The GOP's Obamacare repeal-only plan is already on the verge of stalling


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Fayetteville, WV

"I believe we must continue to push forward now. I regret that the effort to repeal and immediately replace the failures of Obamacare will not be successful. That doesn't mean we should give up," McConnell said on the Senate floor Tuesday.

Shortly after he made those remarks, members of his caucus jeopardized the repeal-first goal. Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.V., said they would not support a repeal bill without a replacement.

"I believe we must continue to push forward now. I regret that the effort to repeal and immediately replace the failures of Obamacare will not be successful. That doesn't mean we should give up," McConnell said on the Senate floor Tuesday.

Shortly after he made those remarks, members of his caucus jeopardized the repeal-first goal. Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.V., said they would not support a repeal bill without a replacement.
Sure they're against it - they want to keep Medicaid...because that's what people now on it discussion of how it's paid for or the utilization of it by those that have it...just keep to keep the citizens happy.
Sure they're against it - they want to keep Medicaid...because that's what people now on it discussion of how it's paid for or the utilization of it by those that have it...just keep to keep the citizens happy.
Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account@realDonaldTrump 7 May 2015

I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. Huckabee copied me.

8:38 AM - 7 May 2015
The Dems should just let this repeal happen, so the GOP would be forced to figure out a solution or own healthcare with no solution. But no Dems can legitimately vote to repeal without a replacement either.

GOP control isn't as efficient as I thought it would be, that's for sure.
The Dems should just let this repeal happen, so the GOP would be forced to figure out a solution or own healthcare with no solution. But no Dems can legitimately vote to repeal without a replacement either.

GOP control isn't as efficient as I thought it would be, that's for sure.
Biff said his plan will be cheaper, better, and cover more people. Can't wait!
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Sure they're against it - they want to keep Medicaid...because that's what people now on it discussion of how it's paid for or the utilization of it by those that have it...just keep to keep the citizens happy.

But he promised a better and more affordable solution. Where is it?
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Bullshit!!!! It was his mouth that created the current clusterfvck. If he hadn't tried to be a tough guy he wouldn't have put his congress in a position that it's currently in with the ACA Repeal and Replace nonsense. Bigly strategic blunder on his part.

I can say that I've always been for letting it collapse or killing it and then working on a replacement. At that point, the country will settle for anything put forward.
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Trump's campaign website noted the promise in clear terms, saying, "On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare."

At a speech in St. Augustine, Florida on Oct. 24, he vowed to repeal the current health care law as a part of his "contract with the American voter."

"It's a set of promises for what I'll do in my first 100 days. It includes getting rid of immediately Obamacare, which is a disaster," said Trump.

The line referencing an "immediate" "repeal and replace" was a staple of his stump speech, appearing regularly throughout an ABC News review of transcripts from Trump's primary and general election campaign events.
Bullshit!!!! It was his mouth that created the current clusterfvck. If he hadn't tried to be a tough guy he wouldn't have put his congress in a position that it's currently in with the ACA Repeal and Replace nonsense. Bigly strategic blunder on his part.

I can say that I've always been for letting it collapse or killing it and then working on a replacement. At that point, the country will settle for anything put forward.
I'm not for letting it collapse....that's not leadership, imo....sick people need help, and we should not fvck them other in order to preserve political capital.

But it's nice to see conservatives call bullsh1t on his lies. I should have expected it from you, cause you're not FOS. This guy, his lies, the fake news narrative, are all very dangerous.
You want him to make the laws?
GOP controlled Congress and WH.....and yes....the President can introduce bills through a member of Congress....the leaders that want to lead do it often. Political football is tough, tougher still when you're tweeting foolishness and trying to throw your weight around constantly. He needs a political coach.
I'm not for letting it collapse....that's not leadership, imo....sick people need help, and we should not fvck them other in order to preserve political capital.

We can't help them because the parties won't let it happen.

Trump could roll out a plan that would be a Dems wet dream, but if it comes from Trump the Dems will fight it. The GOP isn't going to attempt to "solve" the problem any more than the Dems did either.
We can't help them because the parties won't let it happen.

Trump could roll out a plan that would be a Dems wet dream, but if it comes from Trump the Dems will fight it. The GOP isn't going to attempt to "solve" the problem any more than the Dems did either.
Disagree. If Repubs in congress start trying to fix the ACA, Dems will participate (if Repubs let them) is my guess based on what I've heard them say.
Disagree. If Repubs in congress start trying to fix the ACA, Dems will participate (if Repubs let them) is my guess based on what I've heard them say.

