about that.
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Not where I am teaching or wherever I have taught. I am in the most"Woke" district in NC and they are not teaching that. And my sources in PA say they are not teaching that there either. You guys and this grooming crap you are falling for BS
Anything to fire up the rubes.
Not where I am teaching or wherever I have taught. I am in the most"Woke" district in NC and they are not teaching that. And my sources in PA say they are not teaching that there either. You guys and this grooming crap you are falling for BS

Not where I am teaching or wherever I have taught. I am in the most"Woke" district in NC and they are not teaching that. And my sources in PA say they are not teaching that there either. You guys and this grooming crap you are falling for BS. Not one teacher i know is bragging about that.
There's a reason they have a serious credibility problem. Their news sources are just a bit off. Remember when they said their J6 insurrection was led by ANTIFA? funny shit right there. And they were told it by Fox.
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Fake news
Something right in front of you that you call fake. Imagine that. You have been so hypnotized by the narrative your fed daily that you cannot fathom truth speeding at you like a bullet.

You have been weighed and measured, and found lacking.
There's a reason they have a serious credibility problem. Their news sources are just a bit off. Remember when they said their J6 insurrection was led by ANTIFA? funny shit right there. And they were told it by Fox.
Remember when you were told Trump was going to sell nuclear secrets? And you were told by everyone but Fox.
You guys and this grooming crap you are falling for BS.

According to reports, the California Teachers Association has been trying to secretly groom children inside of the classroom behind the backs of parents – effectively luring and steering minors toward the gay/transgender ideology by way of clandestine student groups and other disturbing tactics.


“A Teacher,” a new 10-episode FX limited series which will premiere on Hulu on Nov. 10, depicts a fictionalized story of a pretty teacher preying on a high school senior. While the series is fictional, many elements mirror the disturbing details from real cases of teacher-student abuse.



The four-episode series mainly covers the stories of two women who were groomed and sexually abused by a trusted high school teacher, Cheryl from Texas, who wound up "staying with" her abuser into college, and Heaven from Florida, who ended up suing her abuser in court.

These aren't "fictional"...these actually happened!



  • Sexual harassment in schools is not always overtly sexual. Predatory teachers would first befriend their victims. This process is called grooming.
  • If not sexual or suggestive, the initial stages of grooming might not be penalized under current laws.
  • When no case is filed, the teacher perpetrator may be able to keep teaching and victimize more students.

Fox News analyzed local news stories regarding arrests of teachers and teachers' aides for child sex-related crimes between Jan. 1 and May 13. Shockingly, the news outlet recorded 135 educators being arrested in that brief timeframe of 132 days – which equates to an average of more than one teacher arrested for a child sex crime per day.

There's more, but you won't read any of it just like you dismiss these stories
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Something right in front of you that you call fake. Imagine that. You have been so hypnotized by the narrative your fed daily that you cannot fathom truth speeding at you like a bullet.

You have been weighed and measured, and found lacking.
God you are an idiot

According to reports, the California Teachers Association has been trying to secretly groom children inside of the classroom behind the backs of parents – effectively luring and steering minors toward the gay/transgender ideology by way of clandestine student groups and other disturbing tactics.


“A Teacher,” a new 10-episode FX limited series which will premiere on Hulu on Nov. 10, depicts a fictionalized story of a pretty teacher preying on a high school senior. While the series is fictional, many elements mirror the disturbing details from real cases of teacher-student abuse.



The four-episode series mainly covers the stories of two women who were groomed and sexually abused by a trusted high school teacher, Cheryl from Texas, who wound up "staying with" her abuser into college, and Heaven from Florida, who ended up suing her abuser in court.

There aren't "fictional"...these actually happened!



  • Sexual harassment in schools is not always overtly sexual. Predatory teachers would first befriend their victims. This process is called grooming.
  • If not sexual or suggestive, the initial stages of grooming might not be penalized under current laws.
  • When no case is filed, the teacher perpetrator may be able to keep teaching and victimize more students.

