Trump says... Agenda 47, IS MY AGENDA...


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
the 2024 campaign has kicked off...

and it's time to save America...


So, if the FBI illegally suppressed all of the really bad information on the Biden family (laptop!) at a level never seen before, (“it was Russian disinformation,” they said), while at the same time not letting the many positive things accomplished by “Trump” get out to the public, but would instead put out “bad stuff,” that would be the very definition of the Government’s RIGGING of an Election.

Pollsters projected this Scam made a difference of Millions of votes.

What are the CONSEQUENCES?
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Was just advised that the Unselect Committee of political Thugs has withdrawn the Subpoena of me concerning the January 6th Protest of the CROOKED 2020 Presidential Election.

They probably did so because they knew I did nothing wrong, or they were about to lose in Court.

Perhaps the FBI’s involvement in RIGGING the Election played into their decision.

In any event, the Subpoena is DEAD!

It has just been learned that the FBI Office that is “investigating” Hunter Biden sent many censorship requests to keep all of his bad news confidential just prior to the 2020 Election.

In other words, the exact same people that were “investigating him” were making sure that he doesn’t get any bad publicity—“Only good publicity, please.”

This is an outrageous disgrace, & the same group that is after me on the Boxes Hoax, the January 6th Unselect Committee Hoax, & the many past Hoaxes and Scams.

The Fake & Corrupt News is only getting worse! As an example, I agreed to do a short telephone interview for a once very good, but now on its “last legs” and failing, New York Magazine.

The reporter was a shaky & unattractive wack job, known as “tough” but dumb as a rock, who actually wrote a decent story about me a long time ago.

Her name, Olivia Nuzzi. Anyway, the story was Fake News, her “anonymous sources” don’t exist (true with many writers), and I’m happily fighting hard for our GREAT USA!

Something is going on with Mitch McConnell and all of the terrible and virtually automatic “surrenders” he makes to the Marxist Democrats, like on the $1.7 Trillion “Ominous” Bill.

Could have killed it using the Debt Ceiling, or made it MUCH better in the Republican House.

Nobody can be this stupid.

Perhaps it has to do with his wife, Coco Chow, and their BIG relationships with China - A HISTORIC conflict of interest like no other!

Abe Hamadeh, a very accomplished legal mind who served our country in the Army, gained more than 400 votes in a small portion of the recount (more than half the deficit) for Arizona AG, proving there was massive inconsistencies with how the votes were counted.


That is the only way forward.

Arizona voters are being disenfranchised—They deserve a REAL election!
Trump pays more income tax to other countries than to the US.. but.. America First! He is an outstanding grifter and con man though.. has been his whole career
Trump paid the income taxes he owed.

The grifters and con men are the ones who are trying to spin that fact into anything but a fact.
you sure about that? I'm sure you realize that people's income tax returns do not show the amount they owed.. they show the amount that they say they owed... hence the whole concept of tax fraud

In reality I have no idea if he paid what he owed, nor do you..
you sure about that? I'm sure you realize that people's income tax returns do not show the amount they owed.. they show the amount that they say they owed... hence the whole concept of tax fraud

In reality I have no idea if he paid what he owed, nor do you..
In reality the IRS knows and haven't charged him with a crime but you were the one calling him a con man and a grifter so if you have some proof you should produce it because otherwise you look like a host of any number of MSNBC shows.
Trump pays more income tax to other countries than to the US.. but.. America First! He is an outstanding grifter and con man though.. has been his whole career
Ok let's say Trump is all you say he is ... what does that make lifelong politicians who make less than me come out of office millionaires?
Look at Biden & what he has made in office.... holy hell ... he didn't invent anything, he ran against everything he ever voted for and has what 3 or 4 homes in the northeast.... please do tell of how honest poor Lil Joe Biden is ....
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Ok let's say Trump is all you say he is ... what does that make lifelong politicians who make less than me come out of office millionaires?
Look at Biden & what he has made in office.... holy hell ... he didn't invent anything, he ran against everything he ever voted for and has what 3 or 4 homes in the northeast.... please do tell of how honest poor Lil Joe Biden is ....
first, just because I think trump is a con man doesn't automatically make me a biden fan.. You realize these things are not mutually tied together, right? I've voted both republican and democrat throughout my life

that said, I took your challenge (against my better judgement), and upon a quick 30 sec google search it appears the vast majority of biden's wealth comes from a book deal and speaking engagements, almost all of which was earned between his Obama VP years and his current job...


