NY's new attorney general is coming for Trump bigly

Incoming New York attorney general plans wide-ranging investigations of Trump and family

And you are proud of this? A person who is not yet seated, has not seen a single document that even hints of a crime and they already know where they are going to focus their resources. The fact that a gov. agency has stated that they are going after a private business for political reasons really says a lot about the state of NY.
And you are proud of this? A person who is not yet seated, has not seen a single document that even hints of a crime and they already know where they are going to focus their resources. The fact that a gov. agency has stated that they are going after a private business for political reasons really says a lot about the state of NY.
What is the problem with investigating potential criminal activity? If the Trumps have done nothing wrong then they have nothing to be concerned about except for some legal bills. The NYTimes has done some investigative reporting on potential Trump misdeeds that I've read so surely she knows more than I without having taken office yet.
What is the problem with investigating potential criminal activity? If the Trumps have done nothing wrong then they have nothing to be concerned about except for some legal bills. The NYTimes has done some investigative reporting on potential Trump misdeeds that I've read so surely she knows more than I without having taken office yet.

I guess nothing if you want to live in society that lets the gov. investigate something due to political beliefs. The fact that the Wall Street Journal Article used stolen tax returns that was audited at the time of submission and found to be legal makes it right? Trump was 3 years old when the tax returns were filed-they were not even his! And while you might not like it, it was legal to use these accounting practices to pass wealth from generation to generation.

Watergate started this stuff, Whitewater kept it alive and now it is just pure political theater to destroy an opponent.
And you are proud of this? A person who is not yet seated, has not seen a single document that even hints of a crime and they already know where they are going to focus their resources. The fact that a gov. agency has stated that they are going after a private business for political reasons really says a lot about the state of NY.

Damn dude. That's a pretty big rock you've been living under. LMAO!
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I guess nothing if you want to live in society that lets the gov. investigate something due to political beliefs. The fact that the Wall Street Journal Article used stolen tax returns that was audited at the time of submission and found to be legal makes it right? Trump was 3 years old when the tax returns were filed-they were not even his! And while you might not like it, it was legal to use these accounting practices to pass wealth from generation to generation.

Watergate started this stuff, Whitewater kept it alive and now it is just pure political theater to destroy an opponent.

You’re exactly right.

“Trump said “the saddest thing” about being president is that he is not supposed to give orders to the Justice Department or FBI. The president said he was “very frustrated” that he could not be involved with those agencies, and said it was “very discouraging to me” that they were not “going after Hillary Clinton.”

“Hopefully they are doing something and at some point, maybe we are going to all have it out,” Trump said Thursday on “The Larry O'Connor Show.”
I guess nothing if you want to live in society that lets the gov. investigate something due to political beliefs. The fact that the Wall Street Journal Article used stolen tax returns that was audited at the time of submission and found to be legal makes it right? Trump was 3 years old when the tax returns were filed-they were not even his! And while you might not like it, it was legal to use these accounting practices to pass wealth from generation to generation.

Watergate started this stuff, Whitewater kept it alive and now it is just pure political theater to destroy an opponent.
Has it ever occurred to you that the Trumps may have committed crimes in NY? that they used the Trump Foundation as a personal slush fund? that the crimes that Cohen just got sentenced for, Trump has been implicated in as well? (Trump directed Cohen) The Trumps and Kushners have been accused of shady dealings regarding real estate practices as well (read about it in the NY Times). I see that you have an agenda so are probably not interested in any of this.
Has it ever occurred to you that the Trumps may have committed crimes in NY? that they used the Trump Foundation as a personal slush fund? that the crimes that Cohen just got sentenced for, Trump has been implicated in as well? (Trump directed Cohen) The Trumps and Kushners have been accused of shady dealings regarding real estate practices as well (read about it in the NY Times). I see that you have an agenda so are probably not interested in any of this.

You know, I try to be objective and read/listen to different news outlets, but the NYT's is hard to read. I actually used to get the Sunday addition delivered. I did read the article that you referenced and found it to be a lot of what's and if's and like most things Trump, is filled with unidentified sources.

Did it ever occur to you that the Trump Foundation is 100% funded by Trump and it does not take outside money? Also, it has never been implicated in any illegal activity prior to him becoming a politician. On the other hand, the Clinton Foundation is also in NYC and has never been investigated. Seems odd to me, but living under a rock will do that to you.

By the way, I live 60 miles from NYC and my son currently works there. It is crazy how they run that place. He lives in NJ but has to pay the higher NY taxes because NY is one of the few states that does not reciprocate. They did give him a break as he does not have to pay the NYC occupancy tax for just living in the city, this is separate from the NYC income tax which is even higher than NJ, if you can believe that. He told me last night that they are increasing the tunnel tolls and will cost him an additional $500 per year to get to work every day. Parking in the city also took a 50% increase and you cannot park for more than 3 hours at a time or you will get a ticket which makes it extremely hard for him get around the city and see clients.
Did it ever occur to you that the Trump Foundation is 100% funded by Trump and it does not take outside money?
How do you know this?

No, Donald Trump's foundation money does not come from him

Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008

A review of the Trump Foundation's tax records by CNN finds that although the charity has received more than $4 million in contributions from other organizations and individuals and in turn donated millions to various charitable causes since 2009, Trump has not made any personal contributions to the foundation in that time.

The charity appears to have functioned in recent years as a conduit that disburses money donated by third-parties, such as World Wrestling Entertainment, which donated $1 million in 2009, and $500,000 in 2012 from NBC Universal, the company that contracted Trump's show "The Apprentice."
How do you know this?

No, Donald Trump's foundation money does not come from him

Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008

A review of the Trump Foundation's tax records by CNN finds that although the charity has received more than $4 million in contributions from other organizations and individuals and in turn donated millions to various charitable causes since 2009, Trump has not made any personal contributions to the foundation in that time.

