Pick'M Bowl Games & CFP


Gold Member
Dec 25, 2016
Just waiting for the HC to be announce. Not sure the best way to do this, so I decided to do a two' fer Bowl game Pick'M and CFP Pick'M.

Bowl Games 22 games on the slate over an extended period of time. First game Our coachless Mountaineers Tues 12/17 at 9:00PM. Tie breaker total points scored Memphis vs WVU.

CFP Pick"M 11 games on the slate. Teams and picks will be added as the winners win. Tie breaker total points scored Championship Game

Bowl Game Pick'M

Tues 12/17 9:00PM ESPN Memphis vs WVU Pts
Wed 12/18 9:00PM ESPN Cal vs UNLV
Wed 12/18 5:30PM ESPN WKU vs JMU
Fri 12/20 3:30PM ESPN2 Tulane vs UFL
Fri 12/20 Noon ESPN Ohio vs Jax State
Thur 12/26 5:30PM ESPN Rutgers vs KSU
Thur 12/26 2:00PM ESPN sPitt vs Toledo
Fri 12/27 10:30PM ESPN TXA&M vs USC
Fri 12/27 8:00PM FOX Syr vs WSU
Fri 12/27 3:30PM ESPN GT vs Vanderbilt
Fri 12/27 7:00PM ESPN TT vs Ark
Fri 12/27 Noon ESPN OK vs Navy
Sat 12/28 11:00AM ESPN UConn vs UNC
Sat 12/28 5:45PM ESPN ECU vs NCSU
Sat 12/28 3:30PM ABC ISU vs Miami
Sat 12/28 7:30PM ABC BYU vs Colorado
Sat 12/28 Noon ABC BC vs Neb
Sat 12/28 9:15PM LA Tech vs Army
Mon 12/30 2:30PM ESPN Iowa vs Mizzo
Tues 12/31 Noon ESPN Bama vs Mich
Tues 12/31 2:00PM CBS Louisville vs Wash
Tues 12/31 3:30PM Baylor vs LSU

CFP Pick"M

Fri 12/20 8:00PM ABC IN vs Notre Dame
Sat 12/21 8:00PM ABC Tenn vs tOSU
Sat 12/21 Noon TNT SMU vs PSU
Sat 12/21 4:00PM TNT Clemson vs TX

Tues 12/31 7:30PM ESPN PSU vs BSU
Wed 1/1 1:00PM ESPN TX vs ASU
Wed 1/1 5:00PM ESPN tOSU vs Oregon
Wed 1/1 8;45PM ESPN Notre Dame vs UGA

Thur 1/9 7:30PM ESPN PSU vs ND
Fri 1/10 7:30PM ESPN tOSU vs TX

Mon 1/20 7:30PM ESPN tOSU vs Notre Dame Pts

My Picks:

WVU over Memphis 63 Pts
UNLV over Cal
JMU over WKU
UFL over Tulane
Jax State over Ohio
KSU over Rutgers
sPitt over Toledo
TXA&M over USC
Syr over WSU
GT over Vanderbilt
TT over Ark
OK over Navy
UNC over UConn
ISU over Miami
BYU over Colorado
Neb over BC
Army over LA Tech
Mizz over Iowa
Bama over Mich
Louisville over Wash
Baylor over LSU

CFP Pick"M

Notre Dame over IN
tOSU over Tenn
SMU over PSU
TX over Clemson

PSU over BSU
TX over ASU
Oregon over tOSU
UGA over Notre Dame

ND over PSU
tOSU over TX

tOSU over Notre Dame Pts 48
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Bowl Game Pick'M

WVU over Memphis (62 total points)
UNLV over Cal
JMU over WKY
Florida over Tulane
Ohio over Jax State
KSU over Rutgers
sPitt over Toledo
TXA&M over USC
Syracuse over WSU
GT over Vanderbilt
Arkansas over TT
Oklahoma over Navy
Iowa State over Miami
BYU over Colorado
Nebraska over BC
LA Tech over Army
Mizzo over Iowa
Bama over Michigan
Washington over Louisville
LSU over Baylor

CFP Pick' M

Indiana over Notre Dame
Ohio State over Tennessee
Penn State over SMU
Texas over Clemson
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Just waiting for the HC to be announce. Not sure the best way to do this, so I decided to do a two' fer Bowl game Pick'M and CFP Pick'M.