Fox News analyzed local news stories regarding arrests of teachers and teachers' aides for child sex-related crimes between Jan. 1 and May 13. Shockingly, the news outlet recorded 135 educators being arrested in that brief timeframe of 132 days – which equates to an average of more than one teacher arrested for a child sex crime per day.

There's more, but you won't read any of it just like you dismiss these stories
Man are you an idiot as well Kayne. Are there teachers that have done this ? Yes but for every 1 there are thousands who do not. Just like cops , doctors, nurses ect. Jesus what a ****ing idiot you are
God you are an idiot

No you are a bleater who won't look or listen. Same as your fellow board bleaters. Why do you all refuse the truth? This article isn't fake and you can check the facts. It's happening.

LINK: Public schools are grooming your children

On April 9, Oklahoma State University hosted a “drag queen story hour” for children as young as 2 years old on its campus. The event was part of the university’s “Pride 2022” celebration. A description for the program stated two drag performers would read books to all attendees and that the drag queen story hour was geared toward children between the ages of 2 to 8, but that “all ages were welcome to join in on the fun.”

You read that correctly. A major university, paid for by the good conservative citizens here in the heartland of America, is openly declaring that it is working to groom our children and that they are starting when they are as young as 2 years old.

This nonsense is pervasive across our nation. What happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas. If it’s happening in Oklahoma, it is happening in your own backyard.

I have told you before of the Chicago Public School District, where they now provide prophylactics to all fifth graders throughout the city’s school system because they “want to make condoms available to students … when they think they need them.”

I’ve told you before of the Arizona Department of Education’s promotion of books and research papers that claim babies as young as three months old “already harbor sexual biases that demand the state’s intervention.”

I’ve told you before of New York City’s Justine Ang Fonte, who proudly defends teaching first graders in Manhattan how to masturbate while at the same time teaching “porn literacy” to juniors at New York’s Columbia Grammar and Prep.

And then there is the National Education Association. I have told you before of this organization’s official declaration at its last annual conference, where its members voted to codify the following: “We resolve to develop a study to critique cis-heteropatriarchy …” In other words, the NEA is telling you straight up that they will be teaching your children that two-parent families, traditional morality and heterosexual fidelity should be dismantled and replaced by their neo-Marxist sexual nihilism.

I’ve told you before of Bartlesville Public Schools in my own backyard here in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, where they now openly promote Toni Morrison’s book, “The Bluest Eye,” which includes a full-page salacious description of a father raping his daughter.

I have repeatedly told you of all of this.

I have also told you of last summer’s production of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir, where they sang over and over and over again:

We’ll convert your children.
It happens bit by bit.
Quietly and subtly,
and you will barely notice it.

We’ll convert your children.
Yes, we will!
There’s really no escaping it.

We’ll convert your children.
We’re coming for them!
We’re coming for your children!
We’re coming for your children!
We’ll convert your children!

The bottom line is this. Your public schools are grooming your children. This is just a fact. They admit it. They are doing it openly and without apology, and they are starting before your children can even recite their ABCs.

This is not a “QAnon conspiracy,” nor is it the “moral panic” of “homophobic conservatives” who are just “freaking out.” This garbage is real. It is simply and clearly a fact.

But there’s more. Not only are your local schools abusing your sons’ and daughters’ hearts, minds and souls, but they are also abusing their bodies. America’s public schools have become hunting grounds for sexual predators.

This past week, Chris Rufo reported the following: The most comprehensive analysis concerning sexual abuse in America’s public schools (published by the U.S. Department of Education) estimates that nearly 10% of K-12 students have been victims of sexual misconduct by a public-school employee.

In case you missed it, Mr. Rufo just shined a light on the ugly fact that our own government is admitting our public schools are sexually abusing 10% of your children! That’s more than 4.5 million children nationwide!

In 2014, the Government Accountability Office published a report warning of all this. They said that public-school employees were “grooming students” with the intent to perpetrate future sexual abuse or misconduct. They told us that educators were exhibiting “pattern of grooming behaviors” such as “sexually-charged communication,” aimed at “explicit sexual contact with the child.”

