'Ya know you had me laughing so hard the other day when you said that particular poster was "so full of sh*t, his skin was brown"...not only was that side splittingly funny, it was spot on too pinning the sh*t on that guy who's about as honest as someone who lays a stink bomb fart in Church, then tries to pretend they don't know where it came from?
You called him on his two faced phoniness, and I've posted a veritable encyclopedia ITT of alleged Biden criminal activity which he and the rest of the indifferent Left have had zero, zippo, zilch, nada ...to say about
any of it other not being "opposed" to any of it being investigated.
Well as of today, none of it has been, and he's equally "OK" with that little factoid too! 😒
Way to call that charlatan out on the board!