Bowl Games 22 games on the slate over an extended period of time. First game Our coachless Mountaineers Tues 12/17 at 9:00PM. Tie breaker total points scored Memphis vs WVU.

CFP Pick"M 11 games on the slate. Teams and picks will be added as the winners win. Tie breaker total points scored Championship Game

Bowl Game Pick'M

Tues 12/17 9:00PM ESPN Memphis vs WVU Pts
Wed 12/18 9:00PM ESPN Cal vs UNLV
Wed 12/18 5:30PM ESPN WKU vs JMU
Fri 12/30 3:30PM ESPN2 Tulane vs UFL
Fri 12/20 Noon ESPN Ohio vs Jax State
Thur 12/26 5:30PM ESPN Rutgers vs KSU
Thur 12/26 2:00PM ESPN sPitt vs Toledo
Fri 12/27 10:30PM ESPN TXA&M vs USC
Fri 12/27 8:00PM FOX Syr vs WSU
Fri 12/27 3:30PM ESPN GT vs Vanderbilt
Fri 12/27 7:00PM ESPN TT vs Ark
Fri 12/27 Noon ESPN OK vs Navy
Sat 12/28 11:00AM ESPN UConn vs UNC
Sat 12/28 5:45PM ESPN ECU vs NCSU
Sat 12/28 3:30PM ABC ISU vs Miami
Sat 12/28 7:30PM ABC BYU vs Colorado
Sat 12/28 Noon ABC BC vs Neb
Sat 12/28 9:15PM Marshall vs Army
Mon 12/30 2:30PM ESPN Iowa vs Mizzo
Tues 12/31 Noon ESPN Bama vs Mich
Tues 12/31 2:00PM CBS Louisville vs Wash
Tues 12/31 3:30PM Baylor vs LSU

CFP Pick"M

Fri 12/20 8:00PM ABC IN vs Notre Dame
Sat 12/21 8:00PM ABC Tenn vs tOSU
Sat 12/21 Noon TNT SMU vs PSU
Sat 12/21 4:00PM TNT Clemson vs TX
Tues 12/31 7:30PM ESPN ________ vs BSU
Wed 1/1 1:00PM ESPN _____________ vs ASU
Wed 1/1 5:00PM ESPN _____________ vs Oregon
Wed 1/1 8;45PM ESPN ______________ vs UGA
???? ?? ???? ????? _______________ vs _______________
???? ?? ???? ????? _______________ vs _______________
???? ?? ???? ????? _______________ vs _______________ Pts
WVU - 54
ARMY over LA Tech
CFB pick'M
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Just waiting for the HC to be announce. Not sure the best way to do this, so I decided to do a two' fer Bowl game Pick'M and CFP Pick'M.

Bowl Games 22 games on the slate over an extended period of time. First game Our coachless Mountaineers Tues 12/17 at 9:00PM. Tie breaker total points scored Memphis vs WVU.

CFP Pick"M 11 games on the slate. Teams and picks will be added as the winners win. Tie breaker total points scored Championship Game