The charity appears to have functioned in recent years as a conduit that disburses money donated by third-parties, such as World Wrestling Entertainment, which donated $1 million in 2009, and $500,000 in 2012 from NBC Universal, the company that contracted Trump's show "The Apprentice."

This is exactly what I am talking about. This is a pro Clinton article, but acknowledges that the Clinton Foundation was at least worthy of a NY AG inquiry but instead, they go after the Trump Foundation 4-5 million a year vs. 400-500 million a year, but I guess going after the small fish when the whale is in fishing hole is par for the course.
Not true at all. She’s held all sorts of NYS legal posts and probably has lots of firsthand knowledge of this.

Really, the article mentions using the NYT article as proof, but I guess the NYT is an extension of NY politics.
Another fat angry woman who had no chance to be a paid off slut for Trump.
Ok you know nothing, got it.


I have been reading your political posts for a while now and laugh at how biased you are. Hell, my gay liberal friends are more balanced than you are, but then again, you might be one of them. Did you go to the playhouse last weekend?

I have been reading your political posts for a while now and laugh at how biased you are. Hell, my gay liberal friends are more balanced than you are, but then again, you might be one of them. Did you go to the playhouse last weekend?
Is that you 2007? All you know is what you see. You have no idea to what degree that I agree with what I post. How much is troll? The OT board exists for my entertainment.
Is that you 2007? All you know is what you see. You have no idea to what degree that I agree with what I post. How much is troll? The OT board exists for my entertainment.

Sorry to enter the world that was built for you. I will go back to my shanty and keep my idea's to myself.
Full disclosure - I did not read the article. Just based on the headline and posts in this threads this seems to be an incredibly stupid move by the NY AG What investigative reasons would be behind openly stating this? Nothing at best and harmful to prosecution at worst.
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Full disclosure - I did not read the article. Just based on the headline and posts in this threads this seems to be an incredibly stupid move by the NY AG What investigative reasons would be behind openly stating this? Nothing at best and harmful to prosecution at worst.
Agree. Her statements are not the best idea she's ever had for so many reasons.
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What is the problem with investigating potential criminal activity? If the Trumps have done nothing wrong then they have nothing to be concerned about except for some legal bills. The NYTimes has done some investigative reporting on potential Trump misdeeds that I've read so surely she knows more than I without having taken office yet.

Typically you investigate a crime that was committed, and you don't target people. But you commies do you.
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When he's out of office, in 2 years, I don't think we will see him prosecuted for campaign finance law violations, and even if he is, I don't think he would be convicted (and he certainly wouldn't take a plea, he's too arrogant for that).
When he's out of office, in 2 years, I don't think we will see him prosecuted for campaign finance law violations, and even if he is, I don't think he would be convicted (and he certainly wouldn't take a plea, he's too arrogant for that).
Federally I agree....but New York? :eek:
Federally I agree....but New York? :eek:

I don't think so.

I think the left is hanging too much on this story, hoping it's going to "Take Trump Down". It's not. Trump is not going to be impeached, he's going to finish this term out and I don't think he'll run for re-election. I think he'll cite something like, "I've done all the best things I said I would do... things are fantastic... we made America great again....blah... blah... blah...." What happens to Trump after Janurary 2021, who's really going to care other than those that hate him?
I don't think so.

I think the left is hanging too much on this story, hoping it's going to "Take Trump Down". It's not. Trump is not going to be impeached, he's going to finish this term out and I don't think he'll run for re-election. I think he'll cite something like, "I've done all the best things I said I would do... things are fantastic... we made America great again....blah... blah... blah...." What happens to Trump after Janurary 2021, who's really going to care other than those that hate him?
Hmmmm. I wouldn't bet my life on him not being impeached. He'll never be convicted by the Senate, but I could see an impeachment. He will pardon himself and his whole crew on his way out and I wouldn't be surprised to see a state make a run at just him.
I don't think so.

I think the left is hanging too much on this story, hoping it's going to "Take Trump Down". It's not. Trump is not going to be impeached, he's going to finish this term out and I don't think he'll run for re-election. I think he'll cite something like, "I've done all the best things I said I would do... things are fantastic... we made America great again....blah... blah... blah...." What happens to Trump after Janurary 2021, who's really going to care other than those that hate him?
Let's see if you feel the same after Mueller has completed and reported.
Let's see if you feel the same after Mueller has completed and reported.

Let's see if you do too.... because I'm betting that Mueller has NOTHING on collusion with Russia to steal the election, and will only have the low hanging fruit.

Hmmmm. I wouldn't bet my life on him not being impeached. He'll never be convicted by the Senate, but I could see an impeachment. He will pardon himself and his whole crew on his way out and I wouldn't be surprised to see a state make a run at just him.

Nancy's going to feel the pressure to impeach, but she'd be crazy to do so. It would only be used as political fodder in the 2020 elections and I don't think would benefit the Dems at all, especially if they impeach over this alleged campaign issue. They'll need real meat to impeach.
Let's see if you do too.... because I'm betting that Mueller has NOTHING on collusion with Russia to steal the election, and will only have the low hanging fruit.

Nancy's going to feel the pressure to impeach, but she'd be crazy to do so. It would only be used as political fodder in the 2020 elections and I don't think would benefit the Dems at all, especially if they impeach over this alleged campaign issue. They'll need real meat to impeach.
I think the Cohen felonies are the least of what will be brought against Trump. I think obstruction of justice is pretty obvious of which there will be many counts that will take many pages of the report to document them all (actions and tweets). I think they'll provide evidence of collusion and that there will be several instances of it. I think there is witness tampering (tweets). I'm sure I'm leaving out other "dirty deeds".
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