Remember when...


Gold Member
Jul 31, 2001
....the Summer provided endless banter between Pitt, Rutgers, Louisville, etc fans? I love Big 12 game day action and money is legit but do miss the daily fan base interaction on the boards. We are left to our own devices which frankly we have much less to talk about since practices are closed and Holgs aint exactly an open book. Are Big 12 fans just too polite or is it that we haven't put up enough of a fight yet to warrant being hated or envied?
I have no issue with the politeness of the Big XII. It is the way proper, educated, and civilized people behave.

Been to a couple of Big XII venues, never been cursed spit upon, or had anything past good natured ribbing happen to me. This was even after WVU won. Total opposite of trips to some of our old conference mates now in the ACC.

Other than the guidos of NJ, I can honestly say I don't miss one school WVU played as a conference opponent from our past.

As for the OOC, I would rather play Maryland than any opponent and sadly, they are only on the slate 2 more times for the border war in the foreseeable future.
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One side of your mouth you say only the uneducated engage in trash talk with their rivals and out of the other you refer to Rutgers fans as guidos. Sounds like you have an unresolved conflict.
....the Summer provided endless banter between Pitt, Rutgers, Louisville, etc fans? I love Big 12 game day action and money is legit but do miss the daily fan base interaction on the boards. We are left to our own devices which frankly we have much less to talk about since practices are closed and Holgs aint exactly an open book. Are Big 12 fans just too polite or is it that we haven't put up enough of a fight yet to warrant being hated or envied?

We're an afterthought to the fanbases of other Big 12 schools. Start doing serious damage on the gridiron and they will come.....
The term guido is a term of respect for Rutgers from me. It is NOT a slander from me.

The Rutgers fans used to come here for Guiidos vs Hillbillies week. It was an annual thread in the fall.

I been there quite a few times for games. they were actually cool people to tailgate with.
Could they ever beat us?
Yep, Guido Week was special. Two states owning their stereotypes and having big fun with it. Especially with all the Jersey folks who've attended WVU, they were our "fifth column" during Guido Week.

I remember a couple of Jersey guys walking up to the stadium in front of me in the early 80's. One attended WVU, his buddy was a recent Rutgers grad. The Rutgers guy was worried about catching crap during the game, his buddy replied, "Are you kidding? A quarter of WVU's student section is from Jersey." Then he says, "WV and NJ are the two most busted on States in the East, we bond over who gets it worse." That was a good 20 years before Guido Week was born.

I miss the Fighting Guido's.
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Yep, Guido Week was special. Two states owning their stereotypes and having big fun with it. Especially with all the Jersey folks who've attended WVU, they were our "fifth column" during Guido Week.

I remember a couple of Jersey guys walking up to the stadium in front of me in the early 80's. One attended WVU, his buddy was a recent Rutgers grad. The Rutgers guy was worried about catching crap during the game, his buddy replied, "Are you kidding? A quarter of WVU's student section is from Jersey." Then he says, "WV and NJ are the two most busted on States in the East, we bond over who gets it worse." That was a good 20 years before Guido Week was born.

I miss the Fighting Guido's.

I went to the WVU @ LSU game in 2011 in Baton Rouge. I was drinking before the game at a bar called Chimes, near the stadium...good pre-game atmosphere.

Started talking with some of their fans, and damn were they funny. One guy said to me, "Ya know...Louisiana is 48th in Education, WV is 49. How about we just get together and make fun of Missisippi?"

I've never had much problems at away games. I miss death and taxes, you could always count on a W and a good time.
When my Mom was a principal the saying among educators here was, "Thank God for Mississippi." It's a sad comment, but it's still funny.
One side of your mouth you say only the uneducated engage in trash talk with their rivals and out of the other you refer to Rutgers fans as guidos. Sounds like you have an unresolved conflict.
Rutgers was the only school we had a cordial "rivalry" with in our old conference. The rest of the schools' fans we bantered with on this forum and during many games devolved into insults and F-bomb salvos. I wasn't exactly proud an institution of higher education had students and alumni acting that way. In the Big 12 we've been getting and giving respect, something we didn't have or do in our previous home.

I'm more than glad we've left that nonsense behind.
Two of my best friends from college were Jersey boys and me a West Virginian from way back. We are still friends 40 years later and keep up with each others lives. Them Guidos are gooduns.

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