Biden net worth <$30k in 2009
first, just because I think trump is a con man doesn't automatically make me a biden fan.. You realize these things are not mutually tied together, right? I've voted both republican and democrat throughout my life

that said, I took your challenge (against my better judgement), and upon a quick 30 sec google search it appears the vast majority of biden's wealth comes from a book deal and speaking engagements, almost all of which was earned between his Obama VP years and his current job...


Biden net worth <$30k in 2009

Google search.

Good grief.
first, just because I think trump is a con man doesn't automatically make me a biden fan.. You realize these things are not mutually tied together, right? I've voted both republican and democrat throughout my life

that said, I took your challenge (against my better judgement), and upon a quick 30 sec google search it appears the vast majority of biden's wealth comes from a book deal and speaking engagements, almost all of which was earned between his Obama VP years and his current job...


Biden net worth <$30k in 2009
I do realize that a person can dislike both at the same time .
You believe Biden is the lesser of the two.
If you believe book deals are on the up & up I have a ocean view property for sale in WV.
Biden has done nothing in private sector to make a living. He has never made a nickel without taxpayer dollars, unless you believe he was a truck driver.
How much was his wife worth ?
How many lucrative jobs has his family had from his position in government?
I don't like any lifelong politicians they all are corrupt. I have voted for Manchin many times but won't again . Look at the government job his wife now has ...
I do realize that a person can dislike both at the same time .
You believe Biden is the lesser of the two.
If you believe book deals are on the up & up I have a ocean view property for sale in WV.
Biden has done nothing in private sector to make a living. He has never made a nickel without taxpayer dollars, unless you believe he was a truck driver.
How much was his wife worth ?
How many lucrative jobs has his family had from his position in government?
I don't like any lifelong politicians they all are corrupt. I have voted for Manchin many times but won't again . Look at the government job his wife now has ...
fair enough, and I do believe many politicians are corrupt and use their office for personal gain.

I don't know a lot about book deals, and would have to see the details of the deal itself, but I assume (and I know it can be dangerous to do so) that most publishers who pay for the book deals have a profit motive and expect to sell enough books to recoup their upfront investment. If he got paid to write a couple books, which it appears he did, I would classify that as making money in the private sector... although obviously trading on his position and experience in gov't to do so..
Trump pays more income tax to other countries than to the US.. but.. America First! He is an outstanding grifter and con man though.. has been his whole career
And here we are with another stupid person joining the hate Trump thread with no ability to think for himself. Listen goofball, prior to Trump running for POTUS, he was a global business man. The Trump Organization has business offices around the world. Hence why he paid taxes in foreign countries. Same as Nike and any other US corporations around the globe. Try using some sense.
first, just because I think trump is a con man doesn't automatically make me a biden fan.. You realize these things are not mutually tied together, right? I've voted both republican and democrat throughout my life

that said, I took your challenge (against my better judgement), and upon a quick 30 sec google search it appears the vast majority of biden's wealth comes from a book deal and speaking engagements, almost all of which was earned between his Obama VP years and his current job...


Biden net worth <$30k in 2009

Annnd there's other media sources some from the same company disputing Biden's net worth and tax issues.

So I look forward to you supporting the upcoming Congressional Investigations to get to the truth. I will also be expecting to hear you raise hell if Biden's legal team doesn't comply with all subpoenaes.
Annnd there's other media sources some from the same company disputing Biden's net worth and tax issues.

