Oregon wingnuts taking over a federal building because their fellow

Black lives matter is a lie. Let's be honest. It's not about black lives at all, if it were , why don't they protest in the inner city where blacks kill blacks at an alarming rate?

Thanks for reminding me. Several on this board need this update as I know this senseless Chicago slaughter doesn't quite fit their agenda. Also, is shutting down a interstate highway legal?

Final December Totals
Shot & Killed: 31
Shot & Wounded: 215

Final 2015 Totals
Shot & Killed: 442
Shot & Wounded: 2553
Occupying and taking over a federal building with guns is Treason.
no it's not. Betraying your country to a foreign govt is treason not occupying a building. Now, having classified emails on a personal server at your home that has most likely been compromised by a foreign intelligence service, what would you call that?
Thanks for reminding me. Several on this board need this update as I know this senseless Chicago slaughter doesn't quite fit their agenda. Also, is shutting down a interstate highway legal?

Final December Totals
Shot & Killed: 31
Shot & Wounded: 215

Final 2015 Totals
Shot & Killed: 442
Shot & Wounded: 2553

It's just downright sad that liberals will not acknowledge this carnage and want to point out something that happens infrequently or is a down right lie like hands up don't shoot. They should come out with something along the lines of, "pants up don't loot."
no it's not. Betraying your country to a foreign govt is treason not occupying a building. Now, having classified emails on a personal server at your home that has most likely been compromised by a foreign intelligence service, what would you call that?


The betrayal of one's own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies.
Unlike most liberals, we conservatives have seen first hand what liberalism does to people. Occupy and BLM were a smoke screen for Marxism and socialism. You do not get more than you earn. Get off your butt and get to work earning a living and quit expecting uncle shug to take care of you, namely the federal govt and state govt. If BLM really did, why aren't they protesting in the inner city where it's open season for black on black crime ? Why isn't BLM protesting PP, where the majority of babies aborted are black? The hypocrisy on the left is all consuming.

And armed occupying of federal government buildings is masking of fascism.......[thumbsup]
Black lives matter is a lie. Let's be honest. It's not about black lives at all, if it were , why don't they protest in the inner city where blacks kill blacks at an alarming rate? Why don't they protest PP, where the majority of babies aborted are black?

What if BLM got guns, went in to a police station, and held it until justice was served? You'd be going ape sh!t and you know it. These fools in Oregon should be forcibly removed.
It's just downright sad that liberals will not acknowledge this carnage and want to point out something that happens infrequently or is a down right lie like hands up don't shoot. They should come out with something along the lines of, "pants up don't loot."

As I stated, it doesn't fit their agenda. First, they don't care about the slaughter in our cities. If they did we would see massive news coverage and massive demonstrations pointing out what is going on. Second,the leaders in all the cities where the slaughters are taking place are ALL Democrats.
Thanks for reminding me. Several on this board need this update as I know this senseless Chicago slaughter doesn't quite fit their agenda. Also, is shutting down a interstate highway legal?

Final December Totals
Shot & Killed: 31
Shot & Wounded: 215

Final 2015 Totals
Shot & Killed: 442
Shot & Wounded: 2553
You would think with Chicago having the most stringent gun laws, that people would be flocking there for their own safety.
As I stated, it doesn't fit their agenda. First, they don't care about the slaughter in our cities. If they did we would see massive news coverage and massive demonstrations pointing out what is going on. Second,the leaders in all the cities where the slaughters are taking place are ALL Democrats.
You jackasses continue to paint with a broad brush. Black on Black crime is a completely different issue than what precipitated the BLM movement which was systemic abuse of Blacks by law enforcement. The former is a problem of economics and sociology. The latter is racist tendencies in the administration of law enforcement and justice. It ain't hard. But you can continue to try and say 2+2=5.
A Republican obsession?
no it's not. Betraying your country to a foreign govt is treason not occupying a building. Now, having classified emails on a personal server at your home that has most likely been compromised by a foreign intelligence service, what would you call that?

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."
You jackasses continue to paint with a broad brush. Black on Black crime is a completely different issue than what precipitated the BLM movement which was systemic abuse of Blacks by law enforcement. The former is a problem of economics and sociology. The latter is racist tendencies in the administration of law enforcement and justice. It ain't hard. But you can continue to try and say 2+2=5.

