Team Pedo is responsible for a full-blown economic crisis


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Williamstown, WV
Leftists are destroying our country

LINK: Team Pedo created an economic crisis in America that might hurt Democrats for years

Well, now we know what it's like to have bumbling half-wits running the country. This just isn't a pedophile forgetting words and names on occasion. This is a Pedo Team responsible for sparking a full-blown economic crisis. Now, despite being warned by Larry Summers, one of the only smart Democrat economists left in America, they tried to happy-talk inflation away.

In fact, to avoid inflation, he said the Fed would have to be extraordinarily skillful and lucky and that they'd have a very, very difficult job ahead of them. Larry is being charitable there. These people are neither skillful nor lucky. They're totally incompetent.

And I know this is going to be written off as just another right-wing spin, but we that this inflation spiral Pedo-Joe created could mean the end of the Democratic Party for a generation.

Remember, after Jimmy Carter, it took Democrats 12 years to shake off the Carter hangover and win the presidency again. So you would think that the Democrats would see today's news as a sign that it is time to pivot, to moderate, to learn. But you'd be wrong.

Now, Harry Truman famously said the buck stops here. Pedo-Joe says it stops more than 5,000 miles away and Mariupol. Of course, this is absurd. Had the cjild predator continued to keep America energy-independent, we'd have gasoline down at around 2 bucks a gallon, it would be a huge relief to our families.

And had the child groper stuck with Trump's economic policies, we'd still have low inflation and maybe even rising median income, which Trump had. But Pedo-Joe's team of dolts refused to concede that it's time to change course. They think it's just all a messaging problem. If we can only convince Americans that the pedophile feels their pain and is doing everything possible.