Trump uses doctored map to back false claim about Hurricane Dorian

Good Lord. What you guys fail to see is that when Trump made his statement about Alabama, it was already determined that Alabama was NOT in the target zone.

Can you see this weather map ?

Do you KNOW where Alabama is ?

Can you see this weather map ?

Do you KNOW where Alabama is ?

See if you can following this......First, look at the date of the NOAA tweet. Says "August 29th".....

Now, look at Trump's tweet about Alabama in the path.....


It's "September 1st"..........Got it now?
Beyond sad that you still defend him. Embarrassing.

Prior to April 15, 2019, most Americans who earned in excess of a quarter million dollars the previous year found at least a dollar to donate to charity and claim it as an exemption on their income taxes. Most except ONE.

Wonder who that could be? :confused:

Maybe someone who claimed both races to try and win an argument?


They're now saying "Trump lied" about the Hurricane.

So how did he know where it was going in order to "lie" about it? Does that mean the entire meteorological membership also lied to us because NONE of their models or forecasts were correct!

Not one of 'em. You can only tell a lie when you know what the Truth is, and the Truth is ALL of those Hurricane models were nothing more than educated guesses.

So if Trump was "lying" he was taking cues from "liars".

These people (Leftists) aren't losing it, they've lost it!
They're now saying "Trump lied" about the Hurricane.

So how did he know where it was going in order to "lie" about it? Does that mean the entire meteorological membership also lied to us because NONE of their models or forecasts were correct!

Not one of 'em. You can only tell a lie when you know what the Truth is, and the Truth is ALL of those Hurricane models were nothing more than educated guesses.

So if Trump was "lying" he was taking cues from "liars".

These people (Leftists) aren't losing it, they've lost it!

Dude, you aren’t going insane, you have been insane for quite some time.
Dude, you aren’t going insane, you have been insane for quite some time.

Maybe. But tell us country, how "insane" is it to earn over quarter million dollars and NOT donate any of it to the poor so you don't have to pay as much in taxes?

I mean who in their right mind smart enough to earn that type of income is that insane?
Dude, you aren’t going insane, you have been insane for quite some time.

Hey many White people do you know who concurrently claim to be Black and smart enough or qualified enough to earn in excess of 200K yet still stingy, stupid, or selfish enough to not give as much as a measley dollar of it to any poor people of color...particularly to those who happen to be the exact color YOU claim as your own?

If that doesn't qualify as bat sh*t insane can you please provide us a better example of what does? If you can't, may I reserve that classification exclusively for YOU?

Thank you, at least your generosity shows when describing your own insanity as opposed to your philanthropy.
That’s pretty funny. I bet that wall props up ladders beautifully.

You guys are laughing at a wall you insist doesn't even exist or worse wasn't even going to be built?

Can you imagine what happens when they electrify that thing?