Shocker...a Democrat I really could vote for


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 9, 2004
I haven't voted Democrat since my first election back in 1980 (I voted for Carter's re-election, but voted for Reagan in '84) but here's one Democrat I could actually see myself voting for depending on who the GOP nominates and if he decides to run?


*editor's note:
Trump is still my preference and has my vote. DeSantis is my second choice if Trump doesn't get the GOP nomination. If DeSantis doesn't run or GOP primary voters pick someone like Nikki Haley, then I could see myself voting for Kennedy if he decides to run. He would not get my vote over Trump or DeSantis.
I haven't voted Democrat since my first election back in 1980 (I voted for Carter's re-election, but voted for Reagan in '84) but here's one Democrat I could actually see myself voting for depending on who the GOP nominates and if he decides to run?


*editor's note:
Trump is still my preference and has my vote. DeSantis is my second choice if Trump doesn't get the GOP nomination. If DeSantis doesn't run or GOP primary voters pick someone like Nikki Haley, then I could see myself voting for Kennedy if he decides to run. He would not get my vote over Trump or DeSantis.
He's still a recovering drugie or alcoholic and nut. No thanks
I haven't voted Democrat since my first election back in 1980 (I voted for Carter's re-election, but voted for Reagan in '84) but here's one Democrat I could actually see myself voting for depending on who the GOP nominates and if he decides to run?


*editor's note:
Trump is still my preference and has my vote. DeSantis is my second choice if Trump doesn't get the GOP nomination. If DeSantis doesn't run or GOP primary voters pick someone like Nikki Haley, then I could see myself voting for Kennedy if he decides to run. He would not get my vote over Trump or DeSantis.
Could you imagine listening to him give a speech? He's worse than Biden
His voice is awful. Biden is dementia addled
He is hard to listen to when he speaks. I'm supposing it is a health condition that caused his voice problem?

I've always wondered, what would it have been like if his dad would have not been assassinated and ran for president and won? Seemed like a genuine good guy.
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I haven't voted Democrat since my first election back in 1980 (I voted for Carter's re-election, but voted for Reagan in '84) but here's one Democrat I could actually see myself voting for depending on who the GOP nominates and if he decides to run?


*editor's note:
Trump is still my preference and has my vote. DeSantis is my second choice if Trump doesn't get the GOP nomination. If DeSantis doesn't run or GOP primary voters pick someone like Nikki Haley, then I could see myself voting for Kennedy if he decides to run. He would not get my vote over Trump or DeSantis.
Qualifications for presidential candidate today are (those that will win the nominations):

1. Old as F**K
2. Cognitive issues
3. Super wealthy
4. (optional) corrupt as hell
5. Don't know how to balance a checkbook....doesn't matter anymore
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Qualifications for presidential candidate today are (those that will win the nominations):

1. Old as F**K
2. Cognitive issues
3. Super wealthy
4. (optional) corrupt as hell
5. Don't know how to balance a checkbook....doesn't matter anymore
I would donate to any candidate who pushes for convention of the states. God lord we need young new blood in D.C. the rnc and dnc is running this shit show. Good people who care and would work together are being pushed out by the 2 headed snake 🐍
I would donate to any candidate who pushes for convention of the states. God lord we need young new blood in D.C. the rnc and dnc is running this shit show. Good people who care and would work together are being pushed out by the 2 headed snake 🐍
I believe candidates who understand we must restore Constitutional limits on Leviathan and who realize our Freedoms MUST be protected will be the ones who always have my attention. Kennedy fits that criterion, in fact he's one of the few Democrats who do.
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Kennedy is a big climate change hypocrite.
Haven't looked into his positions on climate change, he is spot on though critical of the undue influence of corrupt lobbyists, corrupt bureaucrats, and corrupt Foreign "new world order Globalists" trashing our Constitutional Freedoms.
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He is hard to listen to when he speaks. I'm supposing it is a health condition that caused his voice problem?

I've always wondered, what would it have been like if his dad would have not been assassinated and ran for president and won? Seemed like a genuine good guy.
Well, he wasn't going to beat Nixon. He was a liberal and wouldn't have changed much
Well, he wasn't going to beat Nixon. He was a liberal and wouldn't have changed much
It's amazing how Kennedy, even as a Liberal Democrat back then would hardly be recognized by today's radical Socialist Democrat Left!

Consider this:
JFK never forgot that he had been elected in 1960 by one of the smallest popular vote margins in US history. The next presidential election was never far from his mind—and seemed to preoccupy his brother Bobby. When liberal Democrats pressed him to promote progressive social programs, he would often point out that he had not won a mandate and remind them that he first had to be reelected.

Kennedy had campaigned on the slogan of “getting America moving again” (which the Nixon campaign staff had privately derided as the peristalsis plan). But, recovery from the 1958 recession had been very sluggish and unemployment remained perilously high—6.8% just after he took office. The Council of Economic Advisers urged him to attack unemployment with New Deal style spending but the president was worried that a large deficit ($7 billion) would be politically untenable in 1964.

...and this

The president finally decided that only a bold domestic program, including tax cuts, would restore his political momentum. Declaring that the absence of recession is not tantamount to economic growth, the president proposed in 1963 to cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65% He also proposed a cut in the corporate tax rate from 52% to 47%. Ironically, economic growth expanded in 1963, and Republicans and conservative Democrats in Congress insisted that reducing taxes without corresponding spending cuts was unacceptable.

Can you imagine a Democrat today refusing to increase spending on social programs and running on tax cuts & concerned over rising deficits? :oops:

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It's amazing how Kennedy, even as a Liberal Democrat back then would hardly be recognized by today's radical Socialist Democrat Left!

Consider this:
JFK never forgot that he had been elected in 1960 by one of the smallest popular vote margins in US history. The next presidential election was never far from his mind—and seemed to preoccupy his brother Bobby. When liberal Democrats pressed him to promote progressive social programs, he would often point out that he had not won a mandate and remind them that he first had to be reelected.

Kennedy had campaigned on the slogan of “getting America moving again” (which the Nixon campaign staff had privately derided as the peristalsis plan). But, recovery from the 1958 recession had been very sluggish and unemployment remained perilously high—6.8% just after he took office. The Council of Economic Advisers urged him to attack unemployment with New Deal style spending but the president was worried that a large deficit ($7 billion) would be politically untenable in 1964.

...and this

The president finally decided that only a bold domestic program, including tax cuts, would restore his political momentum. Declaring that the absence of recession is not tantamount to economic growth, the president proposed in 1963 to cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65% He also proposed a cut in the corporate tax rate from 52% to 47%. Ironically, economic growth expanded in 1963, and Republicans and conservative Democrats in Congress insisted that reducing taxes without corresponding spending cuts was unacceptable.

Can you imagine a Democrat today refusing to increase spending on social programs and running on tax cuts & concerned over rising deficits? :oops:

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Trumps policy was a lot of jfk and Reagan combination....