Yet Another Reason to Take Mike Puskar's Name Off the Stadium


Aug 14, 2007
Sistersville, West Virginia
EpiPengate keeps growing as the Manchin's circle the wagons. Mike Puskar would be ashamed on the way Heather has run his company. Ohio U took Roger Ailes' name off a building in Athens in short order. Many colleges are taking names off of buildings named for people who owned slaves. Ole Miss refuses to fly the state flag of Mississippi due to the Confederate battle flag being in the upper left corner. I am still irked at the way Uncle Joe stuck his big nose in everything WVU from Garrison's selection of being WVU president, the hiring of Bill Stewart, to Heather's bogus eMBA degree scandal. WVU needs to set an example that it is above the BS and just change it back to Mountaineer Field.
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With the liberal-progressive induced issues such as genocide around the world, the wide as Grand Canyon racial divide, debates over who can use which bathroom, bombings and shootings by those we let into this country, near national bankrupt debt load, a establishment Presidential candidate who played loosy goosy with state secrets, and a whole list of other think that WVU should take the name of a patron off the stadium. Wow. lol
I have been accused as the most PC person around these parts (on the OT board) and some of those accusations have truth behind it. But the this current issue and the Puskar's name being on the facilities do not have any connection whatsoever. It is PC run amok.
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With the liberal-progressive induced issues such as genocide around the world, the wide as Grand Canyon racial divide, debates over who can use which bathroom, bombings and shootings by those we let into this country, near national bankrupt debt load, a establishment Presidential candidate who played loosy goosy with state secrets, and a whole list of other think that WVU should take the name of a patron off the stadium. Wow. lol

Yup dad gummit lets follow the "conservative way"--give everyone guns so they kin kill everyone that don't look like us, lock everyone else up and give all the money to the rich folk so they cun make it better like it was when there wuz slavery--yeah, thats the ticket. Oh and lets nook the rest of the world cuz were mericans and all and rule!!

What an fing moron.
I understand that, but in this world where "perception is reality" Heather is not helping matters.

I agree that Heather has behaved abominably over the EpiPen.

But we don't execute the father of a killer, or take the name of the building because the daughter did some nasty things. Now, if Mike Puskar had done what Heather did, then we'd have a different story.

But Joe McCarthy is dead, and guilt by association is un-American.

Punish Heather, not Mike in absentia.

However, I'm not happy that then-Governor Joe Manchin appointed his wife to the state Board of Education and then Mama Manchin pushed the state schools to buy her daughter's company's EpiPens. Like $18 million compensation in one year wasn't enough for Heather.

It was the Nazis and ISIS who butchered entire families for the "misdeeds" of one member of a family. We don't do that in America, no matter how big the miscarriage of justice.

With everything Mylan has done in recent years, it would be understandable to drop the name. From the degree debacle, to "moving" to the Netherlands, and now pretty much saying 'f*ck your kid and their peanut allergy'. Mylan has shown itself to be a sleaze bag company, and being associated with it is going to eventually start hurting.
With everything Mylan has done in recent years, it would be understandable to drop the name. From the degree debacle, to "moving" to the Netherlands, and now pretty much saying 'f*ck your kid and their peanut allergy'. Mylan has shown itself to be a sleaze bag company, and being associated with it is going to eventually start hurting.

I am quite sure that Mike Puskar would not have wanted that at all. He built the company from nothing. Heather is taking all his hard work and sticking it in her pocket.
Geez Buck-eroo...don't call yourself such a harsh name.. Bad form. LOL, you are a.......misguided individual I guess.BTW: The world was a better place before PC-madness took root.

You have "bad form" every day and "PC madness" unfortunately has taken root
in what brain you have--the PC here is computers however-and you using them to troll and spew right wing garbage.

Being decent and intelligent is not "PC", its being decent and intelligent. Being a hatemongering fool is not good, or intelligent in any way.

Amazing how those wishing evil upon the rest of the world have tried to twist good into evil and evil into good. Hmm seems like I read that before in a book somewhere.....
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Yup dad gummit lets follow the "conservative way"--give everyone guns so they kin kill everyone that don't look like us, lock everyone else up and give all the money to the rich folk so they cun make it better like it was when there wuz slavery--yeah, thats the ticket. Oh and lets nook the rest of the world cuz were mericans and all and rule!!

What an fing moron.
Thank you. I get so embarrassed reading comments on here sometimes. I'll never stop wearing the WV, but at times I'm ashamed at how ignorant our fan base can be on certain issues.
Geez Buck-eroo...don't call yourself such a harsh name.. Bad form. LOL, you are a.......misguided individual I guess.BTW: The world was a better place before PC-madness took root.
For everybody? Or just for white Americans? Do you know this state voted Democrat almost every presidential election prior to Bush? Was this world a better place when WV miners were paid in script and worked liked dogs for the profit of big business? You are being spoon fed conservative rhetoric.
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Mylan donated millions to the University after exploiting addiction, disease, and poverty to earn billions. That company is, and always has been, a MONSTER!
We don't have a Puskar problem, we've got a Manchin problem. I have never understood how the people of this state have let the Manchin family hoodwink them the way they have. A.James Manchin was a clown who got a lot of attention grandstanding and crying tears on national TV because the phone company left Farmington out of the phone book while he was busy losing 280 million tax payer dollars during his time as treasurer and resigned before the State Senate could impeach him. His nephew Joe once tried to run for the State House as a representative from Farmington while he lived on the opposite end of the county. Then Joe used heavy handed tactics to get Mike Garrison the WVU President job and Mike returned the favor by granting Joes daughter Heather an MBA that she didn't earn (an embarrassment that just won't go away). Heather used her unearned MBA to get to the top of Mylan where she is bringing more shame to our state to this day.
Wow certainly like to use personal attacks in your posts. Guess when you have nothing else to say it makes sense. You are good for a laugh now and then though. Keep the comedy coming. LOL
Mylan donated millions to the University after exploiting addiction, disease, and poverty to earn billions. That company is, and always has been, a MONSTER!