Pushing Drag queen story hours for 2-year-olds at Oklahoma State.

Distributing condoms to fifth graders in Chicago.

Teaching masturbation to first graders in New York.

“Fixing” sexual biases of three-month-old babies in Arizona.

Critiquing “cis-heteropatriarchy” at the National Education Association.

And, readings on salacious incest here in my own backyard of Bartlesville.

Maybe when they tell us, “We’ll convert your children. We’re coming for them! We’re coming for your children! We’re coming for your children!” we should start believing them.
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Aren't Leftists amazing to observe? Stories with facts, corroborated with witnesses, and proven by actual evidence to be true they dismiss or call "fake news". Real "fake news", uncorroborated with unnamed witnesses, unproven by facts and lacking any hard evidence they easily accept as true (particularly when it involves Trump)

It's a relatively new phenomenon called "reverse" reverse psychology. Taking that which is patently false for truth and taking fact proven Truth for fabrications. Only Leftists are afflicted by this, you can view the symptoms of it in this very thread!
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Are there teachers that have done this ? Yes

You're so naive.

Millions of children across our country are being subjected to this. Because you won't look, doesn't mean it isn't happening. Your refusal to look is why so many are getting away with it. It's nice to see so many parents waking up to what leftists are doing to our children.
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You're so naive.

Millions of children across our country are being subjected to this. Because you won't look, doesn't mean it isn't happening. You're refusal to look is why so many are getting away with it. It's nice to see so many parents waking up to what leftists are doing to our children.
All he does @30CAT is regurgitate his Leftist intravenously fed talking points. Story after story presented to him in this thread of something he claims "isn't happening" and he simply dismisses all of it because it conflicts with his serial mind control conditioning. However what you won't see him doing EVER is factually refuting the facts presented to him. NEVER!!!!!!!!

Know why?

'cause I'm a wimp

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All he does @30CAT is regurgitate his Leftist intravenously fed talking points. Story after story presented to him in this thread of something he claims "isn't happening" and he simply dismisses all of it because it conflicts with his serial mind control conditioning. However what you won't see him doing EVER is factually refuting the facts presented to him. NEVER!!!!!!!!

Know why?

'cause I'm a wimp


The truth is the left's Cryptonite. They just can't handle it.
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Man are you an idiot as well Kayne. Are there teachers that have done this ? Yes but for every 1 there are thousands who do not. Just like cops , doctors, nurses ect. Jesus what a ****ing idiot you are

Correct. It's not all teachers. Lots of good teachers out there. You're not one and it's definitely trending in the wrong direction.

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Man are you an idiot as well Kayne. Are there teachers that have done this ? Yes but for every 1 there are thousands who do not. Just like cops , doctors, nurses ect. Jesus what a ****ing idiot you are
I've warned you about taking the Lord's name in vain. Why don't you use your own name "wimp" to express your incredulity? Or maybe Kayne (whoever the Hell that is since you can't spell it correctly?)
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What's that saying? "Your local weather is neither evidence for nor against climate change".

Sunny here. Cat 5 Hurricane in a lot of other places. No doubt. Parents need to get involved. They are your kids. No matter how busy you are you got to invest some time in what they are being taught.
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Catholic school children are two years ahead of public school school children in education. 90% of Catholic schools stayed open during Covid. The 10% that didn't, was forced to close down by government.

I'm not Catholic, but the facts speak for themselves. Plus, you can damn-well bet there are no drag shows, critical race theory and teaching perversion.
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Catholic school children are two years ahead of public school school children in education. 90% of Catholic schools stayed open during Covid. The 10% that didn't, was forced to close down by government.

I'm not Catholic, but the facts speak for themselves. Plus, you can damn-well bet there are no drag shows, critical race theory and teaching perversion.
Don't expect him to have any respect for kids learning under Religious instruction. He's a Faith bigot.
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Libs of TikTok is literally an account that pulls actual TikTok accounts and reposts them. What you’re seeing in those are reality.

Same guy that said the CSPAN videos of Biden sniffing kids were fake.

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