Supposedly a big time target was take out in Iraq this evening

My list so far, still unconfirmed:

Mohammad Al-Kawtharani [A Lebanese Hezbollah senior]

Mohammad Al-Jabri (#PMU's head of relations)

Mohammad Reza Kazem

Hasan Abd Al-Hadi

Mohammad Al-Sheybani

if true...

the shit is going to hit the fan...
Reports: US Marines arrest Qais AlKhazali, head of Iranian-backed group Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq and the Iraqi Minister for Transport Hadi AlAmry who heads the Iranian-backed Badr Organisation in Jadria, Baghdad
Both dead


Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis (right) with Qasem Soleimani at the ceremony commemorating the father of Soleimani in Mosalla of Tehran
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Reactions: Casey Ryback
Relax go ahead and stock the milk tonight wearing your 7-11 company uniform with pride. No worries dude.........the men and women wearing the real uniforms have your back.

I'm sure Tranny Lover and his Tranny are both proud of you. Watch those expiration dates.
did it change jobs from delivering pizzas?

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