"Trade War numbers are in....the United States is not winning. "

These fraudulent Leftists...they kill me. Scream and bitch to high heaven when Trump proposes cuts to their precious programs like Planned Parenthood or NIH, EPA, or HUD,

Then turn around and whine like stuck pigs when deficits increase. Bitch and complain over Government shutdowns, mock and ridicule elimination of programs or subsidies to Farmers. Bitch and complain about school choice vouchers, scream and pout for free College tuitions or student loan debt forgiveness. Bitch and moan about "tax cuts for the rich" scorn and ridicule the modest tax cuts that were passed, and demand the "crumbs" be returned!

Some say they favor fiscal responsibility, but most never support common sense legislation like zero based budgeting or a line item veto. forget about an amendment to the Constitution to spend no more than we take in. A Balanced budget amendment. :scream:

Some mock limited Government, then ridicule Conservatives are running central planning and income redistribution.

Anyone dizzy from all of their support for never ending & expanding activist Government, while they complain Republicans and Conservatives are not doing enough to reign in bloated, wasteful profligate spending? I am.

Makes one wonder what exactly is it they want beyond unchallenged, unquestioned, unlimited power and obedience to the State? o_O
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Oh really? Cause I loath Bush 1 and 2 as well as Clinton and Obama. And don't get me started on the sock puppets the GOP threw there to run against those abominations to Americanism.
Trump is the answer? Psst.....he isn’t draining the swamp ya know
Sure he is, he's going about it methodically and quietly though. Hell, he got a huge chunk of the RINO congressmen to leave within his first 2 years.

Know what's left on the bottom of a swamp after it's been drained?


Know what that is?

Leftists. Democrats. Socialists. Swamp creatures. Trump's exposing their party and discredited ideology too. To the point now only their slimy sludge is showing.
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SOON :popcorn:

These snarky slimy Leftists sit there and snicker at how hard it is to clear out all the sludge from the swamp, then they fraudulently sneer at legitimate ongoing strenuous efforts underway to reduce its waste generating slime, fraud and abuse.

They complain about cuts then accuse budget cutters of deficit spending. Arrogant and confident the monster Leviathan they've erected cannot ever be dismantled. Wrong!

Trump IS systematically dismantling it! Another example....revised enforcement rules on the overbearing decades old endangered species act. Know what that means? Less meaningless arcane limits on property owners, fewer restrictions on habitable lands for development, less red tape to cut through for private property owners or land developers to do with their land what's most productive without answering to some interfering Dept. of Interior bureaucrat. That means less bureaucrats needed to harass folks. That means less money wasted. That means smaller Government and savings for taxpayers.

Will the budget cutting Leftists demanding fiscal accountability cheer this streamlining of a bloated and worthless Federal agency? Do roaches clean up after themselves?

Trump administration eases endangered species rules

The revisions announced in the new rule were a culmination of more than a year of efforts to loosen restrictions written to protect hundreds of species judged to be under pressure. The Interior Department has argued that a streamlining is necessary to update how it enforces the 1973 law, including allowing the federal government to begin to measure the economic costs of protecting some species.

The revisions, include preventing Interior's Fish and Wildlife Service from automatically offering full endangered species protections to wildlife classified as “threatened” and minimizing its consideration of climate change when analyzing a species."

No one on the Left will applaud this significant reduction in Federal expenditures and savings to taxpayers. They will instead attack Trump as anti-environmentalist and anti-habitat of rare creatures.[eyeroll]
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I'm wondering how much support there is out there among our new Leftist budget cutting crusaders for Trump's announced revisions on immigrant status for those deemed to be "public charges"?

In other words, if you can't provide for yourself when you get here, don't come here. No welfare for immigrants, especially if they're illegal!

New Trump rules could deny green cards to immigrants on public assistance.

"Federal law already requires those seeking green cards and legal status to prove they will not become a “public charge,” or a burden on the U.S. But the new rules, made public Monday, outline a broader range of programs that could disqualify them."

Let's have a big round of applause from our budget conscious Leftists for this revenue saving policy. [eyeroll]

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