Trump says... Agenda 47, IS MY AGENDA...

We don’t care if you dislike him.
lol.. yet you really seem to care as it has seemingly incited you guys to call me names, try to belittle my opinions, etc. throughout this discussion.. whatever dude.. I'm good.. peace out
I thought the question was whether or not he paid more in taxes outside the US than inside the US?
He’s an international business man that has more foreign business investments than domestic. I don’t understand the gotcha that you guys are going for with this narrative. It makes zero sense.
He’s an international business man that has more foreign business investments than domestic. I don’t understand the gotcha that you guys are going for with this narrative. It makes zero sense.
yeah in hindsight I was going for a cheap gotcha on this one and it didn't land.. of course I realize he does business outside the US, and of course I realize the tax laws are different in different countries..

I was going for the cheap shot because of my dislike for him.. simply playing on the America First and the irony that he paid very little taxes to help support America when compared to other countries
yeah in hindsight I was going for a cheap gotcha on this one and it didn't land.. of course I realize he does business outside the US, and of course I realize the tax laws are different in different countries..

I was going for the cheap shot because of my dislike for him.. simply playing on the America First and the irony that he paid very little taxes to help support America when compared to other countries
But there are plenty of rubes on the left who will buy up that nonsense talking point as much as they will Biden’s “job creation” lie.
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But there are plenty of rubes on the left who will buy up that nonsense talking point as much as they will Biden’s “job creation” lie.
true.. but if we are being honest there are plenty of rubes on both sides who buy up nonsense talking points..
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lol.. yet you really seem to care as it has seemingly incited you guys to call me names, try to belittle my opinions, etc. throughout this discussion.. whatever dude.. I'm good.. peace out
Yawn…um ok…bye
yeah in hindsight I was going for a cheap gotcha on this one and it didn't land.. of course I realize he does business outside the US, and of course I realize the tax laws are different in different countries..

I was going for the cheap shot because of my dislike for him.. simply playing on the America First and the irony that he paid very little taxes to help support America when compared to other countries
Your tribe’s narrative is that you cherry picked years he lost money and paid little to no tax. Yet you ignore the years he reported net gain and paid a million in taxes.
true.. but if we are being honest there are plenty of rubes on both sides who buy up nonsense talking points..
Which brings us full circle, get educated on the issues, do the research, and don’t trust the narrative that confirms your biases from supposed experts.

The virtue signaling from the left is the emotional string pulling necessary to fleece the populace and line their pockets through their shell game of non-profits, bureaucratic entities, and startups.

The virtue signaling on the right is the patriotic string pulling to fund big Defense.

Both are working in tandem to remain in power and keep us fighting each other and put us into tribal corners. The first real populist candidate to be elected which threatened the dynamic was branded everything from a racist (laughable), white supremacist/Nazi (laughable), to an agent of Putin (most laughable of all). His Presidency opened my eyes and disillusioned me of the game. I’m content to watch the world burn around me now. People that easily manipulated and stupid deserve their fate. I’m insulated in the immediacy and within 10 years, I’ll be an expatriate and no longer in this country. You all can fvcking have it.
Which brings us full circle, get educated on the issues, do the research, and don’t trust the narrative that confirms your biases from supposed experts.

The virtue signaling from the left is the emotional string pulling necessary to fleece the populace and line their pockets through their shell game of non-profits, bureaucratic entities, and startups.

The virtue signaling on the right is the patriotic string pulling to fund big Defense.

Both are working in tandem to remain in power and keep us fighting each other and put us into tribal corners. The first real populist candidate to be elected which threatened the dynamic was branded everything from a racist (laughable), white supremacist/Nazi (laughable), to an agent of Putin (most laughable of all). His Presidency opened my eyes and disillusioned me of the game. I’m content to watch the world burn around me now. People that easily manipulated and stupid deserve their fate. I’m insulated in the immediacy and within 10 years, I’ll be an expatriate and no longer in this country. You all can fvcking have it.
Curious if you’ve determined a country you would like to relocate to?

It wasn’t my fault that the Republicans didn’t live up to expectations in the MidTerms.

I was 233-20!

It was the “abortion issue,” poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly insisted on No Exceptions, even in the case of Rape, Incest, or Life of the Mother, that lost large numbers of Voters.

Also, the people that pushed so hard, for decades, against abortion, got their wish from the U.S. Supreme Court, & just plain disappeared, not to be seen again.

Plus, Mitch stupid $'s!


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FACEBOOK, which has lost Billions of Dollars in value since “deplatforming” your favorite President, me, has just announced that they are reinstating my account.

Such a thing should never again happen to a sitting President, or anybody else who is not deserving of retribution!

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Annnd there's other media sources some from the same company disputing Biden's net worth and tax issues.

