The war against the white race is real...

Brushy Bill

Mar 31, 2009
whether you believe it or not. Just listen to their own words for crying out loud.

Once again Dumbdumb521 proves that even when they say it themselves he won't believe them. His indoctrination is irreversible.
Racist? Or pussy?
Crimony! Did you even listen to the racist rants. I honestly don't know how anything could be MORE racist, but liberals won't get their programmed heads out of the clouds long enough to see it. Americans are smarter and BETTER than the Europeans that are letting themselves get to the breaking point. Our Whites are better, our Blacks are the best Blacks in the World, same as our Latinos and our Arabs, Asians and Indians. We can mix and we keep rolling as a culture people look up to despite what a certain divisive political party tries to sell. Our fags are better and more are moving to the right and who can blame them. Do you like being told how your supposed to think and act? Go to a multicultural march and apologize for my existence, Americans of all shades and walks with take care of the Race War against whites.
Here's a preemptive lol for Coop.

So then the people on the video and bushy beaver are racist? Or too pussy to say it?
Crimony! Did you even listen to the racist rants. I honestly don't know how anything could be MORE racist, but liberals won't get their programmed heads out of the clouds long enough to see it. Americans are smarter and BETTER than the Europeans that are letting themselves get to the breaking point. Our Whites are better, our Blacks are the best Blacks in the World, same as our Latinos and our Arabs, Asians and Indians. We can mix and we keep rolling as a culture people look up to despite what a certain divisive political party tries to sell. Our fags are better and more are moving to the right and who can blame them. Do you like being told how your supposed to think and act? Go to a multicultural march and apologize for my existence, Americans of all shades and walks with take care of the Race War against whites.
Here's a preemptive lol for Coop.


How can we be smarter? You say our education system sucks...........[laughing]
How can we be smarter? You say our education system sucks...........[laughing]
Despite our current public schools, the sentiments of the 3rd quote may save us.

1. “We can’t expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism.

“We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.” - Nikita Khrushchev

2. "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln

3. "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - misattributed to Isoroku Yamamoto.
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Despite our current public schools, the sentiments of the 3rd quote may save us.

1. “We can’t expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism.

“We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.” - Nikita Khrushchev

2. "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln

3. "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - misattributed to Isoroku Yamamoto.

I only can imagine what your response would have been if a "liberal" on this board had posted something like what Brush did........instead, silence or lack of condemnation..........

You said Americans were the "smartest", and in order for that to be true, our education system must be better than what the "fair" tests indicate. [thumbsup]
lack of condemnation..........
REALLY? I condemned it. You approve of genocide? I think you just saw the title of the OP and quickly looked away with your Utopian dream intact. .You apparently don't even know what racism is. How bad will it have to get before you figure it out?
I only can imagine what your response would have been if a "liberal" on this board had posted something like what Brush did........instead, silence or lack of condemnation..........

You said Americans were the "smartest", and in order for that to be true, our education system must be better than what the "fair" tests indicate. [thumbsup]

I posted a video of them admitting what their goal is you fvckwad. I can't help it if you're to retarded to understand the words coming from their mouths, that's a failure on your parents and teachers part.
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I posted a video of them admitting what their goal is you fvckwad. I can't help it if you're to retarded to understand the words coming from their mouths, that's a failure on your parents and teachers part.

You have posted several racist rants before. Want me to dig them up for you, again?
REALLY? I condemned it. You approve of genocide? I think you just saw the title of the OP and quickly looked away with your Utopian dream intact. .You apparently don't even know what racism is. How bad will it have to get before you figure it out?

For the 1,000th time, I don't worry myself with things that will never happen. And your "white genocide" fears are just that, your boogeyman that will never arrive. I don't see a terrorist around every street corner. I don't see an illegal immigrant in every polling place.
And your "white genocide" fears are just that, your boogeyman that will never arrive.
That is my hope, that 3,000 miles of water and a wall will give us time to come together. I wished you'd pay attention to Europe. Did you see the 6 acid attacks that happened in London a couple of days ago? The attacks occurred in 1 hours time. We could discern who did it because the Media over there wouldn't say who did it.
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That is my hope, that 3,000 miles of water and a wall will give us time to come together. I wished you'd pay attention to Europe. Did you see the 6 acid attacks that happened in London a couple of days ago? The attacks occurred in 1 hours time. We could discern who did it because the Media over there wouldn't say who did it.

As stated in your quotes, our failures to take care of ourselves AT HOME will bring us down. That's not meaning defending ourselves from others, or "putting walls up"......that means taking care of the drug problem (no, not the drugs coming from Mexico either), the crime committed by AMERICANS, that's what you should be fearful of......going to watch a movie with your family and having to dodge bullets from a crazy who has a gun.......