Bowl Game Pick'M

Tues 12/17 9:00PM ESPN Memphis vs WVU Pts
Wed 12/18 9:00PM ESPN Cal vs UNLV
Wed 12/18 5:30PM ESPN WKU vs JMU
Fri 12/30 3:30PM ESPN2 Tulane vs UFL
Fri 12/20 Noon ESPN Ohio vs Jax State
Thur 12/26 5:30PM ESPN Rutgers vs KSU
Thur 12/26 2:00PM ESPN sPitt vs Toledo
Fri 12/27 10:30PM ESPN TXA&M vs USC
Fri 12/27 8:00PM FOX Syr vs WSU
Fri 12/27 3:30PM ESPN GT vs Vanderbilt
Fri 12/27 7:00PM ESPN TT vs Ark
Fri 12/27 Noon ESPN OK vs Navy
Sat 12/28 11:00AM ESPN UConn vs UNC
Sat 12/28 5:45PM ESPN ECU vs NCSU
Sat 12/28 3:30PM ABC ISU vs Miami
Sat 12/28 7:30PM ABC BYU vs Colorado
Sat 12/28 Noon ABC BC vs Neb
Sat 12/28 9:15PM Marshall vs Army
Mon 12/30 2:30PM ESPN Iowa vs Mizzo
Tues 12/31 Noon ESPN Bama vs Mich
Tues 12/31 2:00PM CBS Louisville vs Wash
Tues 12/31 3:30PM Baylor vs LSU

CFP Pick"M

Fri 12/20 8:00PM ABC IN vs Notre Dame
Sat 12/21 8:00PM ABC Tenn vs tOSU
Sat 12/21 Noon TNT SMU vs PSU
Sat 12/21 4:00PM TNT Clemson vs TX
Tues 12/31 7:30PM ESPN ________ vs BSU
Wed 1/1 1:00PM ESPN _____________ vs ASU
Wed 1/1 5:00PM ESPN _____________ vs Oregon
Wed 1/1 8;45PM ESPN ______________ vs UGA
???? ?? ???? ????? _______________ vs _______________
???? ?? ???? ????? _______________ vs _______________
???? ?? ???? ????? _______________ vs _______________ Pts

My Picks:

WVU over Memphis 63 Pts
UNLV over Cal
JMU over WKU
UFL over Tulane
Jax State over Ohio
KSU over Rutgers
sPitt over Toledo
TXA&M over USC
Syr over WSU
GT over Vanderbilt
TT over Ark
OK over Navy
UNC over UConn
ISU over Miami
BYU over Colorado
Neb over BC
Army over Marshall
Mizz over Iowa
Bama over Mich
Louisville over Wash
Baylor over LSU

CFP Pick"M

Notre Dame over IN
tOSU over Tenn
SMU over PSU
TX over Clemson

________ vs BSU
_____________ vs ASU
_____________ vs Oregon
______________ vs UGA
_______________ vs _______________
_______________ vs _______________
_______________ vs _______________ Pts
I'm not sure how you want to play the CFP, but it is basically an NCAA style basketball bracket imposed on CFB. There is a pre-set order to these games and we can play it two ways.

One way is just to pick the games as the match-ups are known, which is what @Chris from WV and @WV Cooler have done. The second way is to pick it like the MBB style bracket, meaning that your team in the first round goes forward as long as they are winners and you pick correctly.

The actual bracket is:
Fri 12/20 8:00PM ABC IN vs Notre Dame
Sat 12/21 8:00PM ABC Tenn vs tOSU
Sat 12/21 Noon TNT SMU vs PSU
Sat 12/21 4:00PM TNT Clemson vs TX

12/31 - Fiesta Bowl - Boise vs. Winner smu/psu
1/1 - Peach Bowl - ASU vs. Winner clemson/TX
1/1 - Rose Bowl - Oregon vs. Winner tenn/tOSU
1/1 - Sugar Bowl - UGA vs. Winner indy/ND

Then the semi-finals
1/9 - Orange Bowl - winners Fiesta/ Sugar
1/10 - Cotton Bowl - winners Peach/Rose

Finals - 1/20 winners from above.