This is not true whatsoever. All businesses have to make money or they are out of business.

Socialism was tried in the soviet union and it did not work. People were hungry and stood in lines to get bread.

Drives me crazy when people have no sense as to how the world actually works.

Without taxes, big government and social programs cannot happen or be sustained. Businesses supply jobs to the masses that pay the taxes on top of the massive taxes they also pay.

I'm a democrat BTW before you start on all of your name calling and whatnot.
This is not true whatsoever. All businesses have to make money or they are out of business.

Socialism was tried in the soviet union and it did not work. People were hungry and stood in lines to get bread.

Drives me crazy when people have no sense as to how the world actually works.

Without taxes, big government and social programs cannot happen or be sustained. Businesses supply jobs to the masses that pay the taxes on top of the massive taxes they also pay.

I'm a democrat BTW before you start on all of your name calling and whatnot.
Who calling for socialism? Do you really think that the pharmaceutical industry isn't exploiting those needing medicine? There is a difference between providing product and/or services for profit and pushing the price as high as people can possibly pay. The freedom that America provides isn't an ok to exploit. It's not coke they are selling, most of what they sell are vital for a persons health. And I'd bet Mylan paid less in taxes than he's donated to WVU
Who calling for socialism? Do you really think that the pharmaceutical industry isn't exploiting those needing medicine? There is a difference between providing product and/or services for profit and pushing the price as high as people can possibly pay. The freedom that America provides isn't an ok to exploit. It's not coke they are selling, most of what they sell are vital for a persons health. And I'd bet Mylan paid less in taxes than he's donated to WVU

Have you ever thought about why there is no company also making epi pens to compete with Mylan? Why dont you do yourself a service and look up why adn who is responsible. I think you'll be surprised. I'll give you a hint, its the same damn people that are now bitching about the price.

Should the epi pens cost that much? hell no, but looking deeper into the matter will tell you many people are to fault. Especially the people who legislated Health " reform ".
This is not true whatsoever. All businesses have to make money or they are out of business.

Socialism was tried in the soviet union and it did not work. People were hungry and stood in lines to get bread.

Drives me crazy when people have no sense as to how the world actually works.

Without taxes, big government and social programs cannot happen or be sustained. Businesses supply jobs to the masses that pay the taxes on top of the massive taxes they also pay.

I'm a democrat BTW before you start on all of your name calling and whatnot.

Hail, I don't know how the world works my dadgum self. Please try and educate ole Warez. How do it work? I'ma thinking that the 'shiny shoes' keep the world zipping thru space at about 60,0000 odd miles per hour. Am I right or is I wrong?
Hail, I don't know how the world works my dadgum self. Please try and educate ole Warez. How do it work? I'ma thinking that the 'shiny shoes' keep the world zipping thru space at about 60,0000 odd miles per hour. Am I right or is I wrong?
I must admit, when you're not dogging me, you are pretty funny. I had to learn to appreciate your humor.
Have you ever thought about why there is no company also making epi pens to compete with Mylan? Why dont you do yourself a service and look up why adn who is responsible. I think you'll be surprised. I'll give you a hint, its the same damn people that are now bitching about the price.

Should the epi pens cost that much? hell no, but looking deeper into the matter will tell you many people are to fault. Especially the people who legislated Health " reform ".

There are competing pens.

Epi is cheap to produce. EpiPens are expensive, right now, because Mylan owns the protection for the delivery system most folks use for emergency response.
We don't have a Puskar problem, we've got a Manchin problem. I have never understood how the people of this state have let the Manchin family hoodwink them the way they have. A.James Manchin was a clown who got a lot of attention grandstanding and crying tears on national TV because the phone company left Farmington out of the phone book while he was busy losing 280 million tax payer dollars during his time as treasurer and resigned before the State Senate could impeach him. His nephew Joe once tried to run for the State House as a representative from Farmington while he lived on the opposite end of the county. Then Joe used heavy handed tactics to get Mike Garrison the WVU President job and Mike returned the favor by granting Joes daughter Heather an MBA that she didn't earn (an embarrassment that just won't go away). Heather used her unearned MBA to get to the top of Mylan where she is bringing more shame to our state to this day.

As great a guy that Puskar may have been he kept Heather Bresch on board at his company after the scandal over her unearned MBA made the light of day. The BoG of saw fit to push out Garrison and some others. Puskar should have seen fit to show Heather the road.
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I must admit, when you're not dogging me, you are pretty funny. I had to learn to appreciate your humor.

BoomBoom................I just might..............just might have a job for you up in Michigan. Can you pick pickles? You would be working under TorontoEERs and right up beside of wvpaper.................aka............the PaperBoy. I'll pay you hunnards!
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I wonder who the democrats and republicans are in this thread...............

Heather's despicable EpiPen price-gouging has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican. Her father could be George Bush and the reaction to her $16.5 million bonus shenanigans would be just as outrageous.
Yeah, my bad. Not sure why I was thinking she was his daughter. Too many corrupt people involved with this state, it's hard to keep everyone in order.