Sorry, you are the close minded "jackass" hypocrite WHO paints with a broad brush. Black on Black MURDER is still MURDER and you REFUSE to call for action to stop it and you REFUSE to place the blame where it belongs. And for the record, I say the Feds should remove the nuts who took over the Federal building by ANY means necessary including deadly force.
You jackasses continue to paint with a broad brush. Black on Black crime is a completely different issue than what precipitated the BLM movement which was systemic abuse of Blacks by law enforcement. The former is a problem of economics and sociology. The latter is racist tendencies in the administration of law enforcement and justice. It ain't hard. But you can continue to try and say 2+2=5.
Sorry, you are the close minded "jackass" hypocrite WHO paints with a broad brush. Black on Black MURDER is still MURDER and you REFUSE to call for action to stop it and you REFUSE to place the blame where it belongs. And for the record, I say the Feds should remove the nuts who took over the Federal building by ANY means necessary including deadly force.

We agree on something, finally!

And I also agree with the violence in the inner cities. However, there is a serious situation where white police officers are violating those of different color. You cannot deny that. Too many cases where that's happening. But, I can see the other side of the argument as well. Those people getting their freedoms/lives taken are putting themselves in these positions by either breaking laws or being at the wrong place/wrong time. I'm not a BLM person. I don't like them, don't support them, but they aren't taking up arms and going after the police in the streets.

What action could stop the violence in the inner cities of places like Chicago? More police? Well, they don't trust the police, so that won't do any good.
It's just downright sad that liberals will not acknowledge this carnage and want to point out something that happens infrequently or is a down right lie like hands up don't shoot. They should come out with something along the lines of, "pants up don't loot."

When have any liberals denied this? But another question is how is it germane to the conversation at hand?

The topic of this thread is the wingnut "patriots" forcibly occupying a federal building ... I have no idea what that has to do with the number of gun deaths in Chicago.
Sorry, you are the close minded "jackass" hypocrite WHO paints with a broad brush. Black on Black MURDER is still MURDER and you REFUSE to call for action to stop it and you REFUSE to place the blame where it belongs. And for the record, I say the Feds should remove the nuts who took over the Federal building by ANY means necessary including deadly force.
I refuse to call for action? [roll]I'm down fro stopping any murder. And I'm 100% behind prosecuting anyone who commits murder. Unfortunately, inner cities in every city have notorious problems with crime. Which goes back to economics and sociology. None of this has anything to do with the BLM movement. Do i need to explain it again? I suppose i could but I know you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer. I'll save myself the time, Einstein.
When have any liberals denied this? But another question is how is it germane to the conversation at hand?

The topic of this thread is the wingnut "patriots" forcibly occupying a federal building ... I have no idea what that has to do with the number of gun deaths in Chicago.

It's called "deflect and deny". They are pretty good at it. They speak of "agendas" and how if it doesn't fit liberal agendas, they won't/don't talk about it. Well, we are seeing it in place in this thread. When they have nothing to say about the topic, they bring up something that is not related at all.
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Occupying and taking over a federal building with guns is Treason.
No it's not. People keep using that word -- it does not mean what they think it means. Treason is one of only three crimes specifically defined in the Constitution, and what these redneck mouth-breathers are doing is nowhere near treason. At the most, it's breaking and entering, and trespassing on federal property. Also ignorant ... but that's not a crime, even if they are criminally ignorant.
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But, I can see the other side of the argument as well. Those people getting their freedoms/lives taken are putting themselves in these positions by either breaking laws or being at the wrong place/wrong time.

I gotta disagree a little with this. First, many of the people you refer to escalated the situation a bit with their own actions ... no question. However, I'm not aware of any crime in which the sentence is immediate execution by the police without arrest, representation, trial. You know, due process.

And when you look at BLM, depending on their particular leanings, many will look at the black on black crime and/or Michael Brown and say it isn't an important issue. But, you also have to look at cases like Freddie Gray and the guy shot running away in SC. Particularly in the SC case where the cop tried planting the gun and all of that and the truth only came out when the video emerged. It is ridiculous to think that many of these people in these neighborhoods haven't been victims of this kind of behavior forever. However, there wasn't video before to show the truth, so it was swept under the rug.

