Nobody ever said the left was sane.

Does anyone really open the articles that are linked? Especially the OP? It shows that air quality continues to get better over time. The US is leading the world in taking care of the air we breath. It's really telling that someone could look at that chart and come to the conclusion that we are doomed! It takes some serious bias to do that. Congrats!

You missed the fine print...This is not an indication of policy but of man made and natural variations in air quality days, ie, forest fires and dust storms. CA wild fires alone in the last two years would account for about 30% of those days! The fact that it is leveling out is an indication that maybe we are reaching steady state, not that air quality is getting worse. The world will never have zero air quality days, it's impossible due to natural events like wild fires, volcano's etc.
2015 was just as bad for fires, yet the air quality was better, the numbers will continue to trend negatively due to the rollbacks.
What sources have you read on this subject?

National Weather service
National Geographic
NY Times
EPA hard data
Business Insider
Yale Environmental 360

The air quality in the United States is outstanding. Take your anxiety medication everything will be ok.
The air quality in the United States is outstanding. Take your anxiety medication everything will be ok.
How do you dumb ****s breath with your heads in the sand? lol, enjoy the winning, your Faustian bargain check is gonna come due soon, not sure where ya'll think he is leading you except down the drain.
How do you dumb ****s breath with your heads in the sand? lol, enjoy the winning, your Faustian bargain check is gonna come due soon, not sure where ya'll think he is leading you except down the drain.

Strong immune system soyboy. That's how. You should be more concerned about a federal agencies checking out your connections to domestic terrorist organizations.
How do you dumb ****s breath with your heads in the sand? lol, enjoy the winning, your Faustian bargain check is gonna come due soon, not sure where ya'll think he is leading you except down the drain.
You pulled you head out of your ass just to say that??? Back to sleep Nancy
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2015 was just as bad for fires, yet the air quality was better, the numbers will continue to trend negatively due to the rollbacks.

Here we go again. When presented with facts, the natural response is, but wait until next year! It has to be hard to be you.

Attached is the yearly damage done by forest fires. Notice how this aligns with increases/decreases with what you posted. If you overlaid the graphs, they would mirror each other. This is only one aspect of natural causes.

Does anyone really open the articles that are linked? Especially the OP? It shows that air quality continues to get better over time. The US is leading the world in taking care of the air we breath. It's really telling that someone could look at that chart and come to the conclusion that we are doomed! It takes some serious bias to do that. Congrats!

You missed the fine print...This is not an indication of policy but of man made and natural variations in air quality days, ie, forest fires and dust storms. CA wild fires alone in the last two years would account for about 30% of those days! The fact that it is leveling out is an indication that maybe we are reaching steady state, not that air quality is getting worse. The world will never have zero air quality days, it's impossible due to natural events like wild fires, volcano's etc.
Add. Stop reading report summary. The summary is an opinion written about the report and often is not repreaentative of the facts in the report.
Here we go again. When presented with facts, the natural response is, but wait until next year! It has to be hard to be you.

Attached is the yearly damage done by forest fires. Notice how this aligns with increases/decreases with what you posted. If you overlaid the graphs, they would mirror each other. This is only one aspect of natural causes.

Even with the recent stagnation, there are far fewer bad air days now than in the early 2000s, 1990s and 1980s. Perciasepe said what’s happening now is a “tug of war” between the worsening effects of warming on air quality and cleaner air from less coal use and more efficient cars.

But if regulations on coal plants, cars and other emissions are relaxed, the air quality will deteriorate, said Carnegie Mellon University engineering professor Neil Donahue.

“There is zero reason to expect any other outcome,” he said.
Add. Stop reading report summary. The summary is an opinion written about the report and often is not repreaentative of the facts in the report.
The EPA actually agreed with Prospect, that wildfires are the main cause of the uptick in toxicity.

Most scientists agree that natural factors do affect toxicity levels substantially, but human factors also affect air toxicity as well. The relaxing of several emission standards by Trump (and not increasing standards) will continue to throw toxicity into much higher levels moving forward. Putting us back into the times of the 90’s and 2000’s where they were at dangerous levels in many parts of the nation.

I believe, as well as other scientists, that the “leveling off” or the “offset” were the restrictions placed on human emissions, and as Trump relaxed those in 2016 we have already seen the overall levels increase. Those will continue to rise.
The EPA actually agreed with Prospect, that wildfires are the main cause of the uptick in toxicity.

Most scientists agree that natural factors do affect toxicity levels substantially, but human factors also affect air toxicity as well. The relaxing of several emission standards by Trump (and not increasing standards) will continue to throw toxicity into much higher levels moving forward. Putting us back into the times of the 90’s and 2000’s where they were at dangerous levels in many parts of the nation.

