The GOP's Obamacare repeal-only plan is already on the verge of stalling

Not surprising to me at all. With the rise of the tea party, the gop lost all their values regardless if one agreed with it or not. These individuals have no purpose other than bitching and obstruction. And since the "establishment" went to bed with them, they are now stuck with their worthless cause and is a shell of a workable party. And the country will continue to suffer because of it.
Without compromise nothing gets done, on either side. And the Tea party pretty much thinks compromise is a dirty word. They can't govern America like they bullshitted their incurious base.
Let us not forget what (or who) got us in this shit show of a position - Obama and the Libtards. This condition has been building for 8 years under his think it will be fixed this shortly is asinine and short-sighted

The GOP had 7 years to come up with something. Anything. They didn't.

But yes, let's blame Obama and the "Libtards." Again.

Truly Making America Great Again! Sad!
Without compromise nothing gets done, on either side. And the Tea party pretty much thinks compromise is a dirty word. They can't govern America like they bullshitted their incurious base.
You all have lost sight of what compromise actually means. It's not what happened with Dem leadership the last 8 years, that's for damn sure. Compromise to the left of late is stating what they are going to do and expecting the right to bend to it. It's exactly the attitude that led to the Tea Party.
To let Americans suffer, so you can blame the other side? That's just chickensh1t.

So is refusing to budge when it comes to changing it, which is exactly what the Democrats are doing.

Both sides are acting childish and pathetic, and neither side has our best interest in mind.
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You all have lost sight of what compromise actually means. It's not what happened with Dem leadership the last 8 years, that's for damn sure. Compromise to the left of late is stating what they are going to do and expecting the right to bend to it. It's exactly the attitude that led to the Tea Party.

That's what compromise has always meant to the left. That's why get saddled with such shitty laws like the ACA. They convince a few in the GOP to break with party so they can get their way.

I love the downright naivete when it comes to which party refuses to compromise. It's either naivete or ignorance.
So is refusing to budge when it comes to changing it, which is exactly what the Democrats are doing.

Both sides are acting childish and pathetic, and neither side has our best interest in mind.

Maybe, just maybe, both sides are following the example set by Mr. Trump on how to act in office? Just a thought.....
So is refusing to budge when it comes to changing it, which is exactly what the Democrats are doing.

Both sides are acting childish and pathetic, and neither side has our best interest in mind.
I don't think the Dems should openly hand Trump or the GOP a victory here, but finding solutions by adjusting the ACA should be done.
Maybe, just maybe, both sides are following the example set by Mr. Trump on how to act in office? Just a thought.....

No, they've acted like petulant children for a while now. More concerned with winning than doing what's right.