Manchin and Saban

This isn’t an accurate statement. Pumping trillions of dollars into the economy devalued our currency. Actually, there are dozens of factors that play into it, but it’s not due to pandemic. To be fair, Trump owns some of this, but Biden’s policies waaaaaaaaaay exacerbated it.

Gas prices and energy prices are a direct result of his policies. They thought it would help sell the BBB for a cry for green energy. Same thing happened under Obama, but with him, gas prices already sucked, his policies just made them worse. Gas was $1.50, Biden’s policies pushed it to $3-$4-$5 depending on where you are. It went from great to horrific. That just pisses people off.

Home energy prices are again a result of his policies. We were an energy exporter under Trump. We’re now importing energy again and being reliant on the ME.

The irony in some of this is that the oil still gets moved. It just gets moved on trains. The stuff that was on trains, is now shifted to OTR. The stuff that was moving OTR is now delayed or costing more to move. His policies literally increased the carbon footprint and had a greater negative impact than what was in place.

Supply chain delays? This is partially the pandemic, but his policies are also causing it.

He’s pissed off the military so badly, you all can forget that vote for a generation.
Gas was $1.50?

So much so wrong. Stay away from wherever you're getting your info.
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You must not know much about Durham's case.

It's peripheral to anything on the Mueller case and is falling apart anyway.

Mueller excavated a vast pyramid of information and Durham is trying to say one of the shovels was illegal. No comparison.

Apparently I know a lot more you. Really sad attempt to spin this. Like I said his 2nd time cleaning his and Weissmann nonsense up.
Cmon man. Climate change isn't real. It's not man-made and it's no big deal. It's just a radical liberal plot.

If we just ignore all the crazy weather events, science and damage it'll just go away like Covid did.

What we need is just bigger balls and better umbrellas.
You are finally right about something. It is a hoax
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A riot that endangered our elected reps and interrupted the peaceful transfer of power was worth it to make me upset?

Interesting priorities there.

Totally normal thought process.

Not "radical" at all...
Nobody was ever endangered except a white woman who was executed by a non pale POS
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We live in the same state, it was $1.73. There are states where it was absolutely $1.50. I paid $3.34 yesterday at the RoFo near me. I saw $3.99 at one of the higher local places. not far off of historical averages compared to average incomes.

I know you're really hoping gas prices will help the Rs next November but you shouldn't count on it.

So much will happen between now and then.
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So you're not backing the blue then?

And your working your normal racist angle too.

Classic Airport!
If a white officer were to shoot a black felon, hell would break loose. Wait a minute, it did time and time again. I'll stand by what I said, he has a terrible work record. Leaving his gun in a bathroom that somebody had to bring it to him?
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Challenging the legal system is not “trying to stay in power.” DJT had every right to challenge The election results and even though there wasn’t enough evidence to overturn, it was well worth it seeing MSM and the radicals like you lose it for 4 months and even today. Lmmfgdao
Enough evidence? How about zero evidence. Straight up lies.
Enough evidence? How about zero evidence. Straight up lies.
There was actually a lot of circumstantial evidence of significant data anomalies unique to this election that deserve a closer look. Or at a minimum, policies put in place to make glaring loopholes harder to exploit. But, I agree, nothing presented to the courts warranted overturning the election. Delaying perhaps? An argument could be made.

Doesn’t matter at this point, it’s not relevant to the challenges we as a nation are facing today that are a direct result of the administration currently in office.
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May go down as a pivitoal figure in the country blowing its biggest opportunity to deflect the worst of climate change before it really is too late.
While 2 countries with over one billion in population each are exempt from the rules. Makes sense to me.

Los Angeles 1960s:

While 2 countries with over one billion in population each are exempt from the rules. Makes sense to me.

Los Angeles 1960s:


Great point here.

It's insanity to force these egregious requirements on the US while by far worse offenders are allowed to do as they wish.

