He lies about everything. And in this case, he insinuated about having tapes as a threat to Comey. Great leadership right there. Redheaded shitfest.

Only a threat if Comey was going to lie. No lie on Trump's part, never said he had tapes. Snowflakes be melting today.
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I'll give you the same challenge I gave Country........produce the quote from Trump that said he had tapes or had Comey taped. Good luck....Country,as usual could not deliver.

Don't double down on your stupidity. I feel sorry for you.
Don't double down on your stupidity. I feel sorry for you.
Only a threat if Comey was going to lie. No lie on Trump's part, never said he had tapes. Snowflakes be melting today.
He insinuated there were tapes. It was all a bluff intended to shut Comey up.

"James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"
I thought the quote was "Comey better hope there aren't tapes of our conversations" not "I have tapes of our conversations"

It was a play on words that I didn't think Trump had in him. I still think he's paranoid enough to be recording stuff, but but dropping that tweet he put Comey in a corner with his testimony, creating hesitation on Comey's part that tapes might just exist, while also drawing attention to some of the "illegal" "wiretapping" that has been occurring within our government.

It could be Trump is that sly.... it could be he lucked into it....
Trump is simply always a step ahead of the liberals. He's constantly making the puppets dance. His tweet made Comey squeal like a pig.

Another win.
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"whether the conversations were taped"

Key words......"whether" and "were". BTW....What are your numerous degrees in?

These guys usually parse words to the Nth degree. I mean, we even had a question on what "is" means. Hypocrites.
Let's analyze the problems with this:

1. Still attacking the media. Good lord, be presidential, don't be such a whiner, talk about snowflakes.

2. Comey testified under oath that trump told him to drop the investigation. Trump denies it, not under oath, but simply in front of cameras. He's a f'ucking liar.

3. He honestly believes there is nothing wrong with asking the Director of the FBI to drop an ongoing investigation that includes members of his cabinet. He's been watching too much Fox "News."

4. He lies about asking for loyalty. He has done this numerous times with other people; they have testified under oath about this. He can't even keep the question straight in his mind. He attempts to repeat the question but f'ucks it up. He says "who would ask allegiance under oath?" No one accused trump of asking allegiance under oath. They accused trump of asking Comey for his loyalty and Comey testified about it under oath. The idiot is losing his damn mind...or has lost it already.

5. I'll testify to Mueller under oath, 100%. I call bullshit. Again, he is a f'ucking idiot, constantly saying the dumbest shit.

6. When asked about when he will tell everyone about the tapes his response is "over a short period of time." Over a short period of time? WTF. You are the president. You owe honesty to the American people. What a f'ucking clown. And when pressed again by the media, he responds again with "over a short period of time."

7. And then the statement "oh, you're going to be disappointed." Yeah, we were disappointed at your idiocy a long time ago. He really doesn't think things through and constantly walks himself into a corner and then doubles down on his stupidity. He's a complete buffoon.

2. Comey testified under oath that trump told him to drop the investigation.

You need to check the record. Comey testified that he believed Trump wanted him to drop it. The record also shows no evidence that Trump ordered Comey to drop the it. Your hatred for Trump has greatly affected your judgement. I really feel sorry for you.
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He didn't

In his prepared testimony, Comey recalled that, at that Oval Office meeting, the president said: "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

"I took it as a direction," Comey told the Senate hearing Thursday. "I mean, this is a president of the United States with me alone saying, 'I hope this.' I took it as, this is what he wants me to do. I didn't obey that, but that's the way I took it."
You need to check the record. Comey testified that he believed Trump wanted him to drop it. The record also shows no evidence that Trump ordered Comey to drop the it. Your hatred for Trump has greatly affected your judgement. I really feel sorry for you.

Dude, take some meds. You have totally lost it. You are arguing that trump never insinuated there were tapes and now you are arguing that trump didn't direct Comey to drop the investigation?
Comey's testimony was very clear and is quoted in post 59 - "I took it as direction."
Trump cleared the room to get him alone, discussed his employment and loyalty and then says "I hope you will let this go."

No one has ever accused you of being Einstein.
In his prepared testimony, Comey recalled that, at that Oval Office meeting, the president said: "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

"I took it as a direction," Comey told the Senate hearing Thursday. "I mean, this is a president of the United States with me alone saying, 'I hope this.' I took it as, this is what he wants me to do. I didn't obey that, but that's the way I took it."
Dah........exactly as I said. However.....Comey NEVER said he was DIRECTLY told or ordered to stop it.
In his prepared testimony, Comey recalled that, at that Oval Office meeting, the president said: "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

"I took it as a direction," Comey told the Senate hearing Thursday. "I mean, this is a president of the United States with me alone saying, 'I hope this.' I took it as, this is what he wants me to do. I didn't obey that, but that's the way I took it."

I hope you can see the light. You never will, but I'll understand.
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He lies about everything. And in this case, he insinuated about having tapes as a threat to Comey. Great leadership right there. Redheaded shitfest.
He didnt inisuate anything. You and all the idiots like you jumped that shark and once again he made you look stupid.
I think you look stupid following me all over the board hoping I fat finger a word so you have something to "get" me. Ill never understand your total jealousy of me but it is entertaining.

The word you are looking or is "pity."
You know he was intentionally trying to make some people believe there were tapes.

Don't be a dumbass.
He (cumey) got punked,there WILL be others!!! I LOVE how the 45th leads these dickholes,with a bait tweet and they fall for it hook line and sinker... the 45th,is just getting started.Cumey is a pretty big fish in the swamp,but he's just bait for the corruption of the D.C.. The hooks been set! Reel in Rottenstein,and Mueller "the maggot" and the swamp will dry up..FISHING IS EASY!
News to morons. Our country is not a game and the president shouldn't be playing anyone. The tweet was irresponsible by an immature child intending to intimdate the f'ing FBI director he just fired. Get a clue without partisanship and realize the seriousness of this fool you keep making excuses for.
Bbbbbbbbbbbbut "you can keep your doctor and your insurance premiums will NEVER GO UP".."ISIS IS THE JV TEAM"..."THERE'S NOT A SMIDGEN OF SCANDALS IN THIS ADMINISTRATION! !" These are just a "SAMPLE "of Ovomits TOTAL lies for 8 YEARS..and how about "Executive Privilege " for Fast and Furious. . BENGAZI WAS A REACTION TO A VIRAL VIDEO...:scream::flushed::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::flush:[pfftt]