So I look forward to you supporting the upcoming Congressional Investigations to get to the truth. I will also be expecting to hear you raise hell if Biden's legal team doesn't comply with all subpoenaes.
I am all for anyone, especially politicians, who are suspected of having broken the law to be investigated, charged if appropriate, and tried via whatever process is relevant.. There's no partisan view from me on that at all.. and again, you guys keep thinking just because I think trump is a fraud that I am automatically a far left liberal or biden fan boy.. the spectrum is wide guys, not everyone is fully in one camp or the other
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I am all for anyone, especially politicians, who are suspected of having broken the law to be investigated, charged if appropriate, and tried via whatever process is relevant.. There's no partisan view from me on that at all.. and again, you guys keep thinking just because I think trump is a fraud that I am automatically a far left liberal or biden fan boy.. the spectrum is wide guys, not everyone is fully in one camp or the other

So you're voting for DeSantis if he runs?
fair enough, and I do believe many politicians are corrupt and use their office for personal gain.

I don't know a lot about book deals, and would have to see the details of the deal itself, but I assume (and I know it can be dangerous to do so) that most publishers who pay for the book deals have a profit motive and expect to sell enough books to recoup their upfront investment. If he got paid to write a couple books, which it appears he did, I would classify that as making money in the private sector... although obviously trading on his position and experience in gov't to do so..
Book deals are corrupt and the publishing companies get paid by who ever got what they wanted from the politicians.
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fair enough, and I do believe many politicians are corrupt and use their office for personal gain.

I don't know a lot about book deals, and would have to see the details of the deal itself, but I assume (and I know it can be dangerous to do so) that most publishers who pay for the book deals have a profit motive and expect to sell enough books to recoup their upfront investment. If he got paid to write a couple books, which it appears he did, I would classify that as making money in the private sector... although obviously trading on his position and experience in gov't to do so..
Book deals are the current payola schemes. International corporations are buying these books in bulk. It’s the payoff,
So you're voting for DeSantis if he runs?
I feel like you keep trying to do a 'gotcha' on me.. why? why can't I have my opinions and also be respectful of others who have theirs?

I don't know who I am voting for yet in 2024.. I'll see who the candidates are, what their positions are on the issues important to me, assess my personal view of their character as leaders, and then choose.. I don't have to make that decision today. I've voted for presidential candidates from both parties in the past and expect to be open to same in the future.. and would consider an independent as well
I feel like you keep trying to do a 'gotcha' on me.. why? why can't I have my opinions and also be respectful of others who have theirs?

I don't know who I am voting for yet in 2024.. I'll see who the candidates are, what their positions are on the issues important to me, assess my personal view of their character as leaders, and then choose.. I don't have to make that decision today. I've voted for presidential candidates from both parties in the past and expect to be open to same in the future.. and would consider an independent as well
That’s fine, but try and educate yourself and stop listening to the color revolution msm.
That’s fine, but try and educate yourself and stop listening to the color revolution msm.
what sources of media or information would you recommend one consume in order to educate themselves?

oh, and I'd like to think I have the basic intelligence, skepticism, and critical thinking skills to not blindly buy into everything I see or consume via the MSM.

no doubt there are narratives at play and being pushed by the MSM, from all political angles.. but also while not perfect or absolute there are at least some checks and balances built in (i.e., journalistic standards, libel laws, even things like the Dominion lawsuits) that one probably doesn't get from private blogs, internet sites, random posters on message boards, etc.
Yep. And how many books do we need about Barrack Obama? I think we’ve had 3-4 already.
I feel the same way about Marvel movies.. how many do we really need? But I guess as long as there's an audience willing to buy tickets... doesn't mean I have to spend my money on it..
what sources of media or information would you recommend one consume in order to educate themselves?

oh, and I'd like to think I have the basic intelligence, skepticism, and critical thinking skills to not blindly buy into everything I see or consume via the MSM.

no doubt there are narratives at play and being pushed by the MSM, from all political angles.. but also while not perfect or absolute there are at least some checks and balances built in (i.e., journalistic standards, libel laws, even things like the Dominion lawsuits) that one probably doesn't get from private blogs, internet sites, random posters on message boards, etc.
Well…you sure fell for the msm nonsense about Trumps taxes here and overseas.
Well…you sure fell for the msm nonsense about Trumps taxes here and overseas.
maybe so.. I posted that he paid more in taxes to other countries than to the US.. is that not the case?