Kind of makes you question the loyalty some of the left has to this country.
Climate change is constant, always has been. How did we cause the previous ones? Remember the huge hole in the ozone over Antarctica? It's gone. There will according to historical evidence probably be a mini ice age in our grandchildren's lifetime. Jimmy Carter sounded the alarm of global cooling caused by people. It's all cyclical and even if it weren't, the US giving up their economy with a few other nations will not help. India and China will always be exempt and their cities pollution looks like ours in the 1960s.
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Climate change is constant, always has been. How did we cause the previous ones? Remember the huge hole in the ozone over Antarctica? It's gone. There will according to historical evidence probably be a mini ice age in our grandchildren's lifetime. Jimmy Carter sounded the alarm of global cooling caused by people. It's all cyclical and even if it weren't. The US giving up their economy with a few other nations will not help. India and China will always be exempt and their cities pollution looks like ours in the 1960s.

See one of my posts above. Agreed 100%.

All of this has happened before.

All of this will happen again.

Have we contributed?

Can't say, but even if so, just punishing the US and a few allies isn't going to do diddly.
You know, I was in San Francisco last weekend….. amongst the things I learned was that on the left coast the antivaxers are …. “ hippie tech types” ….. as opposed to the right coast “ trump red necks” …..
Weird that the info is different in different places.
Did you watch your step downtown?
So do you believe in climate change or not? You're trying to have it both ways here?

Do you like science or not? And are you really hating on a guy that hasn't held office for 30 years???

You know what...never mind my questions. You don't have enough of a handle on the topics to even know.

I don't deny the earth is warmer... What is in doubt is that man has caused it or is causing it. The warmest period in his planets history occurred 500 million years ago and killed off 85 percent of all living things... Humans had nothing to do with that.

Retroactive climate studies look at millenniums of data to determine the causes of climate change. For example that great warming period that killed off just about everything science looks at about 100,000 years of day before those events and says "oh look we had Siberian volcanos, we had impact events, we had continental shifts" and then concludes all of those probably contributed... And none by itself was the single cause.

Look up snowball earth... man also had nothing to do with it.

Man didn't industrialize, exploit fossil fuel etc until roughly the mid 19th century no scientist takes 160 years of climate data and says ... Yep that's it ... Humans and Fossil fuels are the cause... That's as unscientific as can be.

Guess what .. in about 1.5 billion years by our best guess it's gonna get real hot around here.. like sun burn off oceans hot... Man won't have a damn thing to do with it and we can NOT prevent it. Eventually the sun will swallow this shitty little globe and we will be extinct (if we last that long) and no progressive program will change that.
See one of my posts above. Agreed 100%.

All of this has happened before.

All of this will happen again.

Have we contributed?

Can't say, but even if so, just punishing the US and a few allies isn't going to do diddly.
Wont effect me in my lifetime so I’m not worrying about it. I’ll be dead and reincarnated 15 times before it matters
There was actually a lot of circumstantial evidence of significant data anomalies unique to this election that deserve a closer look. Or at a minimum, policies put in place to make glaring loopholes harder to exploit. But, I agree, nothing presented to the courts warranted overturning the election. Delaying perhaps? An argument could be made.

Doesn’t matter at this point, it’s not relevant to the challenges we as a nation are facing today that are a direct result of the administration currently in office.
Several people went to jail for election fraud. Courts would not take the case because they said no one complaining had legal standing. But several state legislators heard sworn testimony about absurd irregularities they witnessed. The election was never going to be overturned, but I will never believe Uncle Joe had more votes than any candidate in history by hiding in his basement. I could not help but laugh at all the mail in ballots recounted that had no crease caused by an envelope.
Let me go ahead and put this thread out of its misery.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti admitted recently that the true motivation behind introducing the Green New Deal is to overhaul the “entire economy.”
4 years of fake collusion pumped by the media was the fake angle. I agree on the Jan 6 crap. Shouldn't have happened.
Wow Angry Airport is fired up!

You have a habit of always bringing up race. Maybe it's just coincidence.

By the way...your girl was "executed" while she tried to enter the chamber that lawmakers were fleeing from. She was a terrorist trying to stop the functioning of our government. You just keep supporting'll go down in history as a real hero.

