Main yield curve inverted. This really makes the tax cuts (especially

Retail sales surge in July in a reassuring sign for the U.S. economy.
Marketwatch Thu. Aug 15, 2019

Isn't it interesting @79eer how the Left gets more excited about a potential economic slowdown or recession than they do cheering ongoing good news such as this?

Telling wouldn't you agree?
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Retail sales surge in July in a reassuring sign for the U.S. economy.
Marketwatch Thu. Aug 15, 2019
America and Americans, always better off when workers decide when and where to spend their money vs. handing it over in the form of taxes.
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Isn't it interesting @79eer how the Left gets more excited about a potential economic slowdown or recession
Telling wouldn't you agree?
No different than MSM trying to convince the general public of “ the big bad looming recession “. I would guess some of the Libs on here would rather see their friends and family suffer the consequences of a recession than see Trump re-elected. Don’t worry, it’s all good, ...... guaranteed. A lot of $$$ to be made going against MSM continuous recession chant.
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July’s gain in core retail sales suggested strong consumer spending early in the third quarter, though the pace will likely slow from the April-June quarter’s robust 4.3% annualized rate. Consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of the economy, is being underpinned by the lowest unemployment rate in nearly HALF A CENTURY.
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America and Americans, always better off when workers decide when and where to spend their money vs. handing it over in the form of taxes.
Thanks for agreeing with me on tariffs finally!
Why does talk of a possible recession make you so mad?

The recession is going to happen. The only question now is if there is enough bullets left in the gun to stave off a depression. Considering the Trumo Administrations general incompetence to deal with a crisis, how can we discount the possibility of a much worse situation that 2007?
The recession is going to happen. The only question now is if there is enough bullets left in the gun to stave off a depression. Considering the Trumo Administrations general incompetence to deal with a crisis, how can we discount the possibility of a much worse situation that 2007?
I have no idea if there will be a recession or not but things are certainly softening up a good bit of late. Trump needs a good economy to get re-elected so expect Trump's criticism of the Fed to be come even more shrill going forward.
The recession is going to happen. The only question now is if there is enough bullets left in the gun to stave off a depression. Considering the Trumo Administrations general incompetence to deal with a crisis, how can we discount the possibility of a much worse situation that 2007?
Stopping the tariff war is a pretty big f'n bullet.
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See incompetence.

To stop tarrifs, he has to admit they were part of what caused it to happen and a terrible idea. Hes incapable of that.
Well. He could also completely cave, declare victory, talk about how he put farmers back to work etc and watch his worshipers defend him to death. For 18 months the administration claimed China was paying for the tariffs, not the American consumer or American manufacturer. This week they partially delayed select tariffs in order to avoid the American consumer paying for the tariffs for Christmas. :joy::joy::joy: His supporters didn't bat an eye. They'll declare any end to the trade war as an ultimate win by Trump.
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July’s gain in core retail sales suggested strong consumer spending early in the third quarter, though the pace will likely slow from the April-June quarter’s robust 4.3% annualized rate. Consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of the economy, is being underpinned by the lowest unemployment rate in nearly HALF A CENTURY.

Sure looks like a recession to me. Inverted yields notwithstanding. [eyeroll]
Well. He could also completely cave, declare victory, talk about how he put farmers back to work etc and watch his worshipers defend him to death. For 18 months the administration claimed China was paying for the tariffs, not the American consumer or American manufacturer. This week they partially delayed select tariffs in order to avoid the American consumer paying for the tariffs for Christmas. :joy::joy::joy: His supporters didn't bat an eye. They'll declare any end to the trade war as an ultimate win by Trump.

Yeah that's all true. But there is also the scenerio where the economy starts to crumble, Trump goes full protectionist/nationalist and increases tarrifs, saying we need to protect American jobs.
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Well. He could also completely cave, declare victory, talk about how he put farmers back to work etc and watch his worshipers defend him to death. For 18 months the administration claimed China was paying for the tariffs, not the American consumer or American manufacturer. This week they partially delayed select tariffs in order to avoid the American consumer paying for the tariffs for Christmas. :joy::joy::joy: His supporters didn't bat an eye. They'll declare any end to the trade war as an ultimate win by Trump.

Or the Chinese could be sending signals they're now ready to talk. That could happen too (it has) and just piss you folks on the Left right the Hell off huh?
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Yeah that's all true. But there is also the scenerio where the economy starts to crumble, Trump goes full protectionist/nationalist and increases tarrifs, saying we need to protect American jobs.

There is also the scenario when you finally pay off your bet and leave this forum or at least stop posting all of your BS.
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Yeah that's all true. But there is also the scenerio where the economy starts to crumble, Trump goes full protectionist/nationalist and increases tarrifs, saying we need to protect American jobs.
That's the most likely. Everyone will just blame Powell and them China rootin' commies.
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lmfao, arguing economics with folks that think Donnie is a stable genius.

LMFAO, arguing intelligence with an imbecile who thinks they're offering something constructive to the discussion.[eyeroll]
See incompetence.

