"Trade War numbers are in....the United States is not winning. "

This thread exemplifies how Coop is more conservative (fiscally) than even the most ardent conservatives on the OT who have tossed out their political ideological principles for a taste of Trump’s nuts

How would someone who has no ideology know what one is?

"doesn't have a point of view, knows not where he's going to"

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Welfare state with citizens dependent on a central planing, bloated federal government (as long as the leader has an R beside their name).

Oh so that wouldn't include free Health care run by the government? Free college education provided by the government? Free food stamps offered by the government? Or a guaranteed income provided by the government?

That's not Welfare, it's Utopia.[eyeroll]

You Leftists should read this linked article. It explains how money flows, and why China is not holding a good hand in this trade dispute.

Beijing’s long-run goal is to make the yuan an important global currency, and as we’ve discussed in past reports, global currencies need to be free from manipulations and have market-determined values.


the value of offshore dollar bonds issued by Chinese companies has more than tripled since the end of 2014 to $842 billion as of the end of June. Real estate development is the biggest issues, with over $125 billion,accounting for about half of China's junk dollar bonds. The weaker the yuan vs. the dollar, the more Chinese currency it takes to service these debts. Beijing may continue to weaken the currency as long as major financial disruptions to the local economy don’t occur. (this is already happening as banks are defaulting) Competitive devaluations are a time-tested technique for unloading a nation’s economic weakness on its trading partners. The Trump Administration even considered such a maneuver recently, but ultimately rejected it. Besides, it would be difficult to devalue the greenback, the major global currency. Against which other currencies? Remember that exchange rates are also the relationship among currencies, not one in isolation.

In other words, without the leverage needed to sustain further devaluations of its currency, China's currency will collapse due to lack of capitalization!

It's axiomatic. Trump knows this, you Leftists of course do not!

Read the article...learn!

Why U.S. will win the China trade war:
Once again, (I'm not trying to be a smart ass), that article @WVU82 linked to earlier in this thread spells it all out! It's highly recommended reading. China's problem is a weak currency, lack of capital, lack of innovation to spur future economic growth, and a declining population! That's right, they don't have enough people to fuel the growth they need to raise the capital they need to finance the long term debt they've incurred by constantly devaluing their currency.

It's all about how money flows as I've mentioned and the article does an excellent job of explaining these interrelationships which Trump is intimately familiar with and is using to our advantage to squeeze China.

If you really want be a know-it-all like Coop who thinks he understands how China can ultimately win this trade dispute, you'd be well advised to read and understand this article. Then you'd know why Coop also doesn't have a clue, even though he's Conservative and already knows everything. [eyeroll]
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Financial Times .........
Be a global citizen.
Be a Globalist, ......... read the FINANCIAL TIMES
........ Good one Mr. Coop
Financial Times .........
Be a global citizen.
Be a Globalist, ......... read the FINANCIAL TIMES
........ Good one Mr. Coop
We are globalists. No amount of message board whining or ignorance on the matter will change that.
Bill Kristol and his Globalist friends would be very proud of you, .......... keep up the good work.
lol. Globalist friends like farmers, mechanics, consumers, workers, etc. Great points you are making.
lol. Globalist friends like farmers, mechanics, consumers, workers, etc. Great points you are making.
Workers?, ...... Lowest unemployment rates in history for all ethnic groups, exceptional wage increases for “workers” ........ you’re a funny guy, & a whiner.
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Lots of Communist China slave labor cheerleaders in this thread. Pathetic.
Workers?, ...... Lowest unemployment rates in history for all ethnic groups, exceptional wage increases for “workers” ........ you’re a funny guy, & a whiner.
It is. And we are still globalists. Thanks for continuing to make my point.
Bill Kristol and his Globalist friends would be very proud of you, .......... keep up the good work.

I mean, do you even realize you're using an antisemitic slur? Has the neo-nazi movement ingrained itself that firmly in the right that this seems normal?
I mean, do you even realize you're using an antisemitic slur? Has the neo-nazi movement ingrained itself that firmly in the right that this seems normal?

You and your tribe support BDS. Neo-Nazis support BDS. Calling someone a Neo-Nazi while actually being a Anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi. That's a Joesph Gobbels pro tip right there.

Much like the conservative movement.
I tell Trumpers that same thing and they call me a lib. A socialist. A communist. Even though you and Trump are actually the ones pushing for a centrally planned, federal government backed economy. Glad you were able to come on here and straighten them out. Maybe we'll start seeing a lot of Trumpers on this board come in with their "Actually, Che was right..." takes.
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I tell Trumpers that same thing and they call me a lib. A socialist. A communist. Even though you and Trump are actually the ones pushing for a centrally planned, federal government backed economy. Glad you were able to come on here and straighten them out. Maybe we'll start seeing a lot of Trumpers on this board come in with their "Actually, Che was right..." takes.

I think most Trumpers on this board are a lot closer to Pinochet than Che though.
I tell Trumpers that same thing and they call me a lib. A socialist. A communist.

I've never called you any of those things. I know what you are, a "conservative".

Even though you and Trump are actually the ones pushing for a centrally planned, federal government backed economy.

No matter how many times you say this it wont become truth.

They want a nationalist federal government

Yes please.

protects them from the big, bad world.


Wanting the government to work for America and Americans first and fight for an even playing field is not the same thing as being scared of "the big, bad world".
I've never called you any of those things. I know what you are, a "conservative".

No matter how many times you say this it wont become truth.

Yes please.


Wanting the government to work for America and Americans first and fight for an even playing field is not the same thing as being scared of "the big, bad world".
Oh it’s true, it just depends on who sits in the oval
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Oh it’s true, it just depends on who sits in the oval

Oh really? Cause I loath Bush 1 and 2 as well as Clinton and Obama. And don't get me started on the sock puppets the GOP threw there to run against those abominations to Americanism.
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