No they won't, because fixing the ACA requires the dismantling of some of what's wrong with the ACA which are some of the things that the Dems will never agree to. Subsidies, taxes, mandates, etc.
We can't help them because the parties won't let it happen.

Trump could roll out a plan that would be a Dems wet dream, but if it comes from Trump the Dems will fight it. The GOP isn't going to attempt to "solve" the problem any more than the Dems did either.
If it's a "Dems wet dream", then it should get enough GOP votes then, right?
We can't help them because the parties won't let it happen.

Trump could roll out a plan that would be a Dems wet dream, but if it comes from Trump the Dems will fight it. The GOP isn't going to attempt to "solve" the problem any more than the Dems did either.
Now the Dems will roll out adjustments to save the ACA.....what's the play by the GOP then?
Now the Dems will roll out adjustments to save the ACA.....what's the play by the GOP then?

From a political standpoint the play for the GOP is to let it collapse. The ethic standpoint is repeal and address health care costs. They don't have the political capital to repeal it and don't have the desire to address actual costs.
From a political standpoint the play for the GOP is to let it collapse. The ethic standpoint is repeal and address health care costs. They don't have the political capital to repeal it and don't have the desire to address actual costs.
I just do not agree on the political standpoint. People actually think the American electorate will be OK with the party that did nothing for 2 years while costs go up? Are the costs going up their fault? No. Will they be blamed? I 1,000% believe so.
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he actually said that he personally had a plan......I am not making that up. He has nothing. Had nothing. Never proposed a thing. Am I right or is that fake news too?
Congressional Repubs had 7 years or so to come up with an alternative plan then got caught with their pants down when Trump won and turns out that they had no plan either but that's what you get when you spend the prior 8 years opposing BO, you're not ready to lead.
he actually said that he personally had a plan......I am not making that up. He has nothing. Had nothing. Never proposed a thing. Am I right or is that fake news too?
He's FOS and everyone knows it. He never is the source of innovation, he just relies on others to provide it for him. And this time, he banked on Ryan and McConnell to get some wood on the ball. Whiff....
From a political standpoint the play for the GOP is to let it collapse. The ethic standpoint is repeal and address health care costs. They don't have the political capital to repeal it and don't have the desire to address actual costs.
Even Obama admitted adjustments would have to be made to the ACA:

"It may be called something else. And as I said, I don't mind. If in fact the Republicans make some modifications, some of which I may have been seeking previously, but they wouldn't cooperate because they didn't want to -- make the system work, and relabel it as Trumpcare, I'm fine with that," he said in an exclusive interview on “This Week” Sunday.

To let it fail, because you can't work out solutions, that just a lack of leadership. To let Americans suffer, so you can blame the other side? That's just chickensh1t.
Let us not forget what (or who) got us in this shit show of a position - Obama and the Libtards. This condition has been building for 8 years under his think it will be fixed this shortly is asinine and short-sighted
Right. I don't believe in universal healthcare. I consider it the same as every other "safety net". But that's just me.
It's really concerning to me that the GOP is so disjointed on this....I thought repeal would shoot through. I'm used to the Dems being fractions, thanks to their genius leadership in to start to question the turtle's leadership?
Let us not forget what (or who) got us in this shit show of a position - Obama and the Libtards. This condition has been building for 8 years under his think it will be fixed this shortly is asinine and short-sighted

Obama and Dems attempted to adjust the ACA prior to him leaving office. The GOP sought to force Obamacare to stand without adjustment, because they knew (as did the Dems) that it would suffer. They allowed that to gain political capital. Now they want to cash in on it again? Once is hardball politics, twice is just ridiculous, imo.

You guys just have a short memory, a good propaganda machine, and a whole bunch of hatred for Obama.
It's really concerning to me that the GOP is so disjointed on this....I thought repeal would shoot through. I'm used to the Dems being fractions, thanks to their genius leadership in to start to question the turtle's leadership?
Not surprising to me at all. With the rise of the tea party, the gop lost all their values regardless if one agreed with it or not. These individuals have no purpose other than bitching and obstruction. And since the "establishment" went to bed with them, they are now stuck with their worthless cause and is a shell of a workable party. And the country will continue to suffer because of it.
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