I believe, as well as other scientists, that the “leveling off” or the “offset” were the restrictions placed on human emissions, and as Trump relaxed those in 2016 we have already seen the overall levels increase. Those will continue to rise.
Honest question, what was in place and being enforced, and what was relaxed and is taking effect?
Even with the recent stagnation, there are far fewer bad air days now than in the early 2000s, 1990s and 1980s. Perciasepe said what’s happening now is a “tug of war” between the worsening effects of warming on air quality and cleaner air from less coal use and more efficient cars.

But if regulations on coal plants, cars and other emissions are relaxed, the air quality will deteriorate, said Carnegie Mellon University engineering professor Neil Donahue.

“There is zero reason to expect any other outcome,” he said.
Regulations on coal have not been relaxed. The ridiculous air quality goals set for coal plants had not taken effect and now never will. They were never lowered.
The EPA actually agreed with Prospect, that wildfires are the main cause of the uptick in toxicity.

Most scientists agree that natural factors do affect toxicity levels substantially, but human factors also affect air toxicity as well. The relaxing of several emission standards by Trump (and not increasing standards) will continue to throw toxicity into much higher levels moving forward. Putting us back into the times of the 90’s and 2000’s where they were at dangerous levels in many parts of the nation.

I believe, as well as other scientists, that the “leveling off” or the “offset” were the restrictions placed on human emissions, and as Trump relaxed those in 2016 we have already seen the overall levels increase. Those will continue to rise.
Wouldnt it just be easier to admit I was right and thar Trump policies have not hurt the environment? The truth shall set you free.
Wouldnt it just be easier to admit I was right and thar Trump policies have not hurt the environment? The truth shall set you free.

Hypochondriac socialist won't admit you're right.
Honest question, what was in place and being enforced, and what was relaxed and is taking effect?

Regulations on coal have not been relaxed. The ridiculous air quality goals set for coal plants had not taken effect and now never will. They were never lowered.
Both coal and methane emissions were adopted on 2015 by Obama’s EPA and relaxed in 2018 by Trump’s EPA

Since Trump has taken office, criminal referrals from the EPA have hit the lowest levels since Regan, and it’s not because companies aren’t breaking the federal standards.

Dave asked for proof that Teump’s policies hurt the environment. I listed many. That wasn’t good enough for Dave, because none were PROOF of a negative impact (although common sense and history say otherwise). I pointed out that since Trump took office air quality has dropped. It has. Is it because of wildfires, as Prospect says? Sure, but we saw something like 20-26% drop in emissions from 2015-2017, and fires haven’t raised enough to account for the change in trend.
I bet you can’t give me one source of information on this subject - you just have a chubby for coal

If seasonal allergies turn into the world is going to end in ten years. You may find this helpful.

Both coal and methane emissions were adopted on 2015 by Obama’s EPA and relaxed in 2018 by Trump’s EPA

Since Trump has taken office, criminal referrals from the EPA have hit the lowest levels since Regan, and it’s not because companies aren’t breaking the federal standards.
The coal and methane emissions in 2015, they were adopted, were they enacted and enforced? Coal emissions in the US (only the US) up, down, or flat?

Why have criminal referrals dropped? Is the EPA workforce, which I’m guessing are largely made up of die hard climate folks like yourself, not doing its job? Are the referrals being killed at the Dir level? Are we just not enforcing stuff or following through? Surely there is some kind of insider whistleblowing occurring if they’re not being allowed to do their job.

And to the rest of what you typed, assuming you were talking about ANWAR and offshore drilling, did he just open that up? Does that account for reduced air quality as you claimed? Vehicle emissions, isn’t hybrid/electric vehicle ownership up YoY? Is there a tie in increases due to more folks working than before? The specific industries and manufacturing working more than before?

Have state Govts continued to enforce the Obama era initiatives as they claimed they would or are they just shirking off their duties as well?

You talked about Paris, we never initiated anything from Paris, how could our backing out be a causal factor?

With respect to the pipelines that aren’t done. Wouldn’t those actually be better than OTR strictly from an efficiency and emissions standpoint? The pipeline activity, granted its LNG, is creating a lot of work for people.
Even with the recent stagnation, there are far fewer bad air days now than in the early 2000s, 1990s and 1980s. Perciasepe said what’s happening now is a “tug of war” between the worsening effects of warming on air quality and cleaner air from less coal use and more efficient cars.

But if regulations on coal plants, cars and other emissions are relaxed, the air quality will deteriorate, said Carnegie Mellon University engineering professor Neil Donahue.

“There is zero reason to expect any other outcome,” he said.


Why do you keep doing this, the future is the future. I was told in 1982 that we would have run out of energy and the earth was going to be in an ice age in 2020.

