Olive Branch

I could really attack this argument a couple of different ways...

First, let's go with WHO does the rendering of this help/support/opportunity.

Since the 60's, the who has been assumed by the government, who is an uncaring, unfeeling entity. It simply "gives" and has, at this point, created a system of generational poverty and dependency. To the point that it eats up a large percentage of the yearly budget that therefore could be used to benefit more people if it went to roads, etc.

Put it back into the hands of the family/community and then things would change. This is what conservatives want to see happen. If Joe Smoe doesn't want to work after family and friends have helped, then Joe Smoe can starve or freeze. When a deadline is put into place, people tend to start getting motivated. When it isn't... they aren't.

Second, the term "given" is problematic. Suppose you're hungry. I give you a something to eat. We both go away feeling better. However, tomorrow you're back to being hungry again. If I give you something without any conditions, the problem is fixed only temporarily. If I show you the way to get the food for yourself, then turn you loose to get it, we both win. This is what conservatives try to do. Sadly, they often get crucified for being unfeeling for doing so by those who depend upon the downtrodden staying downtrodden.

Thank you for biting and proving my point so clearly.

One of the hallmarks of liberalism, and makes me swell with pride, is the ideology of fairness, inclusion, looking out for the disadvantaged and those taken advantage of, standing against bigotry, injustice, discrimination and a general care for the well being of others.

Healthcare in this country is one of those issues that shines a huge light on whether you truly care about the health and well being of your fellow man or you are a piece of shit trumper who doesn’t care that people die in this country simply because they can’t afford health care.
You care so much about the well being of babies that you gleefully support murdering them. Sicko. Again, get back in the circus, clown. You are nothing but an imposter, and a bad one at that.
Protecting , Uplifting, and Championing the plight of those who’s voices are marginalized exploited or attacked is precisely why I’m an unapologetic liberal/democrat.
I use my equity not for self preservation but to ensure my life is spent implementing generational and moral fairness and equality. I’m on the correct side of morality. I know this.

No you aren't if being a Democrat means keeping the "marginalized, exploited, or attacked" continuously in that state. Other than doing a lot of talking every four years and giving away lots of money with little to nothing to show for it, you keep the very things you claim to fight against going.

Nothing moral about any of that other than the feeling you are.
A government which relies on robbing Peter to pay Paul is still robbing and immoral

i won’t get into corporate welfare, that will make your head explode.

That aside, if you really view the government as robbing people, I truly feel sorry for you. You must live an absolutely, downright miserable life.

Do u attend church? Somewhat irrelevant, if you attend a church and tithe, contribute, donate, whatever, you are giving to that group so they can take your money and use it how they see is best fit to benefit others, whether that is the poor and hungry or to pay the mortgage on the pastor’s palatial mansion and payment on the Learjet. It is a pretty similar principle...except the government has safeguards in place to prevent immoral and unethical use of funds.
i won’t get into corporate welfare, that will make your head explode.

That aside, if you really view the government as robbing people, I truly feel sorry for you. You must live an absolutely, downright miserable life.

Do u attend church? Somewhat irrelevant, if you attend a church and tithe, contribute, donate, whatever, you are giving to that group so they can take your money and use it how they see is best fit to benefit others, whether that is the poor and hungry or to pay the mortgage on the pastor’s palatial mansion and payment on the Learjet. It is a pretty similar principle...except the government has safeguards in place to prevent immoral and unethical use of funds.
At church, I can willfully give whatever I want and I know where my money is going. The government forcefully takes it and gives it to whomever they want. BIG difference. God loves a cheerful giver, not a forced giver.
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No lesson needed.
i am aware you are un tenured. Luckily , you may qualify for the ACA since your income as untenured part or full time professor without health benefits..

Ignoring 4-5 posters has ushered a “heightened” conversation. I commend you for the post. These same posters who hijacked this thread are same posters the mod and correlated posters email conducting hit jobs on Democrats circulating information- some information unlawfully obtained.

case in point. It was fine in last month for the Maga monkeys to insult me with personal information when they weren’t part of the board a decade ago. How did these posters know of details 10 -15 years ago with detailed veracity?

mod was part of the production of those hit jobs. He always has operated cowardly- pin and off this board.
Turn about is fair game, right?

