What idiot said “Trade wars are good and easy to win.”

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Post 4 is outstanding. Let's play it one more time for the supporters of Communist China and it slave labor that makes corrupt capitalist and socialist rich while scewing over the American worker.

They [Goldman] make a lot of money offshoring our jobs, Lou. But people in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, they don’t much care for Goldman Sachs. They don’t salute the Goldman Sachs flag I can assure you. They salute the American flag and they support Donald J. Trump!”

Why do you hate Americans?
Is it really hurting us that much? China has devalued it's currency another 10%, hurting their citizens. Looks like China still thinks stealing our intellectual property and costing billions to our companies is OK. I don't have a great answer.
Is it really hurting us that much? China has devalued it's currency another 10%, hurting their citizens. Looks like China still thinks stealing our intellectual property and costing billions to our companies is OK. I don't have a great answer.

Destroy them. Until they make long term changes to their behavior.
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Destroy them. Until they make long term changes to their behavior.
Liberals don't want America to succeed, they want us to be like all the other shit hole countries in the world that they idolize.
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Something that is not being reported in the MSM. China and Russia has agreed to bilateral trade in national currencies. Russia needs to sell its energy and China needs all they can get their hands on.

Russia and China are signing long term deals for gas and oil. China is #1 importer of fossil fuels and Russia needs a new market. US sanctions are limiting trade with other countries so bilateral trading is allowing Russia to circumvent the sanctions. Sounds like Trump is not a Russian bot after all.
Something that is not being reported in the MSM. China and Russia has agreed to bilateral trade in national currencies. Russia needs to sell its energy and China needs all they can get their hands on.

Russia and China are signing long term deals for gas and oil. China is #1 importer of fossil fuels and Russia needs a new market. US sanctions are limiting trade with other countries so bilateral trading is allowing Russia to circumvent the sanctions. Sounds like Trump is not a Russian bot after all.

China is getting all of their soybeans from Russia now, not the USA.
Is it really hurting us that much? China has devalued it's currency another 10%, hurting their citizens. Looks like China still thinks stealing our intellectual property and costing billions to our companies is OK. I don't have a great answer.
Seems to be hurting us. Even with the tax cuts and MASSIVE spending increases our economy is slowing. Deficits are widening. Manufacturing and non manufacturing economic activity are at recession levels. Capital asset spending is non existent. Foreign investment in the US is gone. Stock Markets are flat from January 2018. Farmers are in line for their socialism.

I don't care about China or their citizens. We are unnecessarily harming ourselves.
Seems to be hurting us. Even with the tax cuts and MASSIVE spending increases our economy is slowing. Deficits are widening. Manufacturing and non manufacturing economic activity are at recession levels. Capital asset spending is non existent. Foreign investment in the US is gone. Stock Markets are flat from January 2018. Farmers are in line for their socialism.

I don't care about China or their citizens. We are unnecessarily harming ourselves.
Some of your statements are wrong. I get the tariffs are harming us but the theft is more harmful in that China has created nothing but has stolen everything useful.
Great use of evidence to support this. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Why do I even try and talk economics with boomers? This one is on me.
Because some of your claims are just wrong. Like the one that said a recession was likely when the evidence of the graph missed as much as it hit. If you scream that there's a recession likely, there's a 50% chance you might be right, just like that graph you showed several weeks ago. It was wrong 50% of the time.
Great use of evidence to support this. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Why do I even try and talk economics with boomers? This one is on me.
Our economy has been growing at nearly 3% for two years, beats that pathetic 1.7% of your hero, zero. It could slow down and still be head and shoulders better than your hero, Mr Zero
Our economy has been growing at nearly 3% for two years, beats that pathetic 1.7% of your hero, zero. It could slow down and still be head and shoulders better than your hero, Mr Zero
2.2% and 2.5% for Trump. This year will be around 2 or the high 1s. You're just so clueless. Your hatred of all things Ma0bama leads you to say the stupidest shit.
China is getting all of their soybeans from Russia now, not the USA.

Many countries are supplying China with soybeans, Russia being one of them. China uses soybeans to feed pigs. A major virus outbreak is decimating their industry.

Some experts think that China will most likely have to abolish their pig farming industry, allow time to kill off the virus and restart it from zero with new technology to make sure it never happens again. In the meantime they are buying pork from other countries in which we are now selling soy beans.

China might be experiencing the perfect storm...lost food reserves, a major trade war, the worst economy in 40 years and Hong Kong wanting independence.
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2.2% and 2.5% for Trump. This year will be around 2 or the high 1s. You're just so clueless. Your hatred of all things Ma0bama leads you to say the stupidest shit.

Explain to me why Clinton did not run a strong economy message? She ran away from it, why?
2.2% and 2.5% for Trump. This year will be around 2 or the high 1s. You're just so clueless. Your hatred of all things Ma0bama leads you to say the stupidest shit.

2.2% and 2.5% for Trump. This year will be around 2 or the high 1s. You're just so clueless. Your hatred of all things Ma0bama leads you to say the stupidest shit.
The real GDP under Obama was 1.877%. You keep drinking that liberal koolaid.
2.2% and 2.5% for Trump. This year will be around 2 or the high 1s. You're just so clueless. Your hatred of all things Ma0bama leads you to say the stupidest shit.
reached 3 percent growth in 2018.

  • The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) has announced that GDP grew by 3.1 percent from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018.
    • Bureau of Economic Analysis: “During 2018 (measured from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018), real GDP increased 3.1 percent.”
  • This marked the fastest fourth quarter to fourth quarter growth since 2005.
  • 2018 was the second year in a row that the economy exceeded market expectations.
  • The impressive economic growth in 2018 was a strong improvement from the trend prior to when President Donald J. Trump took office.
    • Had the pre-2017 trend continued, growth would have been only 2 percent in 2017 and 2018. Economic output was also $280 billion larger than it would have been.
  • Growth matched the forecast of 3.1 percent predicted in the President’s 2018 Budget.
  • The fourth quarter GDP growth last year far exceeded market expectations.
THE ECONOMIC BOOM CONTINUES: Last year’s impressive GDP growth continues the incredible economic success the country is experiencing under President Trump.

  • President Trump’s policies of tax cuts, deregulation, and trade reform have generated a booming economy.
  • So far, more than 5.3 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election.
  • The unemployment rate has remained at or below 4 percent for the past 11 months.
    • September 2018 and November 2018 saw unemployment rates of 3.7 percent – the lowest rate in nearly 50 years.
  • The number of job openings for American workers reached a record high 7.3 million in December of last year.
  • The economy continues to exceed expectations across the board.
    • Job growth in January was more than 300,000 – far exceeding expectations.
    • Unemployment stands at 4 percent – the Congressional Budget Office predicted in January 2017 that it would be 4.4 percent this quarter.
DEFYING DOUBTS: President Trump’s policies have achieved economic growth that critics continually denied would happen.

  • Critics (especially from the previous administration) repeatedly denied that the President’s policies would lead to this kind of economic growth.
  • Larry Summers, President Obama’s National Economic Council Director, dismissed the prediction that President Trump’s policies would lead to 3 percent growth.
    • Summers wrote in 2017: “Apparently, the budget forecasts that U.S. economic growth will rise to 3.0 percent because of the administration’s policies — largely its tax cuts and perhaps also its regulatory policies. Fair enough if you believe in tooth fairies and ludicrous supply-side economics.”
The real GDP under Obama was 1.877%. You keep drinking that liberal koolaid.
Including the inherited financial crisis year Obama took over. Again, Obama and Trump economic numbers are basically the same (so far). Liking one and trashing the other just shows the ignorance of partisans (and boomers). Keep drinking that Trump semen.
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reached 3 percent growth in 2018.

