Trump's claims of voter fraud remain baseless in PA............................


May 4, 2010
In the third version of his campaign's federal lawsuit seeking to overturn the results there, the complaint accuses election officials in Democratic strongholds of scheming to steal the election with thousands of invalid mail and absentee ballots that Republican observers were blocked from checking. And for the third time, the filing provides no specific evidence. No exhibits. No affidavits. Trump's personal attorney, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, insists evidence exists, but can't yet be disclosed because people fear harassment.

Campaign lawyers want a federal judge to block Pennsylvania from certifying the results to give them time to search for evidence. Trump's campaign wants to examine as many as 1.5 million mail and absentee ballots in seven counties, even though no one has produced evidence of widespread fraud or irregularities in the state. But time for this case is growing short.

Monday is the deadline for Pennsylvania to certify the 2020 presidential election results. Biden leads Trump by 81,361 votes in the latest tally. Missing that deadline raises the possibility that Pennsylvania won't make the so-called Safe Harbor deadline on Dec. 8 to send its electors to Congress.

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