Then I rehashed a story Tarhreel posted on hi s own accord.(weddinggate) What happens? Canjun and other peripheral maga monkey goons appear - including Cajun posting my business operations zip code before deleting it threatening me to shut up that Tar Heel is off limits and has a stockpile of information.

simply put, the Maga monkeys want to control the agenda, tone , and narrative of board . Until Tar Heel resigns this board will never be objective or fair.

Something similar happened to me where my professional information was being dangled at me during debates. I contacted V and requested that the threads be deleted. They were and the party was warned. At the same time, I took screen shots and the communication exchange and shared with my attorney, he then advised me to contact the owner of this site with a very specific message, this has also been filed.

This should never have to be an issue on a message board, now that you mention the Mod, I am suspicious of his involvement as well.....
i won’t get into corporate welfare, that will make your head explode.

That aside, if you really view the government as robbing people, I truly feel sorry for you. You must live an absolutely, downright miserable life.

Do u attend church? Somewhat irrelevant, if you attend a church and tithe, contribute, donate, whatever, you are giving to that group so they can take your money and use it how they see is best fit to benefit others, whether that is the poor and hungry or to pay the mortgage on the pastor’s palatial mansion and payment on the Learjet. It is a pretty similar principle...except the government has safeguards in place to prevent immoral and unethical use of funds.

The difference here is that one going to church has the ability to cut off the pastor from his palatial mansion and Learjet. One has a say with his tithe or donation where that money goes and to whom.

It's funny but on one hand you rail against the government taking tax money and giving it to corporations but champion government taking tax money and giving it to someone else.

The principle behind it is the same - the government is taking money from Peter to pay Paul.
No lesson needed.
i am aware you are un tenured. Luckily , you may qualify for the ACA since your income as untenured part or full time professor

Ignoring 4-5 posters has ushered a “heightened” conversation. I commend you for the post. These same posters who hijacked this thread are same posters the mod and correlated posters email conducting hit jobs on Democrats circulating information- some information unlawfully obtained.

case in point. It was fine in last month for the Maga monkeys to insult me with personal information when they weren’t part of the board a decade ago. How did these posters know of details 10 -15 years ago with detailed veracity?

mod was part of the production of those hit jobs. He always has operated cowardly- pin and off this board.
Turn about is fair game, right?

Then I rehashed a story Tarhreel posted on hi s own accord.(weddinggate) What happens? Canjun and other peripheral maga monkey goons appear - including Cajun posting my business operations zip code before deleting it threatening me to shut up that Tar Heel is off limits and has a stockpile of information.

simply put, the Maga monkeys want to control the agenda, tone , and narrative of board . Until Tar Heel resigns this board will never be objective or fair.
First, I didn’t delete that post. Second, the only person who would have know what the zip code represented is you...until now. Third, it wasn’t a threat. It was me reminding you that if THE wanted he could post your history on the board, which is quite embarrassing. Fourth, it’s just a matter of time until your multitude of insecurities overwhelm you again. You should probably stick to discussing issues. You have a very brittle glass house when it comes to personal attacks.
Something similar happened to me where my professional information was being dangled at me during debates. I contacted V and requested that the threads be deleted. They were and the party was warned. At the same time, I took screen shots and the communication exchange and shared with my attorney, he then advised me to contact the owner of this site with a very specific message, this has also been filed.

This should never have to be an issue on a message board, now that you mention the Mod, I am suspicious of his involvement as well.....
You should be with this Maga/Republican group. They’ve been doing this for a decade and half. I’m good with outing their operations. Vernon will be contacted soon too- and not by me.

The Mod Should Resign. He lacks integrity. He’s unethical and has no business controlling or “managing” this forum.
You should be with this Maga/Republican group. They’ve been doing this for a decade and half. I’m good with outing their operations. Vernon will be contacted soon too- and not by me.

The Mod Should Resign. He lacks integrity. He’s unethical and has no business controlling or “managing” this forum.
Why should he resign? Maybe you should just leave? Nothing says you have to come here. There are millions of other message boards you can post on. Go find one instead of crying.
Are you two serious?

You allow a group of people on a message board that much control over your lives and emotions?

You're seeking legal help?