I totally disproved your theory and now you double down on more bull shit. Has Trump even hinted that he was loosening auto emissions? He is not even scaling back coal emissions, just allowing for plants to be modernized to produce energy, at the same if not more restrictive pollution levels.
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Both coal and methane emissions were adopted on 2015 by Obama’s EPA and relaxed in 2018 by Trump’s EPA

Since Trump has taken office, criminal referrals from the EPA have hit the lowest levels since Regan, and it’s not because companies aren’t breaking the federal standards.

Dave asked for proof that Teump’s policies hurt the environment. I listed many. That wasn’t good enough for Dave, because none were PROOF of a negative impact (although common sense and history say otherwise). I pointed out that since Trump took office air quality has dropped. It has. Is it because of wildfires, as Prospect says? Sure, but we saw something like 20-26% drop in emissions from 2015-2017, and fires haven’t raised enough to account for the change in trend.
No regulations for coal emissions were relaxed. You keep repeating this and it is a lie. I asked for facts to prove anything Trump did hurt the environment and you gave me BS about fires.

Why do you keep doing this, the future is the future. I was told in 1982 that we would have run out of energy and the earth was going to be in an ice age in 2020.

I totally disproved your theory and now you double down on more bull shit. Has Trump even hinted that he was loosening auto emissions? He is not even scaling back coal emissions, just allowing for plants to be modernized to produce energy, at the same if not more restrictive pollution levels.
He wants to believe it so POOF it is true. He cant get away from his desires long enough to recognize facts. See Russia collusion also. Same thing
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Both coal and methane emissions were adopted on 2015 by Obama’s EPA and relaxed in 2018 by Trump’s EPA

Since Trump has taken office, criminal referrals from the EPA have hit the lowest levels since Regan, and it’s not because companies aren’t breaking the federal standards.

Dave asked for proof that Teump’s policies hurt the environment. I listed many. That wasn’t good enough for Dave, because none were PROOF of a negative impact (although common sense and history say otherwise). I pointed out that since Trump took office air quality has dropped. It has. Is it because of wildfires, as Prospect says? Sure, but we saw something like 20-26% drop in emissions from 2015-2017, and fires haven’t raised enough to account for the change in trend.

Why don't you do your own research? I am getting tired of you copying my homework.

Greenhouse gasses have been going down since 2007. It was going down before Obama took office and way before any of his executive orders were in effect, many of which were never activated.


For bonus points, the industries that you mentioned went down more than the overall emissions...

Looks like Coal has continued to go down under Trump but Nat Gas is up.


Total showed a marginal uptick, similar to 2009 and 12-14. With more people working, would this not drive this?

My data is directly from the EPA which your data is populated with. Obama stood still for 7 years and lived off of what Bush enacted. In the 8th year, he gave the Green's everything they wanted knowing that even Clinton would not have followed through with it. He basically forced the next President to swallow a poison pill, either kill the economy or back off what he signed. That was his MO, Go extreme and when it gets abolished, the left can cry foul, which is what is happening in this tread.
The coal and methane emissions in 2015, they were adopted, were they enacted and enforced? Coal emissions in the US (only the US) up, down, or flat?

Why have criminal referrals dropped? Is the EPA workforce, which I’m guessing are largely made up of die hard climate folks like yourself, not doing its job? Are the referrals being killed at the Dir level? Are we just not enforcing stuff or following through? Surely there is some kind of insider whistleblowing occurring if they’re not being allowed to do their job.

And to the rest of what you typed, assuming you were talking about ANWAR and offshore drilling, did he just open that up? Does that account for reduced air quality as you claimed? Vehicle emissions, isn’t hybrid/electric vehicle ownership up YoY? Is there a tie in increases due to more folks working than before? The specific industries and manufacturing working more than before?

Have state Govts continued to enforce the Obama era initiatives as they claimed they would or are they just shirking off their duties as well?

You talked about Paris, we never initiated anything from Paris, how could our backing out be a causal factor?

With respect to the pipelines that aren’t done. Wouldn’t those actually be better than OTR strictly from an efficiency and emissions standpoint? The pipeline activity, granted its LNG, is creating a lot of work for people.
Coal emissions restrictions were challenged by courts, but coal companies began lowering their emissions when the rule were put in place in 2015. They dropped something around 30% over 2015 - 2016. Obama’s EPA also enforced the clean air act at levels higher than previous admin.

The air quality panel was dissolved. I’ve read statements by one of the EPA lawyers protected by her union status accusing the EPA director of actively ignoring standards for business. The number of cases overrhe first 266 days were down by 1000 compared to the big O. Several city councils have initiated complaints with the EPA over industry violations and cases have not been opened. Over 1600 employees have left the EPA since Trump made his appointment of Pruitt, most citing their inability to help the environment at the EPA under the new leadership.

