Who hates America more?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009
Russia, China or Joe Biden and Democrats?

There are people buried deep in the bureaucracy who crave power against American ideals and work to destroy this country through the use of now meaningless words like racist and racism. If you don’t agree with the left, you’re a racist. But if you’re a white person, that in and of itself makes you a racist.

Most ironic is that this country was founded on merit, self-reliance, independence and hard work. The mantra of the left is a person’s failure is founded on victim hood and racism. The left wants everyone to be government dependent part of the collective. Hard work and merit mean very little, if anything.

Look at the great inventions that exist mostly because of American ingenuity and entrepreneurship (aka capitalism). Biden is doing everything he can to destroy it. He wants to tax genius. He wants to attack productivity. He wants to attack freedom. He’s destroying our energy production. He has allowed chaos at the border and the entry of millions of illegals
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Sammy afraid of the truth.
Small minded people who deal in absolutes are incapable of rational thought. These are the Trumpublicans. How can you love America when you hate over half of Americans????? You WVU82, Gunny, DvlDog, TarHeelEer are small minded people who hates half of America so perhaps you guys hate America the most. So you weak hide behind a screen name inbreed fools from the holler are nothing more than that. American hating morons
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Small minded people who deal in absolutes are incapable of rational thought. This is the Trumpublicans. How can you love America when you hate over half of Americans????? You WVU82, Gunny, DvlDog, TarHeelEer are small minded people who hates half of America so perhaps you guys hate America the most. So you weak hide behind a screen name inbreed fools from the holler are nothing more than that. American hating morons

I don't hate anyone. I actually feel sorry for you. Going through life as dumb as you has got to be a challenge that I simply can't relate with. Prayers for you and your family.
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Small minded people who deal in absolutes are incapable of rational thought. These are the Trumpublicans. How can you love America when you hate over half of Americans????? You WVU82, Gunny, DvlDog, TarHeelEer are small minded people who hates half of America so perhaps you guys hate America the most. So you weak hide behind a screen name inbreed fools from the holler are nothing more than that. American hating morons
Hahahaha says the guy who has done nothing but literally hate 70 million Americans that voted for Trump.

And to be clear, I don’t hate the left, I hate what the left is trying to do. I disagree with their approach and I’m tired and have been tired of being stripped of morality of what I believe, by the left’s narrative. I believe the left’s massive tilt to Marxist ideals is being fueled by Russian and CCP propaganda. Further, I believer the left is fueled by emotional outcomes at the expense of logical solutions.

You all hate us, we don’t hate you. I’ve spilled blood to preserve my nation and the nation I love. You denigrate Patriots.
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Hahahaha says the guy who has done nothing but literally hate 70 million Americans that voted for Trump.

And to be clear, I don’t hate the left, I hate what the left is trying to do. I disagree with their approach and I’m tired and have been tired of being stripped of morality of what I believe, by the left’s narrative. I believe the left’s massive tilt to Marxist ideals is being fueled by Russian and CCP propaganda. Further, I believer the left is fueled by emotional outcomes at the expense of logical solutions.

You all hate us, we don’t hate you. I’ve spilled blood to preserve my nation and the nation I love. You denigrate Patriots.
The BS you are pulling here is just that BS. You supported the insurrection in fact you guys have gone as far to say it was not an insurrection attempt. You have dehumanized the left all of you on here have. Call this message board what it is , a place to put up opinions and info that makes the other side look as bad as possible and then play gotcha. It is also like every other message board, a place to hide and say many things that they would not say to the other person face to face. You on the right look at the left as a culture war adversary and the left sees the right as supporters of an insurrection. Both are right and wrong. So thank you for your service, I appreciate it. But please do not tell me for a minute that the right does not hate the left or vice versa because turn on Fox news or CNN and I will tell you different, both sides hate each other that gate swings both ways. I am just not foolish to think it's just the other side that is wrong. I mean just look at the thread topic who hates Americ more? Russia China or liberals . So liberals are the same as China and Russia not even Americans again please do not tell me the right does not hate the left. And I do not hate the right I just want to knock some of the people on this message boards teeth out. Not because they are on the right but because they are a$$holes. I am sure that gate swings both ways as well
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Small minded people who deal in absolutes are incapable of rational thought. These are the Trumpublicans. How can you love America when you hate over half of Americans????? You WVU82, Gunny, DvlDog, TarHeelEer are small minded people who hates half of America so perhaps you guys hate America the most. So you weak hide behind a screen name inbreed fools from the holler are nothing more than that. American hating morons
I don't see anywhere that I mention Trump. You're just another far left liberal that is scared of a guy who is not even president. You are a liar just like the guy you voted for. Who is Biden? Nobody knows because he lies so much.
I don't see anywhere that I mention Trump. You're just another far left liberal that is scared of a guy who is not even president. You are a liar just like the guy you voted for. Who is Biden? Nobody knows because he lies so much.
Again you are a small minded dolt who is nothing more to me than a skid mark so go away little boy
Again you are a small minded dolt who is nothing more to me than a skid mark so go away little boy
Then why do you, a liberal communist even reply. Talk about a dumbass, well that would be you and your hate minded tactics.
You supported the insurrection in fact you guys have gone as far to say it was not an insurrection attempt.
I didn’t support an insurrection. You all continuously calling it something that it wasn’t doesn’t change it. I didn’t support the lawlessness, regardless. You all call it an insurrection leaving out significant context of the day.