admittedly my low opinion of the man may be coloring my judgement and reinforcing my narrative ;)
maybe so.. I posted that he paid more in taxes to other countries than to the US.. is that not the case?

admittedly my low opinion of the man may be coloring my judgement and reinforcing my narrative ;)
Common sense should tell you every country would have a different tax system. And the same common sense would tell you the Trump organization has business in other countries. Ooooh….Trump took advantage of paying less taxes. Have you ever took a tax deduction? New home? New roof? New baby? Newly married? Travel long distance for work and save gas receipts for tax deductions? So youre mad because he legally used deductions? Or because Trump hurt your feelings? And you drank msm koolaid
maybe so.. I posted that he paid more in taxes to other countries than to the US.. is that not the case?

admittedly my low opinion of the man may be coloring my judgement and reinforcing my narrative ;)

The tax code is screwed up. Thanks Captian Obvious. Feel free to write some extra in if you choose. You would definitely one of the few to volunteer for that.
Common sense should tell you every country would have a different tax system. And the same common sense would tell you the Trump organization has business in other countries. Ooooh….Trump took advantage of paying less taxes. Have you ever took a tax deduction? New home? New roof? New baby? Newly married? Travel long distance for work and save gas receipts for tax deductions? So youre mad because he legally used deductions? Or because Trump hurt your feelings? And you drank msm koolaid
wait.. I thought the question was whether or not he paid more in taxes outside the US than inside the US? not whether he or I took advantage (legally?) of loopholes in the US tax laws..

and to be clear.. I'm not mad nor are my feelings hurt. I just have a very low opinion of the man.. and that seems to trigger you for some reason.
wait.. I thought the question was whether or not he paid more in taxes outside the US than inside the US? not whether he or I took advantage (legally?) of loopholes in the US tax laws..

and to be clear.. I'm not mad nor are my feelings hurt. I just have a very low opinion of the man.. and that seems to trigger you for some reason.
Yes and if you could read, you would notice I said every country has a different tax system. So he paid more in tax elsewhere? Ok.
wait.. I thought the question was whether or not he paid more in taxes outside the US than inside the US? not whether he or I took advantage (legally?) of loopholes in the US tax laws..

and to be clear.. I'm not mad nor are my feelings hurt. I just have a very low opinion of the man.. and that seems to trigger you for some reason.

It doesn't trigger anyone. Most people are laughing because it's hilarious you think he is or was the problem.
The tax code is screwed up. Thanks Captian Obvious. Feel free to write some extra in if you choose. You would definitely one of the few to volunteer for that.
lol.. so now I have to become a politician or a lobbyist and write new tax legislation?

personally, on the surface I would be in favor of a simple flat tax approach.. for both business and citizens. That said, I am not a tax expert nor have I studied the issue in the depth needed to fully understand the issues..
It doesn't trigger anyone. Most people are laughing because it's hilarious you think he is or was the problem.
if 'most' people felt that way why did 'most' people vote against him in the last 2 presidential elections? I know, I know...dead people voting, elections were rigged, etc, etc...

All I've stated, respectfully in my opinion, is that I have low opinion of the man myself.. that's my opinion.. it clearly doesn't agree with yours.. and I get the sense you don't like people who don't share your views
if 'most' people felt that way why did 'most' people vote against him in the last 2 presidential elections? I know, I know...dead people voting, elections were rigged, etc, etc...

All I've stated, respectfully in my opinion, is that I have low opinion of the man myself.. that's my opinion.. it clearly doesn't agree with yours.. and I get the sense you don't like people who don't share your views

My opinion of him as person has nothing to do with what he was trying to accomplish.

He lost because of Covid and Ballot harvesting.

The media and others will do the same thing to DeSantis or anyone else as they did to Trump. If you are ok with that then you are begging for tyranny. It's really that simple.
if 'most' people felt that way why did 'most' people vote against him in the last 2 presidential elections? I know, I know...dead people voting, elections were rigged, etc, etc...

All I've stated, respectfully in my opinion, is that I have low opinion of the man myself.. that's my opinion.. it clearly doesn't agree with yours.. and I get the sense you don't like people who don't share your views
We don’t care if you dislike him.
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