We should be seeing a gradual drop in numbers, not an increase, due to things like hybrid/electric car ownership increasing. To be sure Trump is putting more people to work, and coal output increases under a good economy — so surely there is an adjustment for a good economy. But it (along with the increase in natural factors) doesn’t account for the overall increase of Toxicity.

On the state level, they are overwhealmed (from what I’ve read). They are required to enforce many EPA cases at a very high percentage, and are financially limited already. In 2011, this was an issue, it has only gotten worse. States like Jersey and California are airing for lack of action by the EPA on coal.

This simply my opinion, but the Paris deal allowed for a financial benefit delivered from well developed nations (like the US) to developing nations and under developed nations to take action themselves. It was an international commitment. It was a way to say we are in this together, and we will not limit the development of nations. To some it seemed like the US were getting hosed. To some it made sense due to the larger impact the US had on climate change over the last 100 years compared to other nations, and the role we had in creating the urgency.

Imo, the actual threat to land and animals aside, the pipelines simply allow us to continue to live under the same system that has existed for too long. We can move to energy that is sustainable and clean, if we are motivated to do so. Not only do pipelines zap that ambition, it provides (like you said) jobs in which a whole new group of Americans are dependent on unsustainable and unhealthy energy sources, which is the reason we are still talking about this approaching 2020.
My data is directly from the EPA which your data is populated with. Obama stood still for 7 years and lived off of what Bush enacted. In the 8th year, he gave the Green's everything they wanted knowing that even Clinton would not have followed through with it. He basically forced the next President to swallow a poison pill, either kill the economy or back off what he signed. That was his MO, Go extreme and when it gets abolished, the left can cry foul, which is what is happening in this tread.
Did they go up in 2018?
Coal emissions restrictions were challenged by courts, but coal companies began lowering their emissions when the rule were put in place in 2015. They dropped something around 30% over 2015 - 2016. Obama’s EPA also enforced the clean air act at levels higher than previous admin.

The air quality panel was dissolved. I’ve read statements by one of the EPA lawyers protected by her union status accusing the EPA director of actively ignoring standards for business. The number of cases overrhe first 266 days were down by 1000 compared to the big O. Several city councils have initiated complaints with the EPA over industry violations and cases have not been opened. Over 1600 employees have left the EPA since Trump made his appointment of Pruitt, most citing their inability to help the environment at the EPA under the new leadership.

We should be seeing a gradual drop in numbers, not an increase, due to things like hybrid/electric car ownership increasing. To be sure Trump is putting more people to work, and coal output increases under a good economy — so surely there is an adjustment for a good economy. But it (along with the increase in natural factors) doesn’t account for the overall increase of Toxicity.

On the state level, they are overwhealmed (from what I’ve read). They are required to enforce many EPA cases at a very high percentage, and are financially limited already. In 2011, this was an issue, it has only gotten worse. States like Jersey and California are airing for lack of action by the EPA on coal.

This simply my opinion, but the Paris deal allowed for a financial benefit delivered from well developed nations (like the US) to developing nations and under developed nations to take action themselves. It was an international commitment. It was a way to say we are in this together, and we will not limit the development of nations. To some it seemed like the US were getting hosed. To some it made sense due to the larger impact the US had on climate change over the last 100 years compared to other nations, and the role we had in creating the urgency.

Imo, the actual threat to land and animals aside, the pipelines simply allow us to continue to live under the same system that has existed for too long. We can move to energy that is sustainable and clean, if we are motivated to do so. Not only do pipelines zap that ambition, it provides (like you said) jobs in which a whole new group of Americans are dependent on unsustainable and unhealthy energy sources, which is the reason we are still talking about this approaching 2020.
Keep telling the lie. Trump never lowered emissions standards. It didnt happen no matter how many time you tell the lie. Stop spreading lies.
Keep telling the lie. Trump never lowered emissions standards. It didnt happen no matter how many time you tell the lie. Stop spreading lies.
Despite a drumbeat of scientific warnings, the Trump administration Wednesday issued a new rule that cuts carbon emissions from power plants by less than half of what experts say is needed to avoid catastrophic global warming.
Despite a drumbeat of scientific warnings, the Trump administration Wednesday issued a new rule that cuts carbon emissions from power plants by less than half of what experts say is needed to avoid catastrophic global warming.
Keep repeating the lie. It never happened and ignoring facts just shows YOUR stupidity
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized its plan to relax limits on greenhouse-gas emissions from power plants, eviscerating one of former president Barack Obama’s flagship climate policies. The new policy, announced on 19 June, sparked exasperation and dismay among climate scientists and environmentalists.
It doesnt matter how many stories your ignorant ass repeats, the fact is the levels were never lowered. Being an idiot is a choice.