Taking a team to a bowl game now means nothing as..


Apr 16, 2011
a gauge of how good a coach is ...coaching. It is almost funny when someone mentions that a modern day college football coach has led his team to "four bowls in five years" or anything like that. Last year teams with losing record made the cut. This year the number of bowl games means 80 schools will play an extra game. Here is a good read on the subject:

Bottom line is: a coach taking a team to a bowl game; fans jumping up and down with glee and thinking it is accomplishment to play one more game in front of a nearly empty stadium; or media hype over the "importance of the Ajax Toilet Bowl Cleaner game in the Middle of Nowhere USA is flat head scratching...and dumb.
Actually, it means more practice time for underclassmen, an opportunity for fans to go to a bowl game and fundraising opportunities for the school.

Are there too many bowls? I'll watch parts of all of them. :popcorn:
I like the concept that bowl games are a reward for a good season but there are way to many of them today. In the old days they where a reward for a good season but now below average teams make them. Its hard to believe allot of these games make any money. It seems like they change sponsorship every year. I liked it when they where exclusively named after fruits metals and plants it started going down hill when they named them after tech start up companies and auto part stores
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not only are the sponsors getting sketchy results from their bowl game investments but the schools sending teams to most of the meaningless games are losing money and support by fans is falling. they are now basically an exhibition game getting a few more practice times in. as i keep saying just go to a 16 team playoff and capture most of the better bowls as part of the system....a December madness event. Eight first round games at eight bowl sites...four second round games at four more bowl sites....two at two sites and the final super bowl of college football. Fifteen bowls and a national champion. make any other bowl what they are a promotional event like the NIT.
Bowl games don't mean a thing.......................unless your favorite team leaves the game with a loss. Bowl games sure mean something when this happens.
Bowl games don't mean a thing.......................unless your favorite team leaves the game with a loss. Bowl games sure mean something when this happens.

Which is precisely why fans who get giddy about a nothing game in the middle of the desert 1,500 miles from WVU is borderline pathetic.
a gauge of how good a coach is ...coaching. It is almost funny when someone mentions that a modern day college football coach has led his team to "four bowls in five years" or anything like that. Last year teams with losing record made the cut. This year the number of bowl games means 80 schools will play an extra game. Here is a good read on the subject:

Bottom line is: a coach taking a team to a bowl game; fans jumping up and down with glee and thinking it is accomplishment to play one more game in front of a nearly empty stadium; or media hype over the "importance of the Ajax Toilet Bowl Cleaner game in the Middle of Nowhere USA is flat head scratching...and dumb.

Doesn't surprise me that you don't get football rootbatermater. Football is a mans sport. It's offensive to feminists, little girls, Hilary Clinton.. and you. Is anyone else surprised that you are offended by an extra game every year? Not me. The only one jumping around with glee is you.. after reading your own fem post hating a football game. Go watch ballet if football offends you rootbatermater.[WVU]
Doesn't surprise me that you don't get football rootbatermater. Football is a mans sport. It's offensive to feminists, little girls, Hilary Clinton.. and you. Is anyone else surprised that you are offended by an extra game every year? Not me. The only one jumping around with glee is you.. after reading your own fem post hating a football game. Go watch ballet if football offends you rootbatermater.[WVU]

What exactly do feminists,Ballet and Hillary Clinton have to do with Bowl games and whether or not they actually or a measure of a successful season?
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Apparently Shipyard has been nippin' the old corn again. Reading what a post says and means must not be his strong suit. Just sayin' LOL
I think that most fans can distinguish between the better bowl games and the purely made for TV games.
Really. I do.

And I think it an exaggeration to paint a scenario in which each team's fans are jumping with glee just because their team made it into one of the lower level "Insert Corporate Name No One Will Attend Bowl." I just don't see it.

As long as there is money to pay for these bowls .... these bowls will exist.
But if you think there are too many bowls, as I do, then just don't watch most of them.
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I guess the silly fans like myself look at bowl games as extra practice time and more exposure for the program by matching up WVU against a team they might not regularly play during the regular season.. Usually there are a few weeks between the end of the regular season and the bowl game. Bowl games are mostly played by themselves or with only one or two other games the same time. Most college football fans watch whatever college football they can get. Would you say there is a difference between going to bowl games and not going to bowl games? I can't help but believe there is. Also if you look at teams who have a great season usually they played in a bowl game the season before.

Example: Oklahoma State played in the crappy Cactus Bowl, the next season they went to the Sugar Bowl. I'm sure they would say getting the extra practice time and winning a game to end the season helped to gain momentum going into the next season. But what do coaches know?

Honestly what does it hurt?
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Which is precisely why fans who get giddy about a nothing game in the middle of the desert 1,500 miles from WVU is borderline pathetic.
Please tell us all exactly how this hurt WVU in anyway. Facts not opinion please.
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why not just let schools add a thirteenth regular season game then? if most are just for extra practice then game 13 becomes the ticket...or...just let coaches practice their teams three or four weeks after the end of the season. why waste budget to play meaningless games that very few people attend and not many watch or care about? obviously if you get to the top of a conference and play in a bigger game on a bigger stage then great. btw: having seen recent Mountaineer teams get a lot of momentum going into any next season. LOL
I don't care if the 'shiny' shoes put 100 bowl games out there for the fans to watch. Bowls games are not intended to reward the players for a good season. They are intended to rake in cash for the 'shiny' shoes to split. There is no other reason for extending the season. Most fans refuse to believe ole Warez.
Rootbatur, you don't give two shits about 'wasting budget', you're just offended that men play a game you'll never be a part of and Holgs puts you to shame with his paycheck. Any dude that bitches about a football game should be at the opera. Nuff said.[WVU]
Which is precisely why fans who get giddy about a nothing game in the middle of the desert 1,500 miles from WVU is borderline pathetic.
On behalf of every other WVU fan who was there with me clapping and cheering with joy as our players raised flags and trophies in the postgame ceremonies at the 2008 Fiesta Bowl and 2016 Cactus Bowl, buzz off.
I didn't get to attend the Cactus, but would've loved to & watched every minute rooting on the players. Similar as many other fans, no matter the time zone. It was a hell of an exciting game, the best win (basically a road game), I felt, of a so-so season that went up and down and lacked a big time win.

Yeah the teams weren't world beaters in '15, but the game itself was high value. Breath of fresh air to play a Pac team instead of another ACC team or whomever. It did pit two power 5 conference teams against one another. More than can be said for many other bowls. Was rated highly among the best games of the whole bowl season.

However, I do agree, there are too many inconsequential, cash grab bowls.
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I see the Bowl games as a chance to play schools you don't normally get to play. Had we played Pitt last year the place would have been packed. Same as if we'd have played Arizona rather than Arizona State. But don't forget there's only one QB in NCAA history to start and Win four bowl games. Pat White!!!!
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