New AG urging for Adams case to be "dismissed"?

You fuking knob....the people using the system to buy votes are the waste we voted him in to destroy. Thanks for at least admitting he is doing it correctly. Your purpose here was to get destroyed. Your low IQ made it easy
Go get that coffee.
That’s just not the case. If there are fraudulent cases, those should be handled appropriately. Obama and Biden significantly lowered the bar altering what is considered eligible. You don’t just change and alter that without an appropriate path and plan to address it. You can still audit Medicaid. Bannon clearly said you don’t take a meat axe to it. Agreed. Medicaid is different than DEI. DEI provides no value and those are things you can take a meat axe to.

What you want is not happening, and what you want is there to be negative publicity. I’m sorry that the administration is being more methodical than you want. You can run your mouth and say whatever you want. You’re pushing water up a hill. You’re not even making a dent. You’re in the extreme minority of people opposed to what DOGE is doing. You’re using straw men arguments that are so transparent it’s beyond laughable. Looking at the thread, literally no one is biting on your argument. You just look foolish.
Correct, but you’re trying to make it somehow a controversial thing.

Medicaid needs reformed: Fact. We all agree. But it needs to be done methodically so as to not hurt people. Fact. Many on Medicaid are Trump supporters. Fact.

There is nothing controversial about these facts, but you’re trying to make it that. I’m sorry these guys are doing things the right way and you’re not getting your narrative.

And again, the rest of the cuts being recommended and executed provide no value whereas Medicaid does. You have to do it differently.

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You can run your mouth and say whatever you want. You’re pushing water up a hill. You’re not even making a dent. You’re in the extreme minority of people opposed to what DOGE is doing. You’re using straw men arguments that are so transparent it’s beyond laughable. Looking at the thread, literally no one is biting on your argument. You just look foolish.
Exactly and as a matter of fact the bold is not at all difficult for that particular poster to accomplish! It's in his DNA. 😏
That poster is fraudulently trying to point out hypocrisy on the part of Bannon, Trump & DOGE for excusing certain Medicaid recipients or not holding them accountable on fraudulent Medicaid payments. However no such thing is true! They're trying to separate the legitimate payments from the fraudulent scamming and making sure they're careful to notice the difference! A distinction worth mentioning.

Of course to that fraudulent poster and the rest of the phony Socialist Left, all the Medicaid payments are legitimate, there is no fraud except what Trump is trying to skim off for himself and his rich buddies. :rolleyes: (another Leftist poster actually believes that caca) However they remain virtually silent over the literally T-R-I-L-L-I-O-N-S that have been stolen or squandered as these DOGE auditors forge on uncovering corruption and deceit with each audit trail.

One unmistakable iron clad assurance from the Left you can bank on is they will always accuse their opponents of what they are guilty of. In this case both hypocrisy and fraud are brilliantly on display from the Left, gloriously illuminated by comments from that particular poster ITT. 😏
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You fuking knob....the people using the system to buy votes are the waste we voted him in to destroy. Thanks for at least admitting he is doing it correctly. Your purpose here was to get destroyed. Your low IQ made it easy
"Your purpose here was to get destroyed. Your low IQ made it easy"

Dave with the knockout punch.👍👍
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"Your purpose here was to get destroyed. Your low IQ made it easy"

Dave with the knockout punch.👍👍
That's my man @dave in the red trunks! ;)

That's MWV getting his ass knocked into the cheap seats! :joy: