What idiot said “Trade wars are good and easy to win.”

Gotta wonder if Biff is worried. Seems to me he could care less about the collateral damage being created across the country. And what if China never backs down?

Post 16. Only corrupt capitalist and communist are rooting for China. Stop cheering for slave labor and bring our jobs home.
Gotta wonder if Biff is worried. Seems to me he could care less about the collateral damage being created across the country. And what if China never backs down?
I think he's vain enough to worry about his re-election enough to find some temporary "agreement" that he and his swallowers can spin as totes winning before the election. That should limit the damage. It's a cop out though and hopefully enough people see through it.
Yes because Obama's Bush's, and Clinton's plans worked out so great. :joy::joy::joy::joy:
They did work. And RR's. We are (were) the envy of world. I'm sorry you apparently can't hack it in a modern economy. Ts and Ps
The well run Clinton campaign that lost blue states, had weak passwords, and lost the election? lol. Perhaps they should have?

2.4/10 on trying to hijack the thread.

10/10 for you not having your facts straight. You have mentioned that we have a strong economy and that Obama's was superior or the same as we have today. Clinton invented "it's the economy stupid" yet we are to believe that she refused to use it if it was available. Is any democrat running on Obama's economy and promoting going back to his polices?
They did work. And RR's. We are (were) the envy of world. I'm sorry you apparently can't hack it in a modern economy. Ts and Ps

Lol at they worked. Yes in Communist China's advantage. You love you some slave labor goods don't you. As far as me hacking it in the modern economy I guarantee you I am financially better off than you. Now and longterm. You assume way too much.
Lol at they worked. Yes in Communist China's advantage. You love you some slave labor goods don't you. As far as me hacking it in the modern economy I guarantee you I am financially better off than you. Now and longterm. You assume way too much.
To our advantage. Again, I'm sorry we're learning you have been unable to adapt and need Daddy fed to help you.
Not correct, imo. In fact nowhere have I argued that. I am concerned where our economy is heading with these trade wars.

Did you post this?
"Including the inherited financial crisis year Obama took over. Again, Obama and Trump economic numbers are basically the same (so far). Liking one and trashing the other just shows the ignorance of partisans (and boomers). Keep drinking that Trump semen."

Sounds like you are saying they are the same to me. What am I missing? You also just posted that Bush's economy was good, now it was a mess...can you keep it straight?
Sounds like you are saying they are the same to me. What am I missing?
Apparently basic reading skills. The answer you quoted was to the question (that you asked BTW) "So Obama's economy is superior to what we have now, correct?"

Are you that dumb or just a disingenuous poster? Either way, it's boring.
To our advantage. Again, I'm sorry we're learning you have been unable to adapt and need Daddy fed to help you.

You're a 27 year old closet socialist. Nobody is taking your financial advice serious.
Apparently basic reading skills. The answer you quoted was to the question (that you asked BTW) "So Obama's economy is superior to what we have now, correct?"

Are you that dumb or just a disingenuous poster? Either way, it's boring.

Your response was to Airport...Do I have to do everything around here?

Airport said:
The real GDP under Obama was 1.877%. You keep drinking that liberal koolaid.

Including the inherited financial crisis year Obama took over. Again, Obama and Trump economic numbers are basically the same (so far). Liking one and trashing the other just shows the ignorance of partisans (and boomers). Keep drinking that Trump semen.
They did work. And RR's. We are (were) the envy of world. I'm sorry you apparently can't hack it in a modern economy. Ts and Ps

Then how did Obama inherit a bad economy. Obama talked about it for 8 years.
Yeah those numbers were recently revised. Are you really this stupid or just spreading FAKENEWS in a partisan attempt to fool people?

"The American economy is slowing, dragged down by trade tensions and weak growth overseas. But there are few signs that the decade-long expansion is on the verge of stalling out.

Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of goods and services produced in the economy, rose at a 2.1 percent annual rate in the second quarter, according to preliminary data released by the Commerce Department on Friday.

That is significantly lower than the 3.1 percent growth rate in the first quarter. And it falls far short of the 3 percent target that President Trump has repeatedly promised. Data revisions released Friday wiped away what had been a prized talking point for the White House: G.D.P. grew 2.5 percent for all of 2018, down from the 3 percent previously reported."

Every Obama gdp estimate was revised downward, EVERYONE. You are a complete Ftard if you think they are the same.
Not correct, imo. In fact nowhere have I argued that. I am concerned where our economy is heading with these trade wars.
I can agree with you on that. As I said, how do we keep our intellectual property from being stolen. The only thing China ever does is still information. Both China's ad russia's fighter jets look exactly like ours, wonder why? On a side note, I was coming back from Sufflok last wednesday and came thru Newport News and I could see the newest air craft carrier being made. Impressive sight.