Chief among those is that there were verified agent provocateurs involved spurring the crowd on. Pelosi’s intentional reduced presence to deal with it. I’ll call the day what it was, a day when a ch of morons allowed themselves to be manipulated by agenda driven people inside of our Government to get the exact optics we got.
You have dehumanized the left all of you on here have.
I don’t dehumanize, I just think you all are idealistic morons that don’t think through the secondary and tertiary effects of your decisions. I believe there is a giant disconnect in how we view the world and the Government’s role within in. We cannot be on common ground because I believe the Government’s role is facilitate self determination and resolve of the individual. To ensure no one is unjustly kept through our laws from an opportunity to achieve them. The left believes it the Government’s role to ensure everyone is able to achieve those goals.
Call this message board what it is , a place to put up opinions and info that makes the other side look as bad as possible and then play gotcha. It is also like every other message board, a place to hide and say many things that they would not say to the other person face to face.
I can assure you, I’d not hesitate to speak my mind to anyone’s face. I can also assure you, you have much more of a misconception about me than I do you.
And I do not hate the right I just want to knock some of the people on this message boards teeth out. Not because they are on the right but because they are a$$holes.
Sounds like you have a problem with opposing viewpoints that oppose your own and an anger management issue.
I am sure that gate swings both ways as well
Nope. When I close the board, I don’t think about you all. When I read the board, I get amused by how misguided your thinking is.
So liberals are the same as China and Russia not even Americans again please do not tell me the right does not hate the left.
No, not the same, but believe it not, the left is highly manipulated by their propaganda. You all respond to the perceived position of Christian beliefs (I’m not a Christian btw), probably not realizing 19 of the top 20 Christian related sites are Russian troll farms designed to fan the flames of anger within the left.

Moreover, you’ve been manipulated by your own media at the behest of the Democratic Party. A weird thing happened under Obama when journalists and leftist politicians began to basically swim in the same pool effectively becoming one. Matt Taibi talked about this recently on a Rogan podcast. You should give a listen.
Democrats don’t necessarily hate America. They just look out for their own special interests. They suit themselves for unpaid wars, secessionist traitors, or making minorities poor.
@sammyk accuses everyone on this forum of being who he is and what he does. Hate? Threats? Is there anything of substance other than those that he posts?

(wimpy speaks)
Well no...except when you post how I am what my name is...a wimp!

We sure have seen you offer nothing but still demand plenty of hamburgers come to think of it Wimpy! ;)
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Democrats don’t necessarily hate America. They just look out for their own special interests. They suit themselves for unpaid wars, secessionist traitors, or making minorities poor.
And the Republicans do not do this???????
No, not the same, but believe it not, the left is highly manipulated by their propaganda. You all respond to the perceived position of Christian beliefs (I’m not a Christian btw), probably not realizing 19 of the top 20 Christian related sites are Russian troll farms designed to fan the flames of anger within the left.

Moreover, you’ve been manipulated by your own media at the behest of the Democratic Party. A weird thing happened under Obama when journalists and leftist politicians began to basically swim in the same pool effectively becoming one. Matt Taibi talked about this recently on a Rogan podcast. You should give a listen.
We can agree to disagree.
Democrats don’t necessarily hate America.
I disagree with this. They hate our Capitalist free enterprise system (because they can't control it). They hate our Judeo Christian foundations (because they reject belief in a supreme Creator). They also hate our Freedom, (again because they cannot dictate our thoughts or behavior).

So yes they truly do despise America because we have free enterprise, free worship, and free thought. ALL anathema to Socialist/secular Humanist/Leftists.
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I typically like to back up my I'd challenge anyone on the Left of this forum to point out what they disagree with on this piece when it comes to if they hate America or not? I posted secular humanists don't like America because in part we recognize a supreme Creator and freely worship our beliefs in same, but they also hate the Freedom that Faith allows us to pursue.

So here is a piece I read a while ago which succinctly sums up why this is so? Again, if you're on the Left, what do you disagree with here when it comes to why you DO NOT hate America?

Leftists hate conservatives because they are damned by any comparison with them. Conservatives believe in personal accountability and in the power of the individual to make a profound difference in our world. The left doesn’t believe in the power of the individual anywhere near as much as it believes in the absolute power of the collectivist state — where everyone suffers equally and are rewarded for their efforts minimally.


Conservatives demand the freedom to make their own choices in life, with only the most minimal of governmental interference – and even then only when it’s absolutely necessary. Liberals desire the freedom to avoid making choices and truly desire to have the government micromanage their lives right down to whether they will be allowed to sip out of a paper or plastic straw.


Leftists have also succeeded in degrading us culturally through their postmodernist attacks on objective reality. They’ve succeeded in deceiving a large percentage of our population with the ridiculous notion that all cultures are equal and that all religions are the same at their very core. That’s demonstrably false and would be readily obvious to any sentient being if those people’s minds hadn’t already been neutralized by our nation’s public schools.