Wow! [eyeroll]
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First, I didn’t delete that post. Second, the only person who would have know what the zip code represented is you...until now. Third, it wasn’t a threat. It was me reminding you that if THE wanted he could post your history on the board, which is quite embarrassing. Fourth, it’s just a matter of time until your multitude of insecurities overwhelm you again. You should probably stick to discussing issues. You have a very brittle glass house when it comes to personal attacks.

I don’t need a lecture or threat from Tar Heels lapdog. Your post clearly implicates precisely the board issue- its Tar Heel.
Nothing said on this board bothers me, personally. I could not care less what anyone thinks about me.

What I was hoping to accomplish was some reduction of the name calling in general and the personal attacks of people in general. You are assuming my post was made from a personal standpoint. It is not. I just get tired of the stupid, mindless, bullshit. I’ve had 2007 on ignore for several months now. I don’t want to see the mindless, “you’re a homo, you’re a racist,” etc. It adds nothing to the board, is childish and just takes up space and everyone on the board knows it is never true. Bot82 has been on ignore for years now.

But, I received the answer loud and clear. And that’s fine. Several posters will go on ignore. Several posters are as sane as Jeffrey Dahmer.

It’s cool. Carry on.


Country has me on ignore because I give back to him what he gives to the board. He is the king of personal attacks. Now that he has been exposed he is trying to give out fake olive branches.

But here is just one example of how hypocritical he is.


It's hilarious the question was even asked.

Yes, WV is racist just like most posters on this board.

Plus see the other insults to posters he has made today, even in this very thread. His kids would be embarrassed to see their dad act like such a fool.
No lesson needed.
i am aware you are un tenured. Luckily , you may qualify for the ACA since your income as untenured part or full time professor without health benefits..

Ignoring 4-5 posters has ushered a “heightened” conversation. I commend you for the post. These same posters who hijacked this thread are same posters the mod and correlated posters email conducting hit jobs on Democrats circulating information- some information unlawfully obtained.

case in point. It was fine in last month for the Maga monkeys to insult me with personal information when they weren’t part of the board a decade ago. How did these posters know of details 10 -15 years ago with detailed veracity?

mod was part of the production of those hit jobs. He always has operated cowardly- pin and off this board.
Turn about is fair game, right?

Then I rehashed a story Tarhreel posted on hi s own accord.(weddinggate) What happens? Canjun and other peripheral maga monkey goons appear - including Cajun posting my business operations zip code before deleting it threatening me to shut up that Tar Heel is off limits and has a stockpile of information.

simply put, the Maga monkeys want to control the agenda, tone , and narrative of board . Until Tar Heel resigns this board will never be objective or fair.

Paranoid schizophrenic, worried about a message board that has no personal meaning at all.

Do you know why I have the mod title? Because I was still at home most home football game nights, while all the others were at the game. It had nothing to do with this board. At all.

Your memory has failed you over 15 years. Very little you recall is accurate, but your same paranoid personality is still there. Hint-quit trying to talk yourself up and give out personal info. You do it to yourself.

I don't care what your personal info is. Ill say it again-you are nothing to me. Bugger off anonymous peon.

PS> I don't remember your name... and don't care.
I don’t need a lecture or threat from Tar Heels lapdog. Your post clearly implicates precisely the board issue- its Tar Heel.
The problem with the board as it relates to you is you attack others for the things about which you are personally insecure. You attack others’ looks, jobs, relationships, education, intelligence. Why? Because these are all among your insecurities. And let someone talk positively his relationship with his father. You go apoplectic.

You’re right that you don’t need a lecture. And I am impressed that you seem a little more stable. Hopefully for your sake it will last.
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The problem with the board as it relates to you is you attack others for the things about which you are personally insecure. You attack others’ looks, jobs, relationships, education, intelligence. Why? Because these are all among your insecurities. And let someone talk positively his relationship with his father. You go apoplectic.

You’re right that you don’t need a lecture. And I am impressed that you seem a little more stable. Hopefully for your sake it will last.

nonsensical tirade. Your opinion is derived from an biased and purposeful narrative and inferior source - individually and collectively .
The problem with the board as it relates to you is you attack others for the things about which you are personally insecure. You attack others’ looks, jobs, relationships, education, intelligence. Why? Because these are all among your insecurities. And let someone talk positively his relationship with his father. You go apoplectic.

You’re right that you don’t need a lecture. And I am impressed that you seem a little more stable. Hopefully for your sake it will last.