  • The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) has announced that GDP grew by 3.1 percent from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018.
    • Bureau of Economic Analysis: “During 2018 (measured from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018), real GDP increased 3.1 percent.”
  • This marked the fastest fourth quarter to fourth quarter growth since 2005.
  • 2018 was the second year in a row that the economy exceeded market expectations.
  • The impressive economic growth in 2018 was a strong improvement from the trend prior to when President Donald J. Trump took office.
    • Had the pre-2017 trend continued, growth would have been only 2 percent in 2017 and 2018. Economic output was also $280 billion larger than it would have been.
  • Growth matched the forecast of 3.1 percent predicted in the President’s 2018 Budget.
  • The fourth quarter GDP growth last year far exceeded market expectations.
THE ECONOMIC BOOM CONTINUES: Last year’s impressive GDP growth continues the incredible economic success the country is experiencing under President Trump.

  • President Trump’s policies of tax cuts, deregulation, and trade reform have generated a booming economy.
  • So far, more than 5.3 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election.
  • The unemployment rate has remained at or below 4 percent for the past 11 months.
    • September 2018 and November 2018 saw unemployment rates of 3.7 percent – the lowest rate in nearly 50 years.
  • The number of job openings for American workers reached a record high 7.3 million in December of last year.
  • The economy continues to exceed expectations across the board.
    • Job growth in January was more than 300,000 – far exceeding expectations.
    • Unemployment stands at 4 percent – the Congressional Budget Office predicted in January 2017 that it would be 4.4 percent this quarter.
DEFYING DOUBTS: President Trump’s policies have achieved economic growth that critics continually denied would happen.

  • Critics (especially from the previous administration) repeatedly denied that the President’s policies would lead to this kind of economic growth.
  • Larry Summers, President Obama’s National Economic Council Director, dismissed the prediction that President Trump’s policies would lead to 3 percent growth.
    • Summers wrote in 2017: “Apparently, the budget forecasts that U.S. economic growth will rise to 3.0 percent because of the administration’s policies — largely its tax cuts and perhaps also its regulatory policies. Fair enough if you believe in tooth fairies and ludicrous supply-side economics.”
Yeah those numbers were recently revised. Are you really this stupid or just spreading FAKENEWS in a partisan attempt to fool people?

"The American economy is slowing, dragged down by trade tensions and weak growth overseas. But there are few signs that the decade-long expansion is on the verge of stalling out.

Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of goods and services produced in the economy, rose at a 2.1 percent annual rate in the second quarter, according to preliminary data released by the Commerce Department on Friday.

That is significantly lower than the 3.1 percent growth rate in the first quarter. And it falls far short of the 3 percent target that President Trump has repeatedly promised. Data revisions released Friday wiped away what had been a prized talking point for the White House: G.D.P. grew 2.5 percent for all of 2018, down from the 3 percent previously reported."

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Classic But Clinton post that has nothing to do with the topic ITT!!! :joy::joy::joy::joy: 8.7/10

You keep saying that Obama's economy is the one we have now, you admit we have a strong economy, why did the democrats not run on it....seems relevant to me.
Yeah those numbers were recently revised. Are you really this stupid or just spreading FAKENEWS in a partisan attempt to fool people?

"The American economy is slowing, dragged down by trade tensions and weak growth overseas. But there are few signs that the decade-long expansion is on the verge of stalling out.

Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of goods and services produced in the economy, rose at a 2.1 percent annual rate in the second quarter, according to preliminary data released by the Commerce Department on Friday.

That is significantly lower than the 3.1 percent growth rate in the first quarter. And it falls far short of the 3 percent target that President Trump has repeatedly promised. Data revisions released Friday wiped away what had been a prized talking point for the White House: G.D.P. grew 2.5 percent for all of 2018, down from the 3 percent previously reported."


So Obama's economy is superior to what we have now, correct?
You keep saying that Obama's economy is the one we have now, you admit we have a strong economy, why did the democrats not run on it....seems relevant to me.
The well run Clinton campaign that lost blue states, had weak passwords, and lost the election? lol. Perhaps they should have?

2.4/10 on trying to hijack the thread.