So I look forward to you supporting the upcoming Congressional Investigations to get to the truth. I will also be expecting to hear you raise hell if Biden's legal team doesn't comply with all subpoenaes.
Gunny, if you are supporting Congressional Investigations to be to get the truth, then you are going to have a long wait. Congressional Investigations are not done to provide the truth; rather they are conducted and completed to achieve and accomplish partisan agendas, and are completed by Democrats, Republicans, Independents, et al.
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Gunny, if you are supporting Congressional Investigations to be to get the truth, then you are going to have a long wait. Congressional Investigations are not done to provide the truth; rather they are conducted and completed to achieve and accomplish partisan agendas, and are completed by Democrats, Republicans, Independents, et al.

I get it. You Democrat Socialist don't want anyone to know what your tribe has been up to. Corrupting institutions is harder with oversight.

Let's do it anyway just for the hell of it. They need the practice in oversight.
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I wish he had said something about putting a check on big pharma and its outrageous "gain of function" research on mutating these various Covid viruses! Particularly in light of the red hot Project Veritas undercover expose revealing how a top scientist with the company was recorded bragging about how they're working to manipulate various strains of the manufactured pathogens just so they can sell useless vaccines against them. He should also vow to overhaul the DOJ, FBI, CIA, FDA, CDC, NIH, EPA, DOE, IRS, FAA, ICE, NSA, & the Federal reserve.

Run as a stone cold "outside the beltway" reformer who is going to take a sledge hammer to the swamp's alphabet agency soup of scams!
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I wish he had something about putting a check on big pharma and its outrageous "gain of function" research on mutating these various Covid viruses! Particularly in light of the red hot Project Veritas undercover expose revealing how a top scientist with the company was recorded bragging about how they're working to manipulate various strains of the manufactured pathogens just so they can sell useless vaccines against them. He should also vow to overhaul the DOJ, FBI, FDA, CDC, NIH, EPA, DOE, IRS, FAA, ICE, NSA, & the Federal reserve.

Run as a stone outside the beltway reformer who is going to take a sledge hammer to the swamp's alphabet agency soup of scams!
Even if he don't win the republican nomination him bringing the corruption to light may help.
Would love to see him talking about convention of the states. He may get the swamp dwelling bastards to talk about it.
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Even if he don't win the republican nomination him bringing the corruption to light may help.
Would love to see him talking about convention of the states. He may get the swamp dwelling bastards to talk about it.
A lot of folks on our side don't understand how many in the GOP establishment are really no different than the Dems. Some of them hated Trump as much as or perhaps even more than the Democrat Left! None of that has changed, and those folks will do all in their power to make sure Trump doesn't win the nomination or they will undermine his leadership if he is re-elected.
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Donald Trump is getting the last laugh after years of negative coverage from companies like CNN that profited by slandering him as a presidential candidate and a sitting U.S. president. The network’s floundering popularity was highlighted between Jan. 16 and Jan. 22 when CNN failed to surpass 450,000 viewers. Additionally, only an embarrassing 93,000 viewers were between the ages of 25-54.

In contrast, the channel was experiencing “its most profitable year ever in 2016,” thanks to coverage of Trump’s presidential campaign. In addition, the age demographics of 25-54 “climbed 51%” that year. Former president of CNN Worldwide, Jeff Zucker, said: “2016 was the biggest year in the history of cable news and 2017 will perhaps be even bigger.”

Undoubtedly, Donald Trump’s 2016 candidacy for president restored relevancy to cable news networks and skyrocketed their profit margins to new heights. Overall, Trump’s political journey has proven that left-wing news stations do not perform as well without him, no matter how much they despise the real estate mogul.
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Donald Trump is getting the last laugh after years of negative coverage from companies like CNN that profited by slandering him as a presidential candidate and a sitting U.S. president. The network’s floundering popularity was highlighted between Jan. 16 and Jan. 22 when CNN failed to surpass 450,000 viewers. Additionally, only an embarrassing 93,000 viewers were between the ages of 25-54.

In contrast, the channel was experiencing “its most profitable year ever in 2016,” thanks to coverage of Trump’s presidential campaign. In addition, the age demographics of 25-54 “climbed 51%” that year. Former president of CNN Worldwide, Jeff Zucker, said: “2016 was the biggest year in the history of cable news and 2017 will perhaps be even bigger.”

Undoubtedly, Donald Trump’s 2016 candidacy for president restored relevancy to cable news networks and skyrocketed their profit margins to new heights. Overall, Trump’s political journey has proven that left-wing news stations do not perform as well without him, no matter how much they despise the real estate mogul.
Yeah, I broke 'em...poor kids

Ya know come to think of it, I lost my job bashing Trump.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person DL.
Donald Trump says Ron DeSantis cried as he “begged” him for an endorsement during the 2018 primary season.

"He was getting ready to drop out...He said, ‘If you endorse me, I’ll win,’ and there were tears coming down from his eyes.”