No, everything he has said about poserdave is 100% true. poser dave pretended to be a civil engineer, poser dave is just plain dumb, poser dave outed himself on this board and is too damn dumb to figure out how he did it, poser dave is a fatass who couldn’t run a mile if his life depended on it and poser dave is just the biggest asshole on the board who is getting exactly what he has coming to him.
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No, everything he has said about poserdave is 100% true. poser dave pretended to be a civil engineer, poser dave is just plain dumb, poser dave outed himself on this board and is too damn dumb to figure out how he did it, poser dave is a fatass who couldn’t run a mile if his life depended on it and poser dave is just the biggest asshole on the board who is getting exactly what he has coming to him.

You outed yourself too Hot Rod the Crotch Rocket Boy.
Are you two serious?

You allow a group of people on a message board that much control over your lives and emotions?

You're seeking legal help?

Wow! [eyeroll]
They're liberal demonrats, what else can you say? Just an extremely thin-skinned, safe space needing, pill popping group of deranged individuals.
No, everything he has said about poserdave is 100% true. poser dave pretended to be a civil engineer, poser dave is just plain dumb, poser dave outed himself on this board and is too damn dumb to figure out how he did it, poser dave is a fatass who couldn’t run a mile if his life depended on it and poser dave is just the biggest asshole on the board who is getting exactly what he has coming to him.

MAGA monkeys want to control the narrative no matter how illiterate, illogical, erroneous, or unethical their group plays at operating and controlling board content.
No, everything he has said about poserdave is 100% true. poser dave pretended to be a civil engineer, poser dave is just plain dumb, poser dave outed himself on this board and is too damn dumb to figure out how he did it, poser dave is a fatass who couldn’t run a mile if his life depended on it and poser dave is just the biggest asshole on the board who is getting exactly what he has coming to him.
I’ve been on the board with Dave more than 20 years and had conversations with him off the board. He holds the position of civil engineer. I never saw Dave claim to have a degree in civil engineer. My wife’s uncle had a 2-year degree as a tech. He worked his way up for TRW before being hired to the position of Supervising Engineer at a nuclear core manufacturing plant. He left there to be a operations VP for Ericsson.
MAGA monkeys want to control the narrative no matter how illiterate, illogical, erroneous, or unethical their group plays at operating and controlling board content.

I’ve been posting here about 5 or 6 years ( I’m sure someone could look it up) and based on what I’ve seen, no one will ever convince me tarheel, dave or dvldog have any integrity or honor whatsoever. I wouldn’t trust them about anything. That’s why I have never revealed my identity. In fact, dave had convinced gunny to call some general in Washington to complain because he thought I worked for the Corps of Engineers. That is the truth. Yes, that is how downright corrupt that piece of shit is.
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I’ve been on the board with Dave and had conversations with him off the board. He holds the position of civil engineer. I never saw Dave claim to have a degree in civil engineer. My wife’s uncle had a 2-year degree as a tech. He worked his way up for TRW before being hired to the position of Supervising Engineer at a nuclear core manufacturing plant. He left there to be a operations VP for Ericsson.

You don’t have a clue. Stay out of it.
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Hahahahahaha. Thin-skinned? Need a safe space?


Who has been whining for over a damn month now about the election?

Stolen, rigged, cheating.

Nobody on the right has been whining. All I've seen is a bunch of TDS cases going around.
I’ve been posting here about 5 or 6 years ( I’m sure someone could look it up) and based on what I’ve seen, no one will ever convince me tarheel, dave or dvldog have any integrity or honor whatsoever. I wouldn’t trust them about anything. That’s why I have never revealed my identity. In fact, dave had convinced gunny to call some general in Washington to complain because he thought I worked for the Corps of Engineers. That is the truth. Yes, that is how downright corrupt that piece of shit is.

Its utterly embarrassing and cringe-worthy how reductive nonsensical and illogical the GOP (majority of OT posters) are on this forum - and in Synchronicity of intimidation tactics - all enabled endorsed and sometimes orchestrated on this forum in showmanship sight or through cowardice maga group messaging - including the mods private rivals messsage.
That’s how insecure and incompetent these goons are at substantive fairness not to mention how this forum is the only minuscule importance they have in their obscure sad lives, yet they utilize mobilization tactics toward posters to minimize their individual deficiencies. It’s a sad group of “men” indeed.
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