As a Marshall fan, Docs achieving about what I thought he would over the last four years. If anything I say isn't objective in my quick analysis, feel free to let me know.
We're a small school with a small budget. WVU is not & even though they can't pay Alabama money, they money they are paying is pretty significant & what they've gotten back should make all WVU fans question what they expect from their program. Especially given how Dana was brought in & the promises that were made with his hiring. Go back to 2012 - Dana lost 6 of his last eight (the Pinstripe bowl was a bad, bad loss.) In 2013, Dana only wins 4 & doesn't qualify for a bowl game. In 2014 Dana lost four of his last five with a loss in the bowl game. This year he went from Sept 26 to Nov 7th without winning a game while giving up 179 points in four games. Go to any story about the KState game & read who the fans are putting the blame on. If WVU loses their bowl game this year, that will be an entire graduating class (students & players) who haven't seen the team end a year on a high note. I know Dana's collecting on already negotiated bonuses but if you go back & add up what he's gotten, I imagine it would a tough dollar amount to justify if I were a WVU fan.
I will say this, I have no idea why Dana & his staff can't recruit & develop a top tier qb. The day he was hired, that's the one position I thought given all the hype around Holgorsen, that WVU would not have a problem with. But they can't & I don't know why. Seems like his staff has them in a perpetual rebuild mode.
After the October Dana & this staff had, I figured a contract extension at the end of this current contract would hinge on two things: Winning out the rest of the 2015 season (which didn't happen) & delivering a BIG12 title next year. Given what WVU will lose on defense next year alone AND the fact Howard will still be your best option at qb, I have a hard time believing Dana & staff will be in Motown past next season.
Why the lengthy troll posting - most folks quit reading after the 3rd sentence. I think even Kansas could beat the Blue Raiders. And WVU's athletic department isn't subsidized by the tax payers.