So we can pick as we go or pick the whole bracket, but I think we need to clarify.
Memphis over WV 53 pts
California over UNLV
JMU over WKU
UFL over Tulane
Ohio U over Jacksonville St
KSU over Rutgers
Pittsburgh over Toledo
TXA&M over USC
Syracuse over WSU
GT over Vanderbilt
Arkansas over Texas Tech
OKlahoma over Navy
North Carolina over UConn
NC State over ECU
Miami, FL over Iowa State
BYU over Colorado
Boston College over Nebraska
Army over Louisiana Tech
Missouri over Iowa
Alabama over Michigan
Washington over Louisville
LSU over Baylor

CFP Pick"M

Notre Dame over INDIANA
Ohio State over Tennessee
The Pennsylvania University over SMU
Texas over Clemson
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WVU 62




Change that Memphis pick to Wvu have a little faith
This is like betting, not a popularity contest.
If there were money behind it I can understand. If it was life or death I could as well but for me its just fun. When we play a team like Alabama or any of the other Big boys and 99% say we will lose and 1% pick us you will know that person is me.
If there were money behind it I can understand. If it was life or death I could as well but for me its just fun. When we play a team like Alabama or any of the other Big boys and 99% say we will lose and 1% pick us you will know that person is me.
There is much more than money involved, this is for the post-season Pick'M Title. The bragging rights are outstanding!

Make your picks!

Memphis over WVU 79 Pts
UNLV over Cal
JMU over WKU
UFL over Tulane
Ohio over Jax State
KSU over Rutgers
Toledo over sPitt
USC over TXA&M
Syr over WSU
Vanderbilt over GT
Ark over TT
Navy over OK
UConn over UNC
ISU over Miami (wish we would of recruited QBRB when he was no good)
BYU over Colorado
Neb over BC
Army over LA Tech
Mizz over Iowa
Mich over Bama
Louisville over Wash
LSU over Baylor

CFP Pick"M

Notre Dame over IN
tOSU over Tenn
PSU over SMU
TX over Clemson

PSU over BSU
TX over ASU
tOSU over Oregon
Notre Dame over UGA

Notre Dame over PSU
tOSU over TX

tOSU over Notre Dame 57 Pts
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Pennsylvania State over Boise State
Texas over Arizona State
Ohio State over Oregon
Notre Dame over Georgia

Is this the right spot?
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Just waiting for the HC to be announce. Not sure the best way to do this, so I decided to do a two' fer Bowl game Pick'M and CFP Pick'M.

Bowl Games 22 games on the slate over an extended period of time. First game Our coachless Mountaineers Tues 12/17 at 9:00PM. Tie breaker total points scored Memphis vs WVU.

CFP Pick"M 11 games on the slate. Teams and picks will be added as the winners win. Tie breaker total points scored Championship Game

Bowl Game Pick'M

Tues 12/17 9:00PM ESPN Memphis vs WVU Pts
Wed 12/18 9:00PM ESPN Cal vs UNLV
Wed 12/18 5:30PM ESPN WKU vs JMU
Fri 12/20 3:30PM ESPN2 Tulane vs UFL
Fri 12/20 Noon ESPN Ohio vs Jax State
Thur 12/26 5:30PM ESPN Rutgers vs KSU
Thur 12/26 2:00PM ESPN sPitt vs Toledo
Fri 12/27 10:30PM ESPN TXA&M vs USC
Fri 12/27 8:00PM FOX Syr vs WSU
Fri 12/27 3:30PM ESPN GT vs Vanderbilt
Fri 12/27 7:00PM ESPN TT vs Ark
Fri 12/27 Noon ESPN OK vs Navy
Sat 12/28 11:00AM ESPN UConn vs UNC
Sat 12/28 5:45PM ESPN ECU vs NCSU
Sat 12/28 3:30PM ABC ISU vs Miami
Sat 12/28 7:30PM ABC BYU vs Colorado
Sat 12/28 Noon ABC BC vs Neb
Sat 12/28 9:15PM LA Tech vs Army
Mon 12/30 2:30PM ESPN Iowa vs Mizzo
Tues 12/31 Noon ESPN Bama vs Mich
Tues 12/31 2:00PM CBS Louisville vs Wash
Tues 12/31 3:30PM Baylor vs LSU