Black on black crime is an issue, no question. But it isn't the only one, and one of them is by people sworn to protect and serve.
No it's not. People keep using that word -- it does not mean what they think it means. Treason is one of only three crimes specifically defined in the Constitution, and what these redneck mouth-breathers are doing is nowhere near treason. At the most, it's breaking and entering, and trespassing on federal property. Also ignorant ... but that's not a crime, even if they are criminally ignorant.
It gioes deeper than that. These are the "sovereign state" people who think they are their own country, that taxes are illegal, that the federal govt doesn't own any land. Their mindset is, indeed, treasonous. It is certainly sedition.
No it's not. People keep using that word -- it does not mean what they think it means. Treason is one of only three crimes specifically defined in the Constitution, and what these redneck mouth-breathers are doing is nowhere near treason. At the most, it's breaking and entering, and trespassing on federal property. Also ignorant ... but that's not a crime, even if they are criminally ignorant.

The first time a federal employee needs use of the facility to perform their duties and is interfered with in any way, one could construe that as levying war against them, a small stretch. If a federal employee is fired upon, it's a "no-brainer".
What action could stop the violence in the inner cities of places like Chicago? More police? Well, they don't trust the police, so that won't do any good.

First, leadership and the media need to focus on the problem instead of ignoring it. Second, the leadership should strictly enforce existing gun laws. The statistics show that most of the guns used in the slaughter in our cities are illegal. I realize that would be a daunting task but some type of Blue Ribbon Presidential Commission to help find solutions might be a start.
First, leadership and the media need to focus on the problem instead of ignoring it. Second, the leadership should strictly enforce existing gun laws. The statistics show that most of the guns used in the slaughter in our cities are illegal. I realize that would be a daunting task but some type of Blue Ribbon Presidential Commission to help find solutions might be a start.
The irony is that you wingnuts love to make fun of obama's work in chicago as a community organizer. You know, someone who worked to make lives better focusing on crime, economics, and social issues....and now you want him to appoint a commission to do what he used to do that you still make fun of. You people are a trip.
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The irony is that you wingnuts love to make fun of obama's work in chicago as a community organizer. You know, someone who worked to make lives better focusing on crime, economics, and social issues....and now you want him to appoint a commission to do what he used to do that you still make fun of. You people are a trip.

This is true......the man got beat up for being what he was, and now what is the solution to the problem in the inner city.....Community Organizer type. Amazing, isn't it?
I refuse to call for action? [roll]I'm down fro stopping any murder. And I'm 100% behind prosecuting anyone who commits murder. Unfortunately, inner cities in every city have notorious problems with crime. None of this has anything to do with the BLM movement. Do i need to explain it again? I suppose i could but I know you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer. I'll save myself the time, Einstein.

No need to explain since I already know you are clueless. I NEVER mentioned anything about the BLM movement. I also DOUBT you have any clues as to what goes on in our cities, your COUNTRY CLUB culture is FAR removed from REALITY. I may not be the "sharpest knife in the drawer" but it doesn't take much to point out what a "clueless hypocrite" you are.
The irony is that you wingnuts love to make fun of obama's work in chicago as a community organizer. You know, someone who worked to make lives better focusing on crime, economics, and social issues....and now you want him to appoint a commission to do what he used to do that you still make fun of. You people are a trip.

Wrong as usual. When have I ever made fun of Obama's work in Chicago? I suggest you postpone you next "golf outing" and visit the southside of Chicago. I have been there, I doubt you have. Hypocrite.....

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

I doubt that they would ever be convicted of treason and I doubt any prosecutor would waste time trying. I'm not sure that illegal occupation or trespassing on public property is considered treasonable offense. It would be interesting to see what a prosecuting attorney would say. Is illegal occupation levying war agasint the US? I'm just questioning whether you are reading the statue correctly.
What if BLM got guns, went in to a police station, and held it until justice was served? You'd be going ape sh!t and you know it. These fools in Oregon should be forcibly removed.

