more videos in an endless & ongoing list of videos that show the world exactly who commits violence & exactly who suffers violence.


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

Video 1: A group of Black females attack a White female at Target.

Video 2: A massive group of Black males attack and attempt to murder a White male at the mall next door to the Target where the attack in Video 1 took place (victim is possibly Asian - conflicting reports).

Both videos are from this past weekend.

These videos are not cherrypicked.

These videos are not rare.

These videos are not random.

These are but two more videos in an endless and ongoing list of videos that show the world exactly who commits violence and exactly who suffers violence.

There's no "lack of context" for flying two-footed head-stomps on the skull of a defenseless kid in the fetal position on a tile floor.
This is reality playing out in front of your eyes, and if your mind wants to distort that into anything other than what it is, that's because your psyche has been head-stomped by Con Inc.

White people - White children - are under the constant threat of Anti-White violence in America, and not one politician will say a word in White people's defense.

The GOP has caucuses, community centers, campaigns, and legislation explicitly for Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and Jews.
And for White people - the number one victims of violence and hate?

Silent disdain as we are institutionally disenfranchised from the top-down and physically attacked from the bottom-up.

Whistleblowers expose the FBI for framing innocent White Americans for nonexistent "hate crimes" and "domestic terror?"

GOP silence.

White elementary schoolers in Ohio are taken hostage by Black students on their school playground, beaten and terrorized, and forced to pledge allegiance to "Black Lives Matter?"

GOP silence.

Whites officially become the number one victims of violent crimes committed by both Blacks and Latinos (not interracial violent crimes; total violent crimes) in America?

GOP silence.

We've seen a concentrated effort by "Conservative influencers" lately to downplay the nonstop stream of Anti-White violence videos as some sort of fabricated "eXtReMiSt pSyOp" meant to "DiViDe uS."

They can't counter the reality of infinity Anti-White violence videos with videos proving "wHiTe PeOpLe dO iT ToO!" - because there are no videos of "White people doing it too." So instead, these phonies simply shout the catchphrases that got us into this mess - "Muh colorblindness! Muh MLK!" - and hope it's enough to make their followers stop sharing - and stop believing - reality.

Rest assured, if there were videos of "White people doing it too," no one would have to go looking for them as they'd be injected into the eyeballs of humanity at a 100% White People Bad vaccination rate.

The lesson here, of course, is that the people committing Anti-White violence aren't the problem...
Showing the people committing Anti-White violence is the problem.

When you're a protected class - meaning literally everyone other than straight White people - that means you're protected from criticism when you attack the only legally unprotected, legally targeted class: straight Whites.


Video 1: A group of Black females attack a White female at Target.

Video 2: A massive group of Black males attack and attempt to murder a White male at the mall next door to the Target where the attack in Video 1 took place (victim is possibly Asian - conflicting reports).

Both videos are from this past weekend.

These videos are not cherrypicked.

These videos are not rare.

These videos are not random.

These are but two more videos in an endless and ongoing list of videos that show the world exactly who commits violence and exactly who suffers violence.

There's no "lack of context" for flying two-footed head-stomps on the skull of a defenseless kid in the fetal position on a tile floor.
This is reality playing out in front of your eyes, and if your mind wants to distort that into anything other than what it is, that's because your psyche has been head-stomped by Con Inc.

White people - White children - are under the constant threat of Anti-White violence in America, and not one politician will say a word in White people's defense.

The GOP has caucuses, community centers, campaigns, and legislation explicitly for Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and Jews.
And for White people - the number one victims of violence and hate?

Silent disdain as we are institutionally disenfranchised from the top-down and physically attacked from the bottom-up.

Whistleblowers expose the FBI for framing innocent White Americans for nonexistent "hate crimes" and "domestic terror?"

GOP silence.

White elementary schoolers in Ohio are taken hostage by Black students on their school playground, beaten and terrorized, and forced to pledge allegiance to "Black Lives Matter?"

GOP silence.

Whites officially become the number one victims of violent crimes committed by both Blacks and Latinos (not interracial violent crimes; total violent crimes) in America?

GOP silence.

We've seen a concentrated effort by "Conservative influencers" lately to downplay the nonstop stream of Anti-White violence videos as some sort of fabricated "eXtReMiSt pSyOp" meant to "DiViDe uS."

They can't counter the reality of infinity Anti-White violence videos with videos proving "wHiTe PeOpLe dO iT ToO!" - because there are no videos of "White people doing it too." So instead, these phonies simply shout the catchphrases that got us into this mess - "Muh colorblindness! Muh MLK!" - and hope it's enough to make their followers stop sharing - and stop believing - reality.

Rest assured, if there were videos of "White people doing it too," no one would have to go looking for them as they'd be injected into the eyeballs of humanity at a 100% White People Bad vaccination rate.

The lesson here, of course, is that the people committing Anti-White violence aren't the problem...
Showing the people committing Anti-White violence is the problem.

When you're a protected class - meaning literally everyone other than straight White people - that means you're protected from criticism when you attack the only legally unprotected, legally targeted class: straight Whites.

Reparations for keeping these animals in jail where they belong
"We are becoming a third world country."

"71.5% of Black high school juniors in San Francisco cannot read at a proficient level."

Imagine giving these people $5M each.

The outcomes will be insane.


Diversity- fewer Whites

Inclusion - exclusion of Whites

Equity - inequitable outcomes for Whites