The war against the white race is real...

I'm not scared, I don't want a race war, I just wish that mush heads like you could see reality instead of living in the matrix that you currently occupy. You are mentally stunted and a useless beast of burden for your masters. Keep chewing your cud and staring blankly as life passes you by.

My "masters"? What the F**K does that mean? [laughing] I differ from you because I don't go searching the Internet for racist websites that want to put FEAR in simple-minded people like yourself. Next thing you'll tell me is that everyone will be forced to be gay! [laughing]
That's right. Are you as scared as our resident white supremacist?

Official numbers have US immigration numbers at 13% of total U.S. 87% are native-born Americans, and we got crackpots on here claiming "white genocide"......[laughing]
That's right. Are you as scared as our resident white supremacist?
I'm not scared and I'm not afraid to die. I have faith in Western Civilization. The West has freed the most people, fed the most people, cured the most diseases and doubled the natural life expectancy of the planet. Meanwhile we will continue to help refugees (unlike Japan, China, et. al.) We'll figure it out, but Europe is paying a heavy price and may very well end up needing UN Forces (not so secret code for US) or some other alliance of Nations to save their ass. No problem, we got this, but it would help if humanity didn't have to be pushed to the brink, Again.
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I'm not scared and I'm not afraid to die. I have faith in Western Civilization. The West has freed the most people, fed the most people, cured the most diseases and doubled the natural life expectancy of the planet. Meanwhile we will continue to help refugees (unlike Japan, China, et. al.) We'll figure it out, but Europe is paying a heavy price and may very well end up needing UN Forces (not so secret code for US) or some other alliance of Nations to save their ass. No problem, we got this, but it would help if humanity didn't have to be pushed to the brink, Again.
When the war expands in scope and modern western society begins fighting these savages on a regular basis in our own streets, moe will not see the connection. He was one of the fvkcing morons in staunch agreement with the "they just need jobs" nonsense.
When the war expands in scope and modern western society begins fighting these savages on a regular basis in our own streets, moe will not see the connection. He was one of the fvkcing morons in staunch agreement with the "they just need jobs" nonsense.

Imagine Moe trying to fight for his life? He wouldn't last long.
When the war expands in scope and modern western society begins fighting these savages on a regular basis in our own streets, moe will not see the connection. He was one of the fvkcing morons in staunch agreement with the "they just need jobs" nonsense.
Sounds like you better join little shrub and wvu2007 in his bunker. I'll let you know when the coast is clear.
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For the 1,000th time, I don't worry myself with things that will never happen. And your "white genocide" fears are just that, your boogeyman that will never arrive. I don't see a terrorist around every street corner. I don't see an illegal immigrant in every polling place.
Welcome to Bumfvck,Egypt Population (1) I guess you'll run for
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I'm not scared, I don't want a race war, I just wish that mush heads like you could see reality instead of living in the matrix that you currently occupy. You are mentally stunted and a useless beast of burden for your masters. Keep chewing your cud and staring blankly as life passes you by.
I imagine your matrix is mostly a boarded up Main street. Bet you don't even have a passport. Amazes me how the dumbasses that live where there is no diversity are the most frightened of it. Go hang out in a city and enjoy the real America, it ain't ozzie and harriets black and white USA anymore.
When the war expands in scope and modern western society begins fighting these savages on a regular basis in our own streets, moe will not see the connection. He was one of the fvkcing morons in staunch agreement with the "they just need jobs" nonsense.
It's always been funny to me to notion of keeping the white race "pure", versus the lack of fear of "whitening" of other races. ---as if though what lies beneath our skin isn't the most important thing anyway.

Guess it's going to be an East versus West brawl to end the world? Why is it that those that despise violence always seem to seek to end it with violence?
Sounds like you better join little shrub and wvu2007 in his bunker. I'll let you know when the coast is clear.
Nope, I'm good. I actually intermingle on an every day basis with Muslim. In doing so, I also recognize much like communism, Islam is spreading worldwide and with it, comes radical Islam and a fight of ideals. Have you ever been anywhere in the Middle East, Africa, or South East Asia/Pacific Islands?