Things you will hear at a Marshall home game

90. " I'm still pissed off because they painted that bridge in Charleston Mountaineer blue instead of Marshall green........pisses me off more every time I drive over it"
90. " I wish American Pickers would come here to Huntington.......I've got a ton of Herd shit I'd like to unload on them"
91, " I'm glad that we win 11 games a year for $200,000 instead of winning 8 games a year for $30 million like them bastidges up in Morganhole"
92. " Hey, the MAC was pretty good for us......I wouldn't mind if we went back there, at least it pays better than CUSA "
93. " I didn't know that the Al-Jazeera network was going to make our cheerleaders wear the burka "
96. " Is it just me, or is Marco starting to look like a camel ? "
97. " Why do the TV guys broadcasting our game keep calling Huntington Herdzakistan ? "
99. " we are to CUSA as Ohio State is to the Big 10 and We are the Texas and Oklahoma of CUSA "

Thanks Rock98Dog for that little gem.
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100. " One of them beIN camera men pointed to Marco and asked me why we let our camel get so fat "
101. " Last week I went to Southern Exposure Gentlemen's Club over in Barboursville and paid for a private session with one of the I've got Thunder Clap. "
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102. " I wish the state would hurry up and send us our clothing babies need some new Herd shirts. "
103. " Anyone know how to get to Pissburg without driving past Morganhole ? They have a home game that day and I don't want to deal with all the north bound traffic on 79. "
104: "I can't believe we have to shut down this school and become WVU-Huntington."
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106. " Is Florida International tied in with Salem International???????? if they are we could play the away game just outside of Clarksburg"
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107. " Them Chickeneers actually believe they are getting 150 times more TV revenue from the Big 12 than we get from CUSA "
108. " Man O Man.......I can't believe we get to play in Steeler Stadium........that is going to impress a lot of potential recruits "
109. " You mean to tell me that we only get $ 20,000 per game for our TV rights while WVU gets $ 3 million every time they're on TV ????? That cain't be right. It hain't fair dammit, how are we supposed to keep up ? "
110. " We need to start us up our own network like Texas did. It could be big. Every cable company in the tri-state area would pay us big bucks to be part of it "
111. " Just wait til CUSA starts charging for live internet feeds so people can see our games.......our fans all around the world will have to pay to watch us on TV.........we will get all our missing money back when that happens. "
112. " With all this conference expansion talks how come Marshall is never mentioned ? WE ARE MARSHALL dammit.......haven't they Herd of us ? "
"Dear diary,

I still dream of a day that Marshall will worship us and stop being so mean...please God, make them think we're as important as we think we are."

^Old Buzzard
"Dear diary,

I still dream of a day that Marshall will worship us and stop being so mean...please God, make them think we're as important as we think we are."

^Old Buzzard

Prayers aren't necessary. We already are that important to you......otherwise why would you be here ?
114. " I hope Doc never leaves, if he does we will never again get votes in the coaches poll "
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115. " It's kind of embarrassing that Doc voted us as # 11 in the coaches poll.........thats the only votes we got"
117. "Hey man you are a prop 48 player.....none of the P5's will take you but you've got a full ride here at Marshall.......just try to stay out of trouble til you're eligible. "
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118. " This is the first time I had shoes on since the spring game, my feet feel like they are on fire ".
119. " I'm thinking about starting up a Go Fund Me page to help our athletic department pay the bills ".
120. " HEY, does anybody in here know which satellite networks offer beIN ? I cain't find it anywhere. "
121. " I know that cheerleader of ours hain't a natural can tell by that black under arm hair sticking out. "
122. " I hain't buying any more Zuls until they start serving up something colored green........I'm dam tired of them insulting us by only offering blue and yeller. "
123. " I will never watch American Pickers again since Mike and Frank stopped by and told me they cain't sell Marshall stuff anywhere outside of the tri state area. "
124. " I hain't taking no poll serious unless Doc gets to vote in it. Those are the only real polls. "

Thanks 30 make my job so easy.

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