Walking Dead, Game of Thrones or House of Cards? If you were going to pick

Originally posted by JLW71073:
one to start watching from the beginning which would be?
Re: Walking Dead. Then Game of Thrones. Then House of Cards.

It's hard to compare " network" programs with pay (HBO/Netflix/Showtime) because of the censorship. Show me Maggie's or Tara's unholstered racks and TWD would be way ahead.
I'm going with Black Sails...

lesbian Pirates...need I say more?
Re: I'm going with Black Sails...

sometimes it gives new meaning to the term peg-leg
House of Cards for sure. Peaky Blinders is also very good.

GOT is awesome as well.

Black Sails is really good

Check out The News Room as well.

Haven't watched TWD. Just not into zombies.

DO NOT WATCH True Blood. Dumbest shit I've ever sat through.
Game of Thrones, House of Cards, and then Walking Dead.

Walking Dead has regressed badly over the seasons due to stale writing and redundancy. However, I will say that the writing has improved significantly this past season.

My list of 5 best modern shows, my opinion of course.

1) Breaking Bad, the greatest show of all-time. Writing, acting, directing, etc are all elite. When all 3 categories are elite, you have arguably the greatest show ever.

2) Game of Thrones, just slightly behind Breaking Bad. Biggest difference being that Breaking Bad is realistic, so I give it the nod over GOT.

3) Better Call Saul, only 1 season thus far. But damn, it's been amazing. Once again, you have elite writing, acting, and directing. Pretty much everyone who worked on Breaking Bad is working on Better Call Saul, excluding the few main characters of BB such as Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Skyler White, Hank Schrader, etc.

4) Homeland, a brilliant espionage show involving the CIA and anti-terrorism. I was very surprised at how good last season was considering the show killed off Brody.

5) House of Cards - 1st and 2nd seasons were outstanding. However, I felt season 3 was a letdown. Perhaps, that is not a bad thing because Season 1 and 2 were just crazy good and the expectations being naturally very high for season 3.

Few honorable mentions

6) Entourage - one of my favorite shows ever, phenomenal comedy series that gives you behind the scenes look at the Hollywood life of a star actor and his close group. I'm very happy that the boys are back this Summer as they are putting a movie out, even heard a sequel is in the mix too.

7) True Detective, only 1 season thus far. I think season 2 comes out this summer. I think it's only going to be 3 seasons. But the 1st season was mesmerizing. Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey put on a show. The directing was very superb too, as was the writing. Don't think season 2 can live up to season 1, mostly due to high expectations and Vince Vaughn. I think Colin Farrel will do good. He's been in a slump, perhaps this show can rejuvenate his career.

8) Penny Dreadful- only 1 season, season 2 comes out in late April. Has some big name actors including Josh Hartnett, Eva Green, Timothy Dalton, etc. Very dark action, suspense, horror show. It includes many freaky characters such as : Vampires, werewolves, Dorian Gray, etc. I have high expectations for season 2.

9) Shameless, a great comedy-drama show of a dysfunctional family who tries to cheat the system.

I am also very intrigued with Silicon Valley. It comes back on when GOT comes back. Season 1 was pretty solid. Reminded me a lot of Entourage, perhaps that is what HBO is trying to do with this show. Don't think it will be nearly as good as Entourage but I think it can be a pretty solid comedy show.

This post was edited on 4/1 8:58 AM by bEER_Nation13
Originally posted by bEER_Nation13:
4) Homeland, a brilliant espionage show involving the CIA and anti-terrorism. I was very surprised at how good last season was considering it rebooted.

5) House of Cards - 1st and 2nd seasons were outstanding. However, I felt season 3 was a letdown. Perhaps, that is not a bad thing because Season 1 and 2 were just crazy good and the expectations being naturally very high for season 3.

7) True Detective, only 1 season thus far. I think season 2 comes out this summer. I think it's only going to be 3 seasons. But the 1st season was mesmerizing. Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey put on a show. The directing was very superb too, as was the writing. Don't think season 2 can live up to season 1, mostly due to high expectations and Vince Vaughn. I think Colin Farrel will do good. He's been in a slump, perhaps this show can rejuvenate his career.

How you don't have The Wire on your list is a little crazy to me. That was without question one of the greatest to ever be made. It was groundbreaking in so many ways.

For those that haven't seen Homeland you really gave a spoiler. I edited my response in case you want to update yours.

House of Cards Season 3 was a setup season for next year. The possibilities of what is going to happen next season are amazing. They certainly took the dynamic we have grown to love from HOC and flipped it up. I think it returns to form in Season 4.

True Detective: WOW!! Woody and McConaughey's character and relationship dynamic made the first season.
Originally posted by DvlDog4WVU:

Originally posted by bEER_Nation13:
4) Homeland, a brilliant espionage show involving the CIA and anti-terrorism. I was very surprised at how good last season was considering it rebooted.

5) House of Cards - 1st and 2nd seasons were outstanding. However, I felt season 3 was a letdown. Perhaps, that is not a bad thing because Season 1 and 2 were just crazy good and the expectations being naturally very high for season 3.

7) True Detective, only 1 season thus far. I think season 2 comes out this summer. I think it's only going to be 3 seasons. But the 1st season was mesmerizing. Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey put on a show. The directing was very superb too, as was the writing. Don't think season 2 can live up to season 1, mostly due to high expectations and Vince Vaughn. I think Colin Farrel will do good. He's been in a slump, perhaps this show can rejuvenate his career.

How you don't have The Wire on your list is a little crazy to me. That was without question one of the greatest to ever be made. It was groundbreaking in so many ways.

For those that haven't seen Homeland you really gave a spoiler. I edited my response in case you want to update yours.

House of Cards Season 3 was a setup season for next year. The possibilities of what is going to happen next season are amazing. They certainly took the dynamic we have grown to love from HOC and flipped it up. I think it returns to form in Season 4.

True Detective: WOW!! Woody and McConaughey's character and relationship dynamic made the first season.
I've heard very high reviews on the Wire. But I have yet to watch it yet for some odd reason. It is a show that I hope to start watching soon. Perhaps, I'll wait until June, when the sports season is pretty slow.

I also want to start watching "The Fall" which stars Gillian Anderson in a psychological thriller serial killer show She's one of my favorite actresses, I'm addicted to the X-files.

Speaking of the X-files, they are doing a re-boot with a new season. I think it's only going to be 1 season and a fairly short one but I am stoked about it. One of my favorite shows ever.

And does anyone remember the 90s TV show "Coach" with Craig T Nelson? They are also doing a re-boot with that show.