Things you will hear at a Marshall home game

old buzzard

Gold Member
Dec 30, 2005
1. "Hey look over there........there are lots of empty seats between the 40's......let's move."....from the next seat over "No, I paid $100 for season tickets in THIS seat and I haint moving"

2. "Took me a while to get here, I had to go across the river to buy my soft drinks so I wouldn't have to pay the pop tax.".......from the next seat over....."I had no choice but to pay the pop tax on my way back from surgery at Ruby, it's a long drive and I needed me some Dr.Pepper"

3. "Who the hell is Morgan State? I thought it was that team from Morgantown"....from the next seat over..."Keep dreaming..."

4. "Those Al-Jezeera guys sure do have weird accents"........from the next seat over..."You'll get used to it, it's a long term deal"

5. "You should have seen the traffic on I-79 North headed toward Morganhole".....from the next seat over "Yeah, everyone I know is going there"

6. " I wonder if Ohio U is going to embarrass us again this year"........from the next seat over "I know what you mean, and them Zips have me worried too"

7. "We should have stayed in 1-AA"....from the next seat over ....."yeah, back then everyone in WV liked us"

8. "We are like the Notre Dame of the little guys".......from the next seat over....."Yeah, and we are like the Dallas Cowboys of the little guys too"

9. "Does this new Herd T-shirt make me look fatter?"......from the next seat two rows up..."Sit down fat ass.....I can't see the game"

10. " I tried to watch THE MOVIE again last night but I've watched it so many times that I burned a hole in the DVD"..........from the next seat over "You can borry one of mine, Big Lots had 'em on sale for 49 cents and I bought all they had"

11. " I' can't stay for the whole game, gotta work evening shift down at MickeyD's and the last bus goes by at 2".....from the next seat over "Hey, you should apply at Wal-Mart, they always schedule me around the Herd games"

12. " I can't believe the concession stands don't accept food stamps"

13. "Maybe when Jim Justice is governor he will restart the Coal Bowl, I never was registered to vote but now I've got a reason"

14. "I'm drunk......that Pabst Blue Ribbon really packs a punch"

15. "We need to beat some Mountaineers.......I wonder why we don't play Appalachian State any more"
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19. "Nice Mullet you got there.....who did the do for you?" from the next seat over......."my wife, she's the beauty consultant at Wal-Mart. She taught me how to do her mullet too" ...from the next seat over........"schedule me an appointment with her"......"well it may take a while, she's pretty busy what with football season at the Joan just around the corner"
20. "I can't believe that no one outside of Cabell County sells Herd gear........every place I looked all I saw was that damned flyin WV"
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21. "Daddy, why do we have a cow for a mascot?" "That's not a cow darlin' it's a buffalo"....."We don't have buffaloes in WV daddy, so why?" ......."Because that dreaded team up north done took up the best mascot"......."You mean the Mountaineers Daddy?"....."When we get home I'm going to wash your mouth out with must have picked that nasty language up from your mothers people".
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23. "Daddy, why is playing Louisville and Pitt in the same year such a big deal?" ......."because little one, WVU used to play those teams way back when"......."why does that matter now Daddy?"..."because we can thump our chests if we win against someone WVU used to play, and if we lose it's no big deal since those teams used to play WVU"......"that doesn't make sense Daddy".........."Just hush little darlin', and always remember that when you're all grown up and out on your own, always drive over into Ohio so you don't have to pay that pop tax"......"OK Daddy, is that some Hillbilly Hot Dogs that you just burped out of your nose?"
25. I sure hope Herd football has Pick your own seat promotion again. 4 seats for $11...a little expensive to watch Marshall football, but a great idea from our beloved AD. We had around 7600 fans in the stands then. Those were the days.
26. Remember when Herd upset Rhode Island 14-31 at Joan. What a wonderful showing by our boys. Those highlights even got shown on ESPN3 twice. We need more of that PUB, trust me it is coming too.
27. " Hey I hear the Sooner Boomer is up in Morganhole this weekend and the game is being televised nationally"......heard in Huntington, "Why worry about that? We've got a road game down at Florida International and the Al Jezeera Network promises it will be telecast on a tape delayed basis at 3 o'clock Sunday morning"
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28. Remember in 2014 when Oliver tried to keep Herd out of football playoffs. Well--Coach Holiday one upped him by going out and losing to WKU on purpose. Doc knows how to play that game too.
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29. From the 50 yard line seats at the Joan....."Are you going down to watch us play at Florida International?"........from the next seat over - "No, my passport has expired"
30. Remember when Game Day was in Morgenhole and we sent Cato up there for interview. Hell no one in the USA understood his french accent, or a word he spoke that day outside of Huntington. See Cato worked on his French knowingly he was going to CFL and not the NFL. Herd has more players in CFL than WVU..Quess what? Yep--another Herd win.
31. Heard from the Joan ......." Is y'all gonna go up and watch us play in Pissburg".......from the next seat over - " neck still hurts from the last time I was in Morganhole looking up at all them hellicollipters landing on top of that big hospital"
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32. "Dayammit, that pop tax really put a hole in our budget this month"
29. " Can you believe that WVU at Texas gets national TV coverage and no one but the Al-Jazeera Network is covering us when we have Middle Tennessee State right here at home?????????"......"and we have to wait til 3 o'clock in the morning to watch the replay????????"
Also heard at the Joan " Them mountainqueers are playing little ole Texas Tech and no one notices that we've got a game at North Texas on the same day........"
30. Remember when Game Day was in Morgenhole and we sent Cato up there for interview. Hell no one in the USA understood his french accent, or a word he spoke that day outside of Huntington. See Cato worked on his French knowingly he was going to CFL and not the NFL. Herd has more players in CFL than WVU..Quess what? Yep--another Herd win.

I enjoy taking jabs at our little brothers down Cabell County way.......but I did like Cato. He was one hell of a college QB and did them a good job. His pro career ended about as I expected it would but he was fun to watch while he was at MU.
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34. "NO I WAS NOT WATCHING A LIVE STREAM OF THE WVU GAME.........honest.........I wasn't.......I was just checking my e-mail and it popped up.........honest........why would I want to do that when the Herd is playing mighty Morgan State right here live and in person at the Joan?"
35. From the 50 yard line at the Joan when the mighty Akron Zips come to town......"MAN.......Terry Bowden and Doc Holliday BOTH played at WVU..........and we have them both right here.....we must really be BIG TIME..."
36. "Wow, I didn't realize that Gabes sold 4XL Herd jerseys....I'm going to have to ask Santa to deliver a couple of 'em for me and the Mrs."
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38. "Boy, that Doc is super smart having that FR RB handle the ball late in the game vs WVU!"

In OT, " No worries, this is just a chip shot FG"
40. "I wish that 30Kelly guy would stop running his mouth over on the WVU board.......he makes us look dumber than hell".......from the next seat over - " I know what you mean and that old buzzard SOB really pisses me off......"
41. " Is it just me or are these seats getting smaller? " from the next seat over...."Scoot back over into your own two seats fatass, you're crowding me out of the two that I'm sitting in"
46. "Man, do you see the size of this crowd?........must be close to 20 thousand people here ! "
47. "Hey, if you haint going to eat the rest of them barbecue pig rinds, pass 'em over here....."
49. " O M G...........That's Chuck Landon down there.........I gotta have his autograph ! "