Trump pardons ex-Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio: White House

Arpaio DIDN'T even get a JURY TRIAL...

talk about corrupt...

U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton should be fired...

Bolton served on the Arizona Superior Court for Maricopa County, from 1989 to 2000.

On July 21, 2000, based upon the recommendation of United States SenatorJon Kyl from Arizona, Bolton was nominated by President Bill Clinton to a seat on the United States District Court for the District of Arizona vacated by Robert C. Broomfield. She was confirmed by the United States Senate on October 3, 2000, and received her commission on October 13, 2000. She is a registered Independent. Bolton assumed senior status on September 1, 2016.

In July 2010, Bolton heard arguments on three of seven lawsuits related to the Arizona SB 1070 immigration law, the most notable of which is United States v. Arizona.

On Wednesday, July 28, 2010, Bolton issued a ruling blocking small portions of SB 1070, writing that "requiring police to check the immigration status of those they arrest or whom they stop and suspect are in the country illegally would overwhelm the federal government's ability to respond, and could mean legal immigrants are wrongly arrested." Judge Bolton wrote: "Federal resources will be taxed and diverted from federal enforcement priorities as a result of the increase in requests for immigration status determination that will flow from Arizona."

On September 5, 2012, Judge Bolton cleared the way for police to carry out the 2010 law's requirement that officers, while enforcing other laws, may question the immigration status of those they suspect are in the country illegally. This part of the law has been called the "show me your papers" provision.

On July 31, 2017, Judge Bolton filed her "Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law" holding former Maricopa County sheriff Joe Arpaio in criminal contempt of court for violating an injunction.

Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio loses bid for jury trial in contempt case
Mar 2, 2017 - Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio loses bid for jury trial in contempt case ..... Arpaio, who has pleaded not guilty to the charge, has acknowledged ...

Joe Arpaio convicted of crime for ignoring judge's order - Washington ...
Jul 31, 2017 - Arpaio plans to appeal criminal contempt conviction over detention of illegal .... illegal immigrants, but the former sheriff isn't going down without a fight. ... Arpaio believes that a jury would have found in his favor, and that it will.
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I must be not in the loop. What has Joe done that makes him racist?

Racial profiling even after being told by a federal judge to quit. So he broke the law and then defied a court order. He was voted out of office....for obvious reasons, except right wingers can't understand.
Racial profiling even after being told by a federal judge to quit. So he broke the law and then defied a court order. He was voted out of office....for obvious reasons, except right wingers can't understand.

The reasons were obvious, just not to a mush head like yourself.
Racial profiling even after being told by a federal judge to quit. So he broke the law and then defied a court order. He was voted out of office....for obvious reasons, except right wingers can't understand.

In Arizona, he was targeting Hispanics as the probable illegal aliens? You don't say. I mean, he should've targeted white Canadians.
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Racial profiling even after being told by a federal judge to quit. So he broke the law and then defied a court order. He was voted out of office....for obvious reasons, except right wingers can't understand.
Racial profiling? Hahahaha. It must be nice to just make up facts to back your ignorant claims.
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Actually....most stopped turned out to be, you love this term I'm sure, "illegal aliens." Of course we could open the southern border and get some more Democrat party non resident members in to vote...

Oh look, another ignorant right winger who doesn't like facts.
Oh look, another ignorant right winger who doesn't like facts.

Says the girl who said that white supremacists where carrying confederate flags at the Free Speech Rally in Boston but couldn't provide proof. When pressed for proof left the board.
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