90. " I'm still pissed off because they painted that bridge in Charleston Mountaineer blue instead of Marshall green........pisses me off more every time I drive over it"
94.....ALLLLAAAAAAHHHHH U Akbar..........95......Isis T shirts on sale today....2 cans of soup...no pork please93. " I didn't know that the Al-Jazeera network was going to make our cheerleaders wear the burka "
ha cha cha cha.......you got a million of them97. " Why do the TV guys broadcasting our game keep calling Huntington Herdzakistan ? "
99. " we are to CUSA as Ohio State is to the Big 10 and We are the Texas and Oklahoma of CUSA "
Thanks Rock98Dog for that little gem.
"Dear diary,
I still dream of a day that Marshall will worship us and stop being so mean...please God, make them think we're as important as we think we are."
^Old Buzzard
90. " I wish American Pickers would come here to Huntington.......I've got a ton of Herd shit I'd like to unload on them"