The Interstate Highway System cost ~$500 billion


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2011
over 40 some years. That figure was from 2006. Trump wants $1 Trillion in infrastructure within these next 4 years. That's a lot of building going on
Sounds like ARRA, you know, the one that conservatives criticized for not being effective under the former Muslim president that wasn't born in the US.

If there are truly worthwhile projects, I'm all for it.
over 40 some years. That figure was from 2006. Trump wants $1 Trillion in infrastructure within these next 4 years. That's a lot of building going on
I wouldn't believe anything Biff says, particularly when it comes to numbers, until he is inaugurated and it becomes a bill of some sort. He promised a lot of things that will never ever see the light of day.
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I wouldn't believe anything Biff says, particularly when it comes to numbers, until he is inaugurated and it becomes a bill of some sort. He promised a lot of things that will never ever see the light of day.
Well, you can't take him literally. Translation is he's going to borrow some money to do some stuff.
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Sounds like ARRA, you know, the one that conservatives criticized for not being effective under the former Muslim president that wasn't born in the US.

If there are truly worthwhile projects, I'm all for it.

Obama: "Shovel ready jobs not as ready as we expected." Obama is not into details. He is a big picture guy. Trump is very detailed. I expect he will stay on top of how that infrastructure money is being spent. Remember, a lot of Obama's stimulus went to the states which paid down debt and used that money for purposes other than infrastructure building. Plus, my guess is that Trump and the GOP are going to have to figure out how to pay for this. Obama's stimulus was never offset in the budget. My guess is the repatriation of overseas profits which will generate approximately $300B will be part of the offset.

BTW, Paul Krugman, famous liberal economist, also said the stimulus was ineffective. He thought it was much, much too small.
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Maybe, maybe not. Obama's was not paid for. Let's see how Paul Ryan reacts to a $1T bill. My guess is that offsets will have to come from somewhere or Ryan's base will desert him. Maybe the Dems will provide enough votes to pass it.
Trump is a detail guy?

Extremely detailed. CNN hosted a woman who told this example of Trump. He analyzed everything in a building he had underway, including down to the trim work and when he didn't like the results, he would work to get the price lowered. Many of the builders/developers that I know are almost anal about detail.