Yes they should. But I would hope that you could wait them out. How many are there? If there's a few and they aren't damaging anything, try waiting them out. BLM, when haven't they tore things up? I would hope that neither would require force to remove them.
Wrong as usual. When have I ever made fun of Obama's work in Chicago? I suggest you postpone you next "golf outing" and visit the southside of Chicago. I have been there, I doubt you have. Hypocrite.....
Ha! I've heard countless jabs at Obama's former position as a community organizer...Palin, Fiorino, Trump, people on this board. You need to get out more neil. The wingnut crew loves to make fun of that. now you claim we need more community organizer-types. Hilarious! And congrats on making a trip to chicago.
I doubt that they would ever be convicted of treason and I doubt any prosecutor would waste time trying. I'm not sure that illegal occupation or trespassing on public property is considered treasonable offense. It would be interesting to see what a prosecuting attorney would say. Is illegal occupation levying war agasint the US? I'm just questioning whether you are reading the statue correctly.

Read my follow-up post. Simply trespassing is not levying war (one could argue it but it would be a stretch). Interfering with government duties probably wouldn't be worth charging as treason. However, the first time a shot is fired, it's all over.
The irony is that you wingnuts love to make fun of obama's work in chicago as a community organizer. You know, someone who worked to make lives better focusing on crime, economics, and social issues....and now you want him to appoint a commission to do what he used to do that you still make fun of. You people are a trip.

A community organizer is another name for Marxist. They have done nothing to change anything but to stir the pot up causing more problems. Looks like his work, like much of his work as the president, was a complete failure.
I gotta disagree a little with this. First, many of the people you refer to escalated the situation a bit with their own actions ... no question. However, I'm not aware of any crime in which the sentence is immediate execution by the police without arrest, representation, trial. You know, due process.

And when you look at BLM, depending on their particular leanings, many will look at the black on black crime and/or Michael Brown and say it isn't an important issue. But, you also have to look at cases like Freddie Gray and the guy shot running away in SC. Particularly in the SC case where the cop tried planting the gun and all of that and the truth only came out when the video emerged. It is ridiculous to think that many of these people in these neighborhoods haven't been victims of this kind of behavior forever. However, there wasn't video before to show the truth, so it was swept under the rug.

Black on black crime is an issue, no question. But it isn't the only one, and one of them is by people sworn to protect and serve.
Whoa gun powder. Freddie Gray is not in the same ballpark as the shit in SC.

Here is another little fun fact that is occurring in Baltimore. People would call 911 for an ambulance to show up. When it arrived they would request a certain hospital. When they got to the hospital, the individual having an emergency jumps up, proclaims they are ok now and walks away. They basically called 911 to get a "free" ride across town.
I can promise you this; it won't end like the last "incident" at the Bundy ranch. At a minimum, people will be arrested.
Read my follow-up post. Simply trespassing is not levying war (one could argue it but it would be a stretch). Interfering with government duties probably wouldn't be worth charging as treason. However, the first time a shot is fired, it's all over.

So, should Nadal Hassan, the Ft Hood shooter and an American citizen, be executed for treason or just for waging Jihad agasint the US? The guy was from here in Roanoke Va.
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Whoa gun powder. Freddie Gray is not in the same ballpark as the shit in SC.

Here is another little fun fact that is occurring in Baltimore. People would call 911 for an ambulance to show up. When it arrived they would request a certain hospital. When they got to the hospital, the individual having an emergency jumps up, proclaims they are ok now and walks away. They basically called 911 to get a "free" ride across town.

Happens all the time in cities through out the US. Taxi service for welfare recipients
I refuse to call for action? [roll]I'm down fro stopping any murder. And I'm 100% behind prosecuting anyone who commits murder. Unfortunately, inner cities in every city have notorious problems with crime. Which goes back to economics and sociology. None of this has anything to do with the BLM movement. Do i need to explain it again? I suppose i could but I know you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer. I'll save myself the time, Einstein.[/QUOTE
Ha! I've heard countless jabs at Obama's former position as a community organizer...Palin, Fiorino, Trump, people on this board. You need to get out more neil. The wingnut crew loves to make fun of that. now you claim we need more community organizer-types. Hilarious! And congrats on making a trip to chicago.

You NEVER heard it from me. Unlike you, I did get out, only it was not to mostly Country Clubs. Which city would you like me to school you on, I've been to most all of them. I can give you addresses to visit when you schedule you next golf game. You might learn a little about the real world. Also, congrats on finding your place in your wannabe world, you finally made it. Hypocrite.....
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