CFP Pick"M

Fri 12/20 8:00PM ABC IN vs Notre Dame
Sat 12/21 8:00PM ABC Tenn vs tOSU
Sat 12/21 Noon TNT SMU vs PSU
Sat 12/21 4:00PM TNT Clemson vs TX

Tues 12/31 7:30PM ESPN PSU vs BSU
Wed 1/1 1:00PM ESPN TX vs ASU
Wed 1/1 5:00PM ESPN tOSU vs Oregon
Wed 1/1 8;45PM ESPN Notre Dame vs UGA

???? ?? ???? ????? _______________ vs _______________
???? ?? ???? ????? _______________ vs _______________
???? ?? ???? ????? _______________ vs _______________ Pts

My Picks:

WVU over Memphis 63 Pts
UNLV over Cal
JMU over WKU
UFL over Tulane
Jax State over Ohio
KSU over Rutgers
sPitt over Toledo
TXA&M over USC
Syr over WSU
GT over Vanderbilt
TT over Ark
OK over Navy
UNC over UConn
ISU over Miami
BYU over Colorado
Neb over BC
Army over LA Tech
Mizz over Iowa
Bama over Mich
Louisville over Wash
Baylor over LSU

CFP Pick"M

Notre Dame over IN
tOSU over Tenn
SMU over PSU
TX over Clemson

PSU over BSU
TX over ASU
Oregon over tOSU
UGA over Notre Dame

_______________ vs _______________
_______________ vs _______________

_______________ vs _______________ Pts
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The Bowl Game portion of Pick'M 2024 is complete as of last night. Only the bowl games for the CFP remain, and they are counted separately for the competition this year (at least I think they do). So, with 13 of 22 Bowl Game Pick'M contests correct the winner is....ME! WooHoo! Bragging right for at least the next two-three hours, eh? Now, see @OlegeezEER , if I had picked WVU in the bowl game, as much as I wanted them to win, I'd have lost the tie-breaker with @Chris from WV or @WESTBGVA . But instead I get the afore mentioned bragging rights for a few hours until one of my CFP picks tanks and I am cast to the curb! :joy:

There are also the three CFP Bowl Games today, which will dictate our next picks for the semi-finals next weekend and then the finals in two weeks. As much as I like having college football around a bit longer, I think I am already starting to see cracks in the 12 team playoff system. Maybe eight is better? Anyway, here's the rest of the numbers:

FALLRUN 11 222 64.35%
EXPAT 13 223 64.64%
CHRISWV 12 215 62.32%
WVCOOLER 10 217 62.90%
WESTBGVA 12 218 63.19%

Memphis over WVU 79 Pts
UNLV over Cal
JMU over WKU
UFL over Tulane
Ohio over Jax State
KSU over Rutgers
Toledo over sPitt
USC over TXA&M
Syr over WSU
Vanderbilt over GT
Ark over TT
Navy over OK
UConn over UNC
ISU over Miami (wish we would of recruited QBRB when he was no good)
BYU over Colorado
Neb over BC
Army over LA Tech
Mizz over Iowa
Mich over Bama
Louisville over Wash
LSU over Baylor

CFP Pick"M

Notre Dame over IN
tOSU over Tenn
PSU over SMU
TX over Clemson

PSU over BSU
TX over ASU
tOSU over Oregon
Notre Dame over UGA

PSU vs Notre Dame
tOSU vs TX

_______________ vs _______________ Pts
nd over penn st
t osu over tx
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After last night's game, here's where we stand:

@FallingRun84 - 7
@WVex-pat in GA - 5
@Chris from WV - 5
@WV Cooler - 6
@MichiganHerd - 10

So with one game left to play everyone has been mathematically eliminated by @MichiganHerd 's lead in the contest. Congrats on winning the CFP Challenge.

For the record, I'll take ND over tOSU, just because I hate tOSU more!
Since I clinched, I'm going to go ahead and forfeit the last game. I'm going to save the little bit of dignity I have remaining. Therefore, I refuse to pick either of these Ahole teams to win a title.
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