A very good read, and I seriously doubt anyone on the Left can honestly disagree with anything in it! If you're on the Left and you do, let's hear what it is?
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I typically like to back up my I'd challenge anyone on the Left of this forum to point out what they disagree with on this piece when it comes to if they hate America or not? I posted secular humanists don't like America because in part we recognize a supreme Creator and freely worship our beliefs in same, but they also hate the Freedom that Faith allows us to pursue.

So here is a piece I read a while ago which succinctly sums up why this is so? Again, if you're on the Left, what do you disagree with here when it comes to why you DO NOT hate America?

Leftists hate conservatives because they are damned by any comparison with them. Conservatives believe in personal accountability and in the power of the individual to make a profound difference in our world. The left doesn’t believe in the power of the individual anywhere near as much as it believes in the absolute power of the collectivist state — where everyone suffers equally and are rewarded for their efforts minimally.


Conservatives demand the freedom to make their own choices in life, with only the most minimal of governmental interference – and even then only when it’s absolutely necessary. Liberals desire the freedom to avoid making choices and truly desire to have the government micromanage their lives right down to whether they will be allowed to sip out of a paper or plastic straw.


Leftists have also succeeded in degrading us culturally through their postmodernist attacks on objective reality. They’ve succeeded in deceiving a large percentage of our population with the ridiculous notion that all cultures are equal and that all religions are the same at their very core. That’s demonstrably false and would be readily obvious to any sentient being if those people’s minds hadn’t already been neutralized by our nation’s public schools.

A very good, and I seriously doubt anyone on the Left can honestly disagree with anything in it! If you're on the Left and you do, let's hear what it is?

Great post, my fellow American. One that stood out to me was personal accountability. Leftists/bleaters are taught that it's always someone else's fault, when bad things happen to them. From racism to climate change. They are victims and can't fend for themselves. There's no way out without leftist overlords. They need government to take care of them. Dependents. They can't provide for themselves, because us White Nationalists (Regardless of what color we are, by the way) are out to destroy everyone. You don't need evidence. Just trust us. We're here to help...All in the name of power and control. If they're told any different, THEY GET ANGRY and filled with hatred.

The Party of Hate....That's today's left
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Leftist are into government control of their lives. This way they do not have to make any decisions for themselves. They would prefer their paychecks go directly to the government so the government can send out equal pay for everyone.
Small minded people who deal in absolutes are incapable of rational thought. These are the Trumpublicans. How can you love America when you hate over half of Americans????? You WVU82, Gunny, DvlDog, TarHeelEer are small minded people who hates half of America so perhaps you guys hate America the most. So you weak hide behind a screen name inbreed fools from the holler are nothing more than that. American hating morons
I'm assuming you forgot the queen Democrat calling all of us a basket of deplorables ... I really really like that name .
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Russia, China or Joe Biden and Democrats?

There are people buried deep in the bureaucracy who crave power against American ideals and work to destroy this country through the use of now meaningless words like racist and racism. If you don’t agree with the left, you’re a racist. But if you’re a white person, that in and of itself makes you a racist.

Most ironic is that this country was founded on merit, self-reliance, independence and hard work. The mantra of the left is a person’s failure is founded on victim hood and racism. The left wants everyone to be government dependent part of the collective. Hard work and merit mean very little, if anything.

Look at the great inventions that exist mostly because of American ingenuity and entrepreneurship (aka capitalism). Biden is doing everything he can to destroy it. He wants to tax genius. He wants to attack productivity. He wants to attack freedom. He’s destroying our energy production. He has allowed chaos at the border and the entry of millions of illegals
Self reliance, hard work ,merit based and independence....all things welfare takes from a individual as it destroyed self-esteem.... and we wonder why the projects is full of crime. I could be wrong but that's a Democrat idea .
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Russia, China or Joe Biden and Democrats?

There are people buried deep in the bureaucracy who crave power against American ideals and work to destroy this country through the use of now meaningless words like racist and racism. If you don’t agree with the left, you’re a racist. But if you’re a white person, that in and of itself makes you a racist.

Most ironic is that this country was founded on merit, self-reliance, independence and hard work. The mantra of the left is a person’s failure is founded on victim hood and racism. The left wants everyone to be government dependent part of the collective. Hard work and merit mean very little, if anything.

Look at the great inventions that exist mostly because of American ingenuity and entrepreneurship (aka capitalism). Biden is doing everything he can to destroy it. He wants to tax genius. He wants to attack productivity. He wants to attack freedom. He’s destroying our energy production. He has allowed chaos at the border and the entry of millions of illegals
Many democrat leftist believe American was founded on unjust principles and want it destroyed and remade in their vision.

Most Chinese and Russians that come here stay because they have longed for freedom. Democrats want freedom restricted and this is expressed in their policies. Chinese and Russian lived restricted freedom. It's a case of ignorance of what the loss of freedom means. Democrats don't promote freedom unless it relates to sex, drugs, or freedom from work or self sufficiency. Government replaces work while sufficiency becomes a function of the state.