And why are you so obsessed with anal sex? You must think about that a lot.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
You know...the Mueller report very clearly said that while they could not prove direct collusion it did not clear the president of any wrong doing right? you know that or not? It literally Saya that in the report.

Known facts include Don Jr "loving" to get information from Russia and attending the meeting to get it. It's also proven that Manafort shared internal polling with Russian agents.

You thinking the Mueller investigation cleared the president of collusion is like you thinking the OJ trial cleared OJ of murder.

The report showed many instances of obstruction of justice on top of all that. Of course none of it was prosecuted because Rs don't hold Rs accountable for breaking the law.

Of all the crazy stuff Rs do...referring to the Mueller investigation as clearing the president is one of the dumbest. It did the exact opposite.

We can clear this up real quick. The Supreme Court has invalidated almost all of McCain-Feingold because Free Speech is a paramount right ... Political contributions are Free Speech according to SCOTUS. Mueller's key finding is that even if Trump had accepted "dirt" on Hillary from Russia that was NOT A VIOLATION OF LAW because the only remaining parts of McCain-Feingold require a "value" in dollars to be exchanged for a violation of that act. Since dirt has no dollar value even in the wildest scenario whereby Trump admitted to accepting dirt from the Russians on Hillary he had committed no crime under US law ..

It is highly likely BTW the Court is only the right case away from tossing out the rest of McCain-Feingold ... Because again we place a paramount right in Free Speech and limiting monetary contribution to campaigns is likely UNCONSTITUTIONAL....
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Several people went to jail for election fraud. Courts would not take the case because they said no one complaining had legal standing. But several state legislators heard sworn testimony about absurd irregularities they witnessed. The election was never going to be overturned, but I will never believe Uncle Joe had more votes than any candidate in history by hiding in his basement.
I don’t believe he did either, but at this point, it’s irrelevant. We can just focus on his job performance and what he’s delivering for our nation. Unfortunately, it’s worse than anything most of us have witnessed in our lifetimes.
We can clear this up real quick. The Supreme Court has invalidated almost all of McCain-Feingold because Free Speech is a paramount right ... Political contributions are Free Speech according to SCOTUS. Mueller's key finding is that even if Trump had accepted "dirt" on Hillary from Russia that was NOT A VIOLATION OF LAW because the only remaining parts of McCain-Feingold require a "value" in dollars to be exchanged for a violation of that act. Since dirt has no dollar value even in the wildest scenario whereby Trump admitted to accepting dirt from the Russians on Hillary he had committed no crime under US law ..

It is highly likely BTW the Court is only the right case away from tossing out the rest of McCain-Feingold ... Because again we place a paramount right in Free Speech and limiting monetary contribution to campaigns is likely UNCONSTITUTIONAL.... you're cool with presidential candidates working with our historic geopolitical, democracy hating enemies to win elections?

What a ridiculous argument.

You deserve no further dialog.

You're more interested in your party having power than preserving our democracy. As "un-American" as it gets.

Let me go ahead and put this thread out of its misery.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti admitted recently that the true motivation behind introducing the Green New Deal is to overhaul the “entire economy.”

Her, Sanders, Ilham and the others have an obvious goal. USSA instead of USA. As in United Soviet States of America. you're cool with presidential candidates working with our historic geopolitical, democracy hating enemies to win elections?

What a ridiculous argument.

You deserve no further dialog.

You're more interested in your party having power than preserving our democracy. As "un-American" as it gets.


That's a political problem not a legal one....

Nowhere did I say I was fine with taking dirt from the Russians... I just said it is not illegal....

Voters decide political problems not the courts...
That's a political problem not a legal one....

Nowhere did I say I was fine with taking dirt from the Russians... I just said it is not illegal....

Voters decide political problems not the courts...
Consider it a blessing he doesn’t respond to you. you're cool with presidential candidates working with our historic geopolitical, democracy hating enemies to win elections?

What a ridiculous argument.

You deserve no further dialog.

You're more interested in your party having power than preserving our democracy. As "un-American" as it gets.

Should be a marker for you telling how wildly unpopular your policies are with average patriotic Americans who understand basic economics and civics. Some would try to learn from it. Your party’s response? More communism.
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