Keep the "fear" of foreigners and other religions going.......while the real problems continue getting larger.
Sorry, you simple-minded fool. But that's not true at all. Your constant claims that anything "non-white" brings down society is embarrassing. That's not being "proud", that's being a racist.

So you haven't been paying attention to what I'm saying at all, your programming is just kicking in and you're acting on your faulty instincts. How about you try to think for yourself for a change.
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that means taking care of the drug problem (no, not the drugs coming from Mexico either), the crime committed by AMERICANS, that's what you should be fearful of......going to watch a movie with your family and having to dodge bullets from a crazy who has a gun.......
Ahhh, that's what Lincoln meant; non-Mexican drugs. Hahaha! Too bad Lincoln wasn't better at dodging bullets a Ford's Theater. Move to Venezuela. People can't legally own guns and the streets are paved with socialism. You should love it. An added bonus is the low obesity.
Ahhh, that's what Lincoln meant; non-Mexican drugs. Hahaha! Too bad Lincoln wasn't better at dodging bullets a Ford's Theater. Move to Venezuela. People can't legally own guns and the streets are paved with socialism. You should love it. An added bonus is the low obesity.

Lincoln meant a nation divided over political that time slavery vs. anti-slavery ("house divided cannot stand"). And that's exactly what's going on here......we have people wanting the attention to be on foreign "problems" against America, when the fact is that the real problems are in our own backyard.
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Lincoln meant a nation divided over political beliefs
This part's true, the rest goes from sketchy to absurd, imo. Based on my limited knowledge, that War was based on having the right to have slavery by the South vs preserving the the Union by the North. This is documented by countless filings by the States within the Halls of Congress leading up to secession. Said filings for slavery were done by rich politicians of a certain party. I doubt your average dirt farmers had time to care as if they'd have a voice anyway.

History will show the North fought to free slaves (true to a large extent.) Lincoln wouldn't pass the Emancipation Proclamation until he had a few victories under his belt.The Narrative for the South was/is that it was just about taxes ( true to a small extent.) This made tje South more comfortable as the nation came back together. History isn't pretty, but it should not be erased, imo.
If the "white race" is more comfortable with Trump than I ain't on that team, save your persecution complex for the neo Nazis sites.
Well we've learned that Moe either didn't watch the video, or he's woefully ignorant of world political affairs. I mean Joe friggin Biden was in the video for crying out loud.
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Well we've learned that Moe either didn't watch the video, or he's woefully ignorant of world political affairs. I mean Joe friggin Biden was in the video for crying out loud.
Whitey's always getting the short end of things, it's time for F-Troop to take action.
Well we've learned that Moe either didn't watch the video, or he's woefully ignorant of world political affairs. I mean Joe friggin Biden was in the video for crying out loud.
That was like watching a trailer for a really bad movie, trying to sell tickets. Immigration shouldn't stop, we shouldn't try to turn back refugees. Christianity or "whiteness" doesn't define anything other than Christianity or "whiteness". I support Islam as much as I support Christianity. I support white Americans the same as I support Americans of any other color. People get pissed when other people try to attack're showing this clearly.
That was like watching a trailer for a really bad movie, trying to sell tickets. Immigration shouldn't stop, we shouldn't try to turn back refugees. Christianity or "whiteness" doesn't define anything other than Christianity or "whiteness". I support Islam as much as I support Christianity. I support white Americans the same as I support Americans of any other color. People get pissed when other people try to attack're showing this clearly.

Will you be content if the future of the white race is sealed and extermination is the result because you did nothing to prevent it?
Will you be content if the future of the white race is sealed and extermination is the result because you did nothing to prevent it?
Last time I looked it was mostly white folk in the past talked about exterminating any races. And you ain't as white as ya probably think you are, get a DNA test. Damn I'd hate to live in world where I only trusted white people, I live in WV, ain't no trash like white Trash and they all support the Donald.
Will you be content if the future of the white race is sealed and extermination is the result because you did nothing to prevent it?

You are really, really scared.......I can tell. You believe that whites are being "exterminated". [laughing][laughing][laughing] It wouldn't be funny except that you truly believe this. Sounds like someone wants a "holy war" along with a "race war"........yeah, that will help "save" the white population.......[eyeroll]

You seriously need to seek some help, honestly. Your fears of a "race war" and "extermination of the whites" is paranoia. I bet your ancestors participated in the Salem Witch Trials.......believed the Red Man was going to hunt down and kill all whites because of their prophecies from their elders and spirit world.......and were a supporter of Joseph McCarthy and all those "reds" trying to take down the US.........:joy:
I'm not scared, I don't want a race war, I just wish that mush heads like you could see reality instead of living in the matrix that you currently occupy. You are mentally stunted and a useless beast of burden for your masters. Keep chewing your cud and staring blankly as life passes you by.