President Trump Visited the South Bronx in New York - 23MAY2024 ... REPLAY UP


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
THE BRONX IS SHOWING OUT FOR TRUMP... the poorest district in the US, NY-17

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and washed up country singer/Zelensky fan girl Brad Paisley.


"Tonight, Biden will be having a glamorous taxpayer funded feast with “elites” like Alex Soros, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Lester Holt, and 'washed up country singer/Zelensky fan girl Brad Paisley'.
Cynical Publius


So Donald Trump held a huge, wildly successful rally in the Bronx today. That itself is in many ways remarkable, but what I find quite noteworthy is not what happened, but what DID NOT happen.

Let me explain.

The population in the Bronx is predominantly black and Hispanic. Like most of America’s urban centers, the Bronx suffers from disproportionate amounts of crime, poverty, drug use and gangs. With that in mind, let me tell you what did NOT happen at this rally:

1. Trump did not put on an affected, fake accent of an A.M.E. Zion minister or Chi Chi Rodriguez (See: Hillary). He was simply Trump, without airs or any patronizing words or thoughts.

2. He did not tell the people of the Bronx that they were victims. He told them that they were powerful and could solve their community’s problems themselves.

3. He did not demonize any groups of Americans as the evil “Other.” Yes, he criticized the failed policies of Democrats and poked fun at their foibles, but he reminded everyone that we are all Americans first, from coast to coast.

4. He did not promise to solve the problems of the Bronx with handouts or wealth redistribution. He merely promised that he would help set the national economic conditions so the community itself could solve its own problems through jobs, business and education. He promised empowerment, not victimhood.

Contrast all of this with what a Democrat would say under the same circumstances. Heck, contrast it with the vile speech of hate and victimhood Biden gave at Morehouse College this past weekend. The difference is stunning.

What scares Democrats about this rally is that it shows them that the people whose votes they have taken for granted for many decades are starting to leave the Democrat Plantation of Victimhood in favor of the uplifting, empowering message of Donald Trump and his aspiration to make America a place that is “great again” for ALL Americans.

The times, they are a-changin’.

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Post #33 is what scares all Socialist types because inherent in that message is the absence of dependence on government or the faceless bureaucrats who run it. They derive their power and make their living breeding dependency. In fact, they cannot survive without it (literally).

This is why they hate Trump, because he inspires folks to look to themselves first before asking some detached swamp dweller to make their lives meaningful. Trump's message is resonating with folks who don't believe Socialism can ever answer their desires for personal prosperity and economic independence.

That's what terrifies power crazed Socialists.

If you think about it, the left frothing at the mouth over the size of the crowd at Trump's rally yesterday plays in our favor.

How so?
Glad you asked.

The people who live in the Bronx and went to the event saw the truth with their own eyes...but now the left, in a rush to flex their #OrangeManBad bonafides, are telling them that their own memory is wrong and they didn't experience actually went down in first-person.

That people didn't see and experience what they just saw and experienced. Think about that.

They're calling the attendees (many of them minorities) liars..going so far as to mock them.

Doesn't matter what your skin color is, no one likes getting gaslit/lied to. Especially when it's in your face like this.

How do you think that plays in the borough RE: support for Trump?
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If you think about it, the left frothing at the mouth over the size of the crowd at Trump's rally yesterday plays in our favor.

How so?
Glad you asked.

The people who live in the Bronx and went to the event saw the truth with their own eyes...but now the left, in a rush to flex their #OrangeManBad bonafides, are telling them that their own memory is wrong and they didn't experience actually went down in first-person.

That people didn't see and experience what they just saw and experienced. Think about that.

They're calling the attendees (many of them minorities) liars..going so far as to mock them.

Doesn't matter what your skin color is, no one likes getting gaslit/lied to. Especially when it's in your face like this.

How do you think that plays in the borough RE: support for Trump?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again...Leftists are the biggest racists among racists. They have utter contempt for free thinking Black folks, and Thank God many more Black folks are waking up and realizing it!