Main yield curve inverted. This really makes the tax cuts (especially

Nice attempt at misdirection, I don’t think anyone who isn’t a Liberal Trump hater fell for it, but again, (A) for effort.

All they do on the Left is lie 79eer.
They lie they are now worried about deficit spending, while they were silent all through the Obama years as he ran up record debt.

They lie they favor middle class tax cuts, all the while they complain about "crumbs" they're demanding back.

They lie about privately cheering for the economy to collapse, while they lie all the recent great economic news is all because of Obama.

They lie about being Socialists, while they argue for every Socialist program under the Sun.

Now they're lying about the onset of a recession, knowing full well it's all they can do is lie about it trying to scare folks into not re-electing Trump.

Who wants to listen to a bunch of liars?

People who believe lies.

Now they're lying about the onset of a recession, knowing full well it's all they can do is lie about it trying to scare folks into not re-electing Trump.
That was a trial run by the Lame Stream Media. Went over like a turd in the punch bowl, when Yellen and other’s discredited their foolishness. Hence not a word today, ........ zero, zip, nada in the media about the looming recession. The only ones who fell for it are the wizard economists on the OT board.
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Maher: I'm "Hoping" For "A Crashing Economy" So We Can Get Rid Of Trump, "Bring On The Recession"
Typical Hollywood Liberal Democrat, I’ve got my millions, but I vote Democrat because they look out for the little guy. Unfortunately he is not alone in his desperate little insane world.
.........Recession's canceled everyone ....... 2’ & 10’s no longer inverted, now 3.5 bps

...........The recession’s been called off, everybody can get back in the pool.
Did someone get the recession to say something racist?
The recession is going to happen. The only question now is if there is enough bullets left in the gun to stave off a depression. Considering the Trumo Administrations general incompetence to deal with a crisis, how can we discount the possibility of a much worse situation that 2007?
That's the most likely.
Past wisdom, knowledge, and insight provided,
......... Priceless
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Know what I find so interesting? Do ya'll remember how quick the Left was to give Obama credit for Trump's roaring economy? Has anyone even bothered to blame Trump for how bad Biden has screwed up? I mean not even @NYC_Eer who admits he hates Trump hates him bad enough to blame him for Biden's F'ups!

He won't tell you why he voted for Biden other than he hated Trump, but he doesn't hate him enough to blame Trump for the economic train wreck of the guy HE actually voted for.

Guess even a hate filled anti-Trumper knows a genuine creepy loser when he votes for one? 😜
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I would have thought all the Democrats who kept telling us how bad Trump was/is would be on here proving they was right . Biden is doing everything they wanted , relax on crime , letting China azz rape us & take over Taiwan, Russia can do whatever they want & north Korea & Iran are up & rolling. He stopped our energy production & started handing out checks & crack pipes .
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I would have thought all the Democrats who kept telling us how bad Trump was/is would be on here proving they was right . Biden is doing everything they wanted , relax on crime , letting China azz rape us & take over Taiwan, Russia can do whatever they want & north Korea & Iran are up & rolling. He stopped our energy production & started handing out checks & crack pipes .
Many democrats voted to hurt themselves and the country cause they didn't like Trump. We have people in Va fighting a natural gas pipeline when there is 250,000 miles of pipeline already.
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Many democrats voted to hurt themselves and the country cause they didn't like Trump. We have people in Va fighting a natural gas pipeline when there is 250,000 miles of pipeline already.
I made great gobbly gobbs putting a lot of that in ....oh the beer I drank ...the money I saved..
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Know what I find so interesting? Do ya'll remember how quick the Left was to give Obama credit for Trump's roaring economy? Has anyone even bothered to blame Trump for how bad Biden has screwed up? I mean not even @NYC_Eer who admits he hates Trump hates him bad enough to blame him for Biden's F'ups!

He won't tell you why he voted for Biden other than he hated Trump, but he doesn't hate him enough to blame Trump for the economic train wreck of the guy HE actually voted for.

Guess even a hate filled anti-Trumper knows a genuine creepy loser when he votes for one? 😜
I’ve said several times that I didn’t particularly like DJT. But I did like his policies and their impact on my investments/wallet. He had a good grasp on what his decisions would do to the economy, Biden is basically clueless.
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