To stop tarrifs, he has to admit they were part of what caused it to happen and a terrible idea. Hes incapable of that.

The inverted curve means that short term bonds are paying more than long term bonds. Tariffs are a "now" thing, if it was hurting the economy, would that not lower short term bond yields?

The last inverted curve was due to the looming housing crisis. What is looming in our future right now? Also, it appears that the global market is trending down. Is this a result of the global market downturn or the result of the two titans in a pissing match?
Also, it appears that the global market is trending down. Is this a result of the global market downturn or the result of the two titans in a pissing match?
Not sure it's either or. Combination of both and other factors. I think the pressing issue is global uncertainty due to tariffs, protectionist language, etc. The global downturn is mostly related to tariff driven uncertainty for global trade and supply lines. Just listen to CEO's.

Cisco's Chuck Robbins on China: "Where they have optionality, they're favoring local vendors. We don’t know if that’s a short-term thing or a long-term thing."

Uncertainty is paralyzing the global economy.
The inverted curve means that short term bonds are paying more than long term bonds. Tariffs are a "now" thing, if it was hurting the economy, would that not lower short term bond yields?

The last inverted curve was due to the looming housing crisis. What is looming in our future right now? Also, it appears that the global market is trending down. Is this a result of the global market downturn or the result of the two titans in a pissing match?

The inverted curve comes from people jumping into short term bonds because they are afraid of the near term and are looking for a safer place than stocks. So, it is a now thing.
The inverted curve comes from people jumping into short term bonds because they are afraid of the near term and are looking for a safer place than stocks. So, it is a now thing.
It can be. This time seems to be a slight jumping into safe, short term bonds AND a collapsing long term outlook (due to tariffs and uncertainty) causing the inversion. Maybe we skirt a recession and have years of flat growth and exploding deficits? Hoo ray?
The inverted curve comes from people jumping into short term bonds because they are afraid of the near term and are looking for a safer place than stocks. So, it is a now thing.

I have been trying to educate myself about this and one thing is certain, it is more complex than some people trying to get out of the stock market. Lots to ponder here.
It can be. This time seems to be a slight jumping into safe, short term bonds AND a collapsing long term outlook (due to tariffs and uncertainty) causing the inversion. Maybe we skirt a recession and have years of flat growth and exploding deficits? Hoo ray?

Yippeeeeee. Stagnation is a cool word.
I have been trying to educate myself about this and one thing is certain, it is more complex than some people trying to get out of the stock market. Lots to ponder here.
Here’s another certainty, ..... if you take ANY of these Wing Nuts seriously , ........ you’re pondering way too much.
Not sure it's either or. Combination of both and other factors. I think the pressing issue is global uncertainty due to tariffs, protectionist language, etc. The global downturn is mostly related to tariff driven uncertainty for global trade and supply lines. Just listen to CEO's.

Cisco's Chuck Robbins on China: "Where they have optionality, they're favoring local vendors. We don’t know if that’s a short-term thing or a long-term thing."

Uncertainty is paralyzing the global economy.

Why are the tariffs bad when they're reciprocal? No one had a problem when we were getting reamed by them. Bohunk on them resorting to local suppliers. Without our market for their finished goods and our suppliers for what they can't produce, they're Ramen Noodles.
Maybe we skirt a recession and have years of flat growth and exploding deficits? Hoo ray?

How is that any different from what we had from 2009-2016? Then it was called the " new normal". Now it's Obama's economy?o_O
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Fed's Bullard says ONLY 'sustained' bond inversion would be 'bearish' signal
St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President James Bullard speaks at a public lecture in Singapore October 8, 2018.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The inversion of portions of the Treasury bond yield curve this week would “have to be sustained over a period of time” to be taken as a “bearish” signal for a U.S. economy, St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard said on Thursday.
............ Guy clearly doesn’t know what he is talking about. Must not read the OT board or listen to MSM.
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Fed's Bullard says ONLY 'sustained' bond inversion would be 'bearish' signal
St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President James Bullard speaks at a public lecture in Singapore October 8, 2018.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The inversion of portions of the Treasury bond yield curve this week would “have to be sustained over a period of time” to be taken as a “bearish” signal for a U.S. economy, St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard said on Thursday.
............ Guy clearly doesn’t know what he is talking about. Must not read the OT board or listen to MSM.


The United States is now, by far, the Biggest, Strongest and Most Powerful Economy in the World, it is not even close! As others falter, we will only get stronger. Consumers are in the best shape ever, plenty of cash. Business Optimism is at an All Time High!

Yeah but @WVUCOOPER knows better. He's Conservative. He knows everything.

We got a total of 20-24 months of the tax cuts until a recession kicks in? Yuck. At least we can get the Dow to break 26,000 later this week when the fed cuts rates in an emergency meeting. Only about the 20th time we'll break 26,000 since late 2017
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We got a total of 20-24 months of the tax cuts until a recession kicks in?

This is exactly what your Democrat friends said would be the result of passing the tax cuts two years ago. This has been a terribly long recession as a result 24 months later wouldn't you agree?

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