What will the wingnuts do if their two favorite leaders....


Dec 7, 2010
Santa Cruz, CA
Bebe and Putin exit stage left. bebe is down in the polls. Putin has pulled a disappearing act and might be on his way out. Is karma translated into Russian or Hebrew?
Is thwre thought that Putin was ousted...or in hiding from rivals?
He re-surfaced today....

there is specualtion that the Russian Koch brothers aren't happy with his new direction and don't like the idea of further economic sanctions especially with oil prices diving. Who knows what will happen in Russia. Wouldn't be surprised if he was overthrown.
Why do you dislike Netanyahu?

Do you have a reason or is it just because Obama hates him?
Re: Bebe may lose today, but Putin isn't going anywhere

He has consolidated power like no leader since Stalin. Unfortunately the West thought that the bear was de-clawed in 1991, and now Europe & the USA are at a loss how to deal with him.
Becasue of his use of this country to pursue his own personal gains...

he's manipulated the gullible evangelicals in this country like a tv preacher. And the audacity to come here and blatantly interfere with the President's efforts in the Iranian nuclear negotiations.....over the line.
What "personal" gains?, OMG, a politican who "manipulated".**

Re: Becasue of his use of this country to pursue his own personal gains...

Hahahaha, we've kind of dictated to Israel on how to handle things in the Middle East in the past. It's always been of mutual interest. In this case, I think Israel has a little more to lose than the Presidents negotiations no?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
As long as he is able to fool the morons in the country

he won't lose anything. Nobody wants Iran to have a nuke. But why don't the winguts inthis country wait to see what is actually agreed to before they go ballistic.
Re: Becasue of his use of this country to pursue his own personal gains...

You do realize he is the leader of a country absolutely surrounded by enemies who want him and his people dead right? You do realize our President, his closest ally is negotiating with his biggest enemy about nuclear arms right? He also realizes that the candyass in the White House has no spine and is/will bend to the desires of his enemy. If I were him I would have not only spoken before Congress I would have taken ads out in every newspaper in the country begging for help.

You do realize that a majority of Americans support him and Israel don't you? I guess that means in your opinion most Americans are morons? Ever think maybe it's you?
I think we call all agree that Americans can be morons....

your side can point to the election of Obama twice and my side can point to W being elected twice. This people of this country don't pay attention. Who can argue against that? They are "for Israel" becasue they think that's what they're supposed to do. I'm pro Israel too. They are the only civilized country inthe region. A democracy. Good human rights record. We have a vested interest in their survival. But they don't get to dictate US policy. They utilize the Christian dogma of the apocolypse and all that to manipulate us. When they can't strong-arm our govt, they attempt to go directly to our people just lkie bebe did with his congressional speech. And btw, latest poll shows Bebe is less popular in the US than Obama-which honestlty surprised me. So his speech didn't exactly accomplish what he intended. he may pay for it today.
Not about me, I could care less if he is re-elected, it's not...

my country. Regardless who is elected, everything will remain the same. Your hated American Christians will STILL support the Israeli leader and the U.S. government will ALWAYS back Israel. It does not matter, Herzog will act exactly the way Netanyahu did. I have a hard time understanding your obvious obsession with the politics of Israel. Why are you so anti Jewish? Maybe you have never interacted with any Jewish people and you have bought into the stereotype image, I guess living in Tennessee, the birthplace of the Klan will do that to you, that's a real shame.

This post was edited on 3/17 11:12 AM by bornaneer
Once again, you have it wrong....

just like your frat boy characterization of me a few weeks back. I actually have many Jewish friends-my best friend is Jewish. I was a groomsman in both of his weddings.
and I know all the words to Hava nagila! Try again gramps. You aren't very good at reading me.
"I'm pro Israel too.". You are ???? I must have missed something**

Apparently you mss a lot...

I'm an American. I support American's interests first. A nuke deal with Iran is in our best interests. Again, let's see what is in it before we trash it.
If you support America's interests first

then why would you not support Netanyahu? He hasn't tried to "dictate" American policy like you keep saying. He has continually tried to get Obama's head out of his own ass and has repeatedly been trying to explain to the amateurs in the White House that Iran having nukes is probably not a good thing. He sees his biggest ally negotiating with his biggest enemy. I am sure if you were in his position you would probably see things much differently.
I think you are confused... I have NEVER referred to you about ....

"frat boy" One thing that my Yiddish speaking grandmother did teach me was to beware of the "schmucks" in the world. Nice try with the "my best friend is Jewish" tripe.
You are right, it was mneilmont....I get you two confused sometimes

your iq is about equal and combined would still be considered retarded.

This post was edited on 3/17 11:35 AM by RichardPeterJohnson
So why the big uproar with Bebe addressing Congress.....

your LEFT vs. RIGHT bullshit even extends beyond our borders.
Yea, but you were the one with the brain cell malfunction....

and to say you get "confused sometimes" is a vast understatement.
Re: You are right, it was mneilmont....I get you two confused sometimes

Your whole fukin family is retarded you son-of- a bitch. But as far as IQ post yours you lying bastard and I will honestly top you.
Triple prick is so greedy

he turned atheist to keep from tithing . He is gay for Arabs with dark skin.
Re: Becasue of his use of this country to pursue his own personal gains...

So it is ok for obama to go after him but its whine time when he abuses obama? Maybe barrack should just be good at his job?
Re: Bebe may lose today, but Putin isn't going anywhere

They are doing ok. He talks a big game but the russian economy is in shambles.
Re: Once again, you have it wrong....

Hahahaha. You just used the same analogy people on her use to couch their closeted racism. "I have a black friend". I don't think Obama thinks what he is doing will lead to them getting the bomb. The reality is that they will get the bomb because anything we negotiate I'm good faith they will exploit to their advantage. This is yet another example of why he is not cut out for the job at hand. It may not be tomorrow, it may not be next year, but anything he negotiates now will be exploited to that end.

As far as my support of Israel, it has zero to do with Christianity. Another strawman argument on your part. Shocking! It has everything to do with understanding our shared enemy. Obama trotted out this objective in his first term. He is acting on it. It's actually sad that for as educated as you are, you continue to support failed policy decisions because of your belief in him. Further, you have the audacity to criticize others. Typical for your party. At least Op2 and some of the others can fall back on idiocy, you are just a